CHOICE 06 - Mysterious Room

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Midoriya's POV

I slowly opened my sleepy eyes. I couldn't believe I was asleep.

When did I fall asleep?

I yawned. I stretched out my body a bit. I got up from the bed and slided the curtain slightly.

It was night already.

I closed the curtain and walked to the door. I opened the door and left the room.

Why did it feel so quiet?

Usually,time like this, at downstairs, it would be veey lively with the villains chatting about...their next plans or arguing in stupid fight.

But it was very quiet today...

I went downstairs and I was right,no one was here. My eyes suddenly caught a mysterious door that I had never seen before. A metal door.

Something about the door peaked my interest so I slowly approached it. I pushed the door slightly.

It wasn't lock.

The door slowly cricked opened,revealing a room. The room was very dark and I couldn't see anything.

I entered the room. Something was calling me to enter this room even though my instincts warned me not to enter it.

I stepped slowly into the room,trying not to make any noise. The villains might be in this base. I closed the door.

I suddenly felt I stepped on a thick liquid. I stopped and took a look at my shoes.

I touched the liquid with my finger and observed the liquid. My heart pounded fastly after recognizing the liquid.

I-It was...


My body trembled and I fell on the floor with my body facing the floor. I felt more thick liquid on my clothes,hands and face. I got up and stared at my hands and it was blood!

There was blood everywhere!

Tears streamed down fastly from my emerald eyes. My face and hands were dirty with blood. My clothes were soaking wet with blood too.

I wanted to scream but my voice wouldn't come out. I was too scared and shocked. But something about this made me felt...nostalgic.

Why did I feel like I had been here before?

A feeling of deja vu hit me. I observed the entire room. My head suddenly started throbbing. I held my aching head and hissed in pain.

All of sudden, an image appeared in my mind. It was blurry but I still could see it.

I saw two men,an old man and a man in suit. They were in a room. There was a vital chamber. The chamber was fulled of water and...and...!

There was a little girl in there!

The pain in my head became more painful till the point I couldn't bear it anymore. "ARGH!!!!!!" I screamed in immense pain.

Dabi's POV

All villains already left the base to meet this Doctor and I was assigned to watch the base and Izuku since she was sleeping.

I left the bathroom and went to my room. I opened the door slightly and Izuku...wasn't in there!

What the heck?! Where did she go?!

I started to panic and looked for her around the base but she could never be found!

Bathroom,kitchen,the other rooms. I searched for her everywhere! I sighed and went downstairs.

"ARGHH!!!" I heard a scream coming from the metal door.

Wait,that door....

I ran towards the door and slammed opened it. I saw Izuku sitting on the floor.

She was trembling and her face...fulled of fear and horror. "Izuku!" I called out her name and quickly approached her.

I hugged her trembling body. Izuku clutched my cloak firmly.

"It's okay,Izuku.It's me..." I whispered into Izuku's ears to calm her down.

Izuku's cries became louder. I was very glad all villains weren't here or they would kill her for being noisy.

I lifted Izuku's light body up with my strong arms and carried her bridal style out of the room. Izuku buried her face in my chest.

"Izuku..." I called her out softly. Izuku raised her head slightly and looked in my navy blue eyes with her teary eyes.

Her eyes...full of sadness and fear.

Now that we were outside, I could see her outfits was soaked in blood. Her hands and face were dirty with blood.

What she was doing in that room,after all?

If Handsman found out this...
He would kill Izuku...

I brought Izuku upstairs to my room and walked to the bathroom. I put her into the bathtub.

"Izuku...we've to clean you..." I told her but Izuku didn't respond at all. She looked very traumatized and only kept quiet.

"Hope you don't mind..." I said. I sighed and slowly took off her attire,exposing her smooth skin. I only left her in her underwears. I folded my sleeves.

I blushed slightly and continued my work. I showered her body with the shower.

The blood slowly came off of her body. I rubbed her body gently.

Crap,I was getting turned on now...

"D-Dabi...?" Izuku said my name all of sudden. I raised my head and saw her blushing.

"W-W-What are you doing?" She asked me in total confusion. "I told you just now I wanna clean you. You're dirty with blood." I explained.

My heart was pounding faster than before. My blood was coursing faster through my veins at crazy speed.

Izuku's face darkened with red shades,same as me. "Izuku..." I called her out in desperation.

I got closer to her face. Izuku was panting heavily and I could feel her hot breath on my lips.

I slowly locked my lips with her minty lips. I threw the brush in on the floor and cupped her soft cheeks.

"Ngh~" Izuku moaned slightly between kisses. I shoved my tongue deeper in her mouth and explored it. Izuku tried to pull back from me but I cupped her cheeks still.

We both broke apart for air after a few good minutes of steamy kisses. I stopped my action and got up. I threw a towel on her face.

"Get yourself dry up,kid. Make it fast." I said and left the bathroom.

Midoriya's POV

What did I just do with Dabi????

W-We were making out! Why did we do this?! Why did I accept his invitation?!

My face woudln't stop flushing red. I got out from the bathtub and dried up myself.

Wait,I still didn't have any clean clothes.

I sighed and wrapped my half-naked body with the towel. I popped out my head and saw Dabi was sitting on his bed while looking through his phone.

"Dabi..." I called him. Dabi heard me and raised his head."What?" He asked. "C-Clothes..." I answered shortly.

Dabi got up and opened his drawer. He handed over the clothes.

I was about to take it from him when he suddenly pulled his hands back.

Dabi was smirking at me. "Want me to dress you up?" He asked me in seductive tone.

My cheeks heated up. I quickly snatched the clothes from his hands.

"I-It's okay. I can do it by myself." I politely refused and then went straight into the bathroom.

I slammed the door closed and caused a loud bang to be heard in the room.

I quickly put on the clothes. Dabi gave me an oversized black hoodie and a loose long pants.

Well,this was man's attire after all. Of course it wouldn't fit me.

I left the bathroom and Dabi was still sitting on his bed.He got up all of sudden and approached me. "How are you feeling,Izuku?" He asked me in concern.

Now he started calling me with my first name.

"F-Fine..." I replied shortly and averted my eyes from his stares. "Hey,Izuku..." Dabi got closer to me and stepped back until my back made contact with the walls.

Dabi pinned me to the wall. "Wanna continue...?" Dabi smirked seductively at me.

My heart wouldn't stop beating fast and my cheeks kept heating up as I gazed into Dabi turquoise eyes...


AN- Woop,woop. Dabi has made his move. I think this chapter and the previous one is fulled of confusion.

Hope ya guys be patient XD

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