CHOICE 14 - Love

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League of Villains' Hideout,
Dabi's room,

Third Person's POV

Dabi gazed into the greenette's green forest iris deeply as his finger unconsciously brushed her soft lips. His face was very closed to her face already, making the urge to kiss her grew stronger.

Midoriya, who was awed by his unexpected word, slowly snapped back into reality when she felt a warm touch on her lips. She looked shock when she realized how close Dabi was with her face. She quickly pushed the villain away from herself as far as she can and distanced herself while shivering in fear.

'N-No, why did he...?' Midoriya shook in fear and trauma, her mind recalled the unfortunate incident that happened between her and Todoroki. The painful feelings in her chest attacked her back as she felt her heart beat faster than usual.

And the thoughts of Dabi kissing her just now really scared her because she didn't reject him at all, instead, she loved his kiss and accepted him.

'It can't be... I... I... NO! I don't want to feel like this anymore!' Midoriya hugged herself as the thoughts and feelings she feared the most came into her mind. She looked down with fear covering her whole being.

"Izuku, are you ok--"

"Please Dabi... Please no..." Midoriya desperatedly begged. "What are you--"

"You were trying to kiss ne again just now!" The green-haired female hollered at the purple skin villain with her tears formed in her shining emerald orbs. Dabi was confused at first but then realized his doing toward Midoriya just now as he recalled what he had done.

Dabi sighed in frustration while his hands messed up his spiky raven hair. He really regretted kissing her out of nowhere just now. But he never did it because of lust, he just missed that teen greenette.

But now, his action had a bad consequence on him. He knew that Midoriya still couldn't accept anyone yet he kissed her without minding her current emotional state.

Dabi stared at the shaking seaweed-haired girl who was sobbing silently in guilty. He slowly got closer to her shivering body and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry..." He muttered into Midoriya's ear softly and then let her go.

Midoriya slowly raised her head up slightly and saw Dabi's guilty face. "Why...? Why did you do that...?" Midoriya asked between sobs, confused by his action. She looked down again.

Dabi bit his bottom lips. "I told you,Izuku. I love you..." Dabi said as he reached his hand to pat Midoriys's fluffy head but she harshly slapped his scarred hand. She raised her head with tears of frustration streamed down from her eyes.

"And I told you I won't accept any guy anymore! Forever! Why can't you understand me, Dabi?!" Midoriya exclaimed in total madness and frustration. Why Dabi couldn't understand her feelings at all?

"Just please... Stop loving me already... It's useless..." Midoriya begged in desperation as she tightened the hug on herself.

'Why...? Why did I have to feel like this again? This love and hate feelings that kept bothering me whenever Dabi is with me... I hate it... I want to get rid of it yet I want to feel it...' Midoriya shivered in fear, fear of losing her love one again.

She never hated Dabi actually. In fact, she felt comfortable with him and she admitted it to herself, Dabi was the kindest and most gentle person she had ever met in her life. But her past relationship with Todoroki really frightened her, she was afraid Dabi would leave her too if she accepted his feelings, like Todoroki did.

She had been struggling a lot and tried to fight these feelings that only seemed to grow stronger in her heart.

Dabi only let Midoriya cried from the top of her lungs. He wanted to comfort her but he knew it would only worsen the situation. He was speechless. He didn't know what to say back to her. Midoriya was experiencing mentalbreakdown right now.

Dabi's POV

I stared at Izuku who was crying loudly. Luckily, the villains were gone right now. Izuku's expression that full of misery and sufferings really hurt me. I suddenly recalled my memories with her.

Why did both women I love kept getting hurt because of me?!

Izuku covered her face with both of her hands with tears still trickled on her wet cheeks. I bit my bottom lips in frustration. My urge to comfort her kept growing.

I gulped down and slowly reached out my hands to her and quickly pulled her into a warm, tight hug. I heard she gasped in surprise and struggled to push me back. "No, let me go!" She begged.

I gritted my teeth. "I won't ever let you go!" I defied her in determination. Izuku suddenly stopped crying. "I told you Dabi, it's useless! No matter what you do, I won't accept you or any guy anymore! Never! Men are all liars!" Izuku was really serious with her determination. She smacked ny chest weakly as if she had no energy at all.

I gritted my teeth again while tightening the hug. "Izuku, no matter what you say, no matter how hateful you are toward me, I won't stop loving you..." I confessed to her and Izuku stopped smacking me.

"If you can't accept me right now, then I'll wait. I don't care how long it will take but I will keep waiting... Until you feel the same way as me..." I could hear soft sobbings coming from Izuku.

"But if I fail to win your heart and you end up with someone else in the future... I will accept it and I will still love you... I will always love you... Only you...because..." I smiled bitterly at the thought of losing her.

"Because you are my first love and I will cherish this feeling forever... No one else can replace yourself in my heart... I don't want anyone else, only you, Izuku." Izuku's gasped when I uttered those words.

It feels hurt but I have to endure it... I really need to tell her... Even if she won't accept me...

"" To my surprise, Izuku spoke up after a long time she only remained silent. I slowly broke the hug. My eyes met her teary eyes.

"You won't... Leave me alone...?" She asked, voice full of hope and trust. I was very shocked to hear her question, never excpected those words would come out of her mouth.

"I can...belive in you... Dabi?" Izuku asked again with croaky voice. I smiled warmly at her and nodded. Her eyes widened in realization. "Dabi..." She stared at me in disbelief but she still looked hesitated to trust me. She looked down in fidgety.

What can I do to make her trust me...?

An idea popped up in my mind. I suddenly recalled our conversation before. Back then, she asked me about my scars.

These scars, that I received from him...
This is a good time to reveal the truth about myself...

"Izuku... If I tell you this, will you trust me with all your heart?" I asked her in hope she would agree. "Tell me... What...?" She tilted her head confusedly. "My real name..." As expected, she was shocked.

"Wait, D-Dabi isn't your real name?!" She asked me in extreme shock. I nodded. "No one in this league know my name because I don't trust them but you... You're different, Izuku. You're the first person that I've ever trust outside of my siblings and mother..." I told her while recalling my childhood memories.

"So, will you trust me?" I asked Izuku again and she slowly smiled at me. "I will..."

I smiled back at her but then my expression changed to worry. What if she hates me when she knows my real name?

Because I was related to him after all...

I took a deep breath and gazed into her jade eyes. "Izuku... My name is..." I paused there as I was too nervous.



AN- Oh my gosh, I wonder if thsi chapter make sense. And you guys know what, I really support the theory where Dabi is Todoroki's brother and I put it in here. So sorry if this is a spoiler for those who watch anime and sorry if this chapter make no sense.

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