CHOICE 09 - Dabi and Shouto

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A few minutes before...

Todoroki's POV

I walked in the quiet district. I just returned from the hospital,visiting mother. Our conversation played in my mind.


Third Person's POV

"Shouto." Rei called out her beloved son. Shouto raised his head and stared at his mother. "Yes,Mom?" He replied.

"Where is Izuku?" Rei asked,looking for the greenette she missed so much.

Shouto was very shocked by her question. He only remained silent. "M-Midoriya..." Shouto stuttered nervously. He looked down in guilty and frustration.

"I'm not be with her..." Shouto mumbled. He clenched his fists. Rei was surprised by her son's statement. "You break up with her...?" Rei asked in disbelief.

"Yeah...and now...s-she is missing..." Shouto messed his mismatched hair,feeling very frustrated and regret with his reckless action.

Rei patted her son's shoulder to comfort him. "Because of lust...pride...and ego...I-I-I threw her away..." Shouto confessed in sadness.

"And now she is missing because of me! If only I didn't cheat on her, if only I accept her from the bottom of my heart, if only I was honest with her..." Shouto's voice became croaked.

"If only I didn't break her that night...s-she won't go missing..." Shouto couldn't contain his pent-up emotion anymore.

To him,he was a monster. A monster much worse than villain. He broke his love one's heart just for lust and sexual desire.

He really did love Izuku but because of his impatience, he used Yaoyorozu's feelings to satisfy his desire.

And now his classmates hated him since he only ignored Izuku. They thought he didn't give a damn care about Izuku but in fact,he was worried sick of Izuku.

Every night, Shouto cried,regretting his action. He was mad at his stupid self.

Rei stared at his heartbroken son in sadness yet she felt a bit angry with Shoto's action.

"Shouto,look at me son..." Shouto raised his head and his eyes met his mother's gentle gazes. "Do you love her,dear?" Rei asked.

Shouto nodded in response. "Do you regret your action?" Rei asked, she sounded more serious. He quickly nodded without hesitation.

"Do you want to save Izuku?" Rei asked again,the last question that would determine her son's true intention and feelings. "Yes,I want. I'll do anything to save her!" Shouto replied.

"Then go and right your mistake,son. If you only keep crying and sobbing,nothing will change,dear. Go and save her,Shouto. Izuku needs you." Rei said in gentle voice while patting her son's head to comfort him.

Rei's words made Shouto realized something. His mother was true. He wouldn't get anywhere if he only cried and kept hoping she would come back. He shouldn't dream of it, he should make it happen.

"Thanks,Mom..." Shouto hugged his mother,feeling grateful and calm. "It's a mother's job to help her child that was in trouble,Shouto." Rei said and smiled warmly at him.

Shouto got up. "Thanks again Mom. I think I should leave now." Shouto excuses himself. Rei smiled and nodded, giving him permission to leave. "Be careful,Shouto." Rei waved a goodbye. He left the room.

~Flashback end~


Present time,

Todoroki's POV

I walked in the quiet district,thinking about Mom's advice. I was planning on join my classmates who wanted to look for Midoriya.

I would do anything to get her back...and I wanted to start all over again.

"You will just end up lying to me! Cheating on me! Leaving me! Breaking me!" I heard a familiar voice yelling. That voice came from the abandoned house.

No way...
That voice...

I swiftly ran to the house in hurry. I panted heavily as I arrived at the house.

I was in disbelief and shock state. My eyes went wide when I saw Midoriya with the villain that kidnapped Bakugou before!

"Midoriya...?" I called her out to make sure. The girl turned her back and her eyes went wide too.

"Todoroki...kun...? Midoriya stared at me in disbelief.

Third Person's POV

Todoroki was in shock state, same as Midoriya. Midoriya suddenly felt a strong grip on her hand, pulling her far away from Todoroki.

Dabi was gripping her hand firmly, feeling very pissed off and irritated to see Todoroki. "You...! Let her go!" Todoroki was ready to attack Dabi.

Dabi smirked at Todoroki cynically. He pulled Midoriya into a hug. Midoriya blushed madly.

Todoroki was really furiated when he saw Dabi doing that. "You bastard!!!" He attacked Dabi with his Ice Quirk but with cautious so that he wouldn't hurt Midoriya. He just wanted to immobilize him.

But Todoroki's Ice was completely melted by Dabi's blue fire. Dabi smirked mockingly at him.

"Is that all you've got with you,Shouto Todoroki?" Dabi mocked him."D-Dabi,please...don't hurt him..." Midoriya suddenly spoke up in sad tone.

Dabi was really furious now. He couldn't believe Midoriya was still willing to protect Todoroki even after he hurt her feelings.

Dabi suddenly got an idea. An idea to piss Todoroki off to the point he lost his mind.

Dabi broke the hug but he still embraced Midoriya's shoulders. Dabi pulled her chins and gazed inro her emerald eyes. Midoriya was still confused, still not knowing his hidden agenda.

"Izuku..." Dabi called her in desperation and needs. He gently locked his lips with her soft lips. Midoriya and Todoroki both were shocked with his sudden action.

Dabi snaked his right strong arm around Midoriya's waists to deepen the kiss. But Midoriya didn't open her lips,not permitting Dabi's tongue to enter.

Dabi bit her lower lips,causing Midoriya to gasp in pain. Dabi took this chance and entered Midoriya's wet cavern. He explored her mouth.

Their kiss became more passionate. Todoroki became angrier. Her created a big ice to attack Dabi but again, his attack was easily canceled by Dabi's flame.

Dabi continued to kiss Midoriya. Midoriya's face heated up and she was drowned in the pleasure of his gentle kiss and the taste of his sweet,minty lips. Midoriya started kissing him back and Dabi was glad with it.

Todoroki was irritated to the max now. Without hesitation, he charged towards Dabi and Midoriya,not caring of the risk.

Todoroki swiftly yanked Midoriya's collar and pulled her away from Dabi. "You bastard! Don't you ever dare to touch her!" He hollered at Dabi while hugging Midoriya.

Midoriya was snapped back into reality. She was in confusion. "T-Todoroki-kun?" She called him out with her soft,gentle voice.

Todoroki's hugs became tighter."It's okay,Midoriya. I'll save you." He said in desperation. He couldn't lose her again.

Todoroki's eyes went wide all of sudden. He quickly shoved Midoriya far away from him to the right side.

Midoriya's eyes went wide opened when she saw blue flame was charging towards Todoroki at crazy speed.


Midoriya screamed in total shock. But Todoroki was lucky enough. He barely blocked the flame with his Ice at last minute. His Ice easily melted by the flame.

Dabi was angry that his flame didn't hit his opponent. This time, he created a larger blue flame and charged it towards Todoroki again. Todoroki was glancing at Midoriya to make sure she was okay.

Todoroki still couldn't comprehend the situation as his attention was on Midoriya. He couldn't dodge the flame in time!

Todoroki shut his eyes tight, waiting for the impact.

But he didn't feel anything. He didn't feel hot or burning. Todoroki opened his eyes again. His eyes and Dabi's eyes quickly went wide when they saw the horrible view in front of them.

Midoriya was laying on the floor weakly! Her body was burning with blue flame.

"MIDORIYA!!/ IZUKU!!!" Both men screamed in unison.

Midoriya's POV

Todoroki-kun was glancing at me when I saw a large blue flame belonged to Dabi flying towards Todoroki-kun.

He wouldn't make it in time!

Todoroki-kun was still surprised. He couldn't dodge the attack. I was shocked too.

I had to protect him!

So I made a drastic action. I jumped in front of Todoroki-kun to block flame from hurting him.

My body was burning in this hot flame. I fell on the ground in pains. I only laid there,not moving an inch as I was too weak.

It was so hot...
I couldn't breathe...
It was very painful...
I was suffocating...
I...couldn't stay...awake...
My eyes...felt heavy...

"MIDORIYA!!/ IZUKU!!" I heard two voices calling me in desperation but I was too weak to answer back.

My conciousness slowly faded away....


AN-Hey guys!!!! Another update! Cuz I felt like writing My Choice now. Don't worry, I will probably,probably update Forbidden Love tonight!

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