CHOICE 16 - Worry

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League of Villains' Hideout,
Dabi's room...

Third Person's POV

"Let's go home together!" Midoriya said with determination to bring Dabi back to the right path and to reunite him with his family. Dabi was really shocked to hear those words coming from her mouth, totally never expected to hear it.

Dabi stared at Midoriya who was looking at him with serious expression, slightly started to sweat in anxiety because of his lacks of reaction. "If you really want to meet your family again, we can run away from here and go home together." Midoriya tried to convince Dabi, both of her hands on his bare, broad shoulders

Midoriya really wanted to leave this place but not alone, with her newfound, trustworthy love. There was no way she would leave Dabi behind here, committing endless sins and drowned in the world full of bloodshed and darkness.

Dabi still remained silent, slightly scared the greenette who was worried he wouldn't accept her idea. He stared at the seaweed-haired girl in worry. "Izuku, I'm really glad you tell me this but for us to run away from the League of Villains... It's just impossible..." Dabi stated in guilty, not confident with his lover's idea.

Midoriya couldn't say anything back to defend herself since what Dabi said was simply a concrete fact that was undeniable but she still believed they could escape from League of Villains.

"B-But it is possible! With your Quirk and my Quirk--" A rush of realization hit Midoriya when she recalled the mysterious Quirk that she had been using unconsciously. "My... Quirks..." She muttered while rubbing her chins, trying to think of an answer to the unsolved mystery with her Quirk. All of sudden, the image of the room she saw back then in her dream when she was unconscious before showed uo in her mind. Midoriya gasped in pain when she felt her head throbbing achingly.

The image of the room was very blurry like the blirry image on TV but she still could see the man in suit, the old man in white coat and the little girl... in a vital chamber full of water!

'Wait, that vital chamber... It resembles the one in that room! The room with metal door!' Midoriya gasped in disbelief when she realized the similarity between the forbidden room downstairs and the room in her dream. A feeling of Dèja vu hit her again.

'I knew it... Somehow I have been here before... In this place!' Midoriya bit her bottom lips in disbelief, shocked and worried when she finally found the answer to her question. Her head was still throbbing but the pain slowly disappeared. Dabi noticed his girlfriend's change.

"Izuku, are you alright?" Dabi asked her with voice full of concern. Midoriya looked at him with a reassuring smile. "Yup, I'm fine." She assured him.

"Put that aside. I think it's possible for us to defeat the whole league. I mean, I have more than one Quirk in my body like you said before, right, Da--Touya?" Midoriya exclaimed, sounded a bit excited with her own idea. Dabi's eyes went wide in extreme shock and fear when he heard she stated that. His conversation with that old man, the one called Doctor that treated Midoriya before echoed in his mind.


A few days before Midoriya woke up,
In that Forbidden Room...

Third Person's POV

"That girl... She hasn't woken up yet?" Doctor asked Dabi. It was already two days yet Midoriya hadn't woken up at all. Dabi shook his head.

"She is still sleeping." Dabi stated as he handed over the experimental tubes to Doctor. Doctor sighed in relief which confused Dabi. "That's a good sign. She is still stable right now." The old man exclaimed with voice sounded a bit happy.

Dabi was confused to the core now and his curiousity had grew stronger. "What do you mean... By the word 'Stable'?" Dabi finally aired the question that he had been dying to ask him.

Doctor suddenly stopped his hands from doing his work, face clouded with seriousness. "That girl... Is dangerous..." He said in a bit husky voice. "She might don't look like it but that girl is crazy strong. Her powers... Her strength... Are on the whole different level than us..." He bit his bottom lips in worry.

"One wrong step and that girl is unstopable. It will become the end for all of us. That's why I'm very glad she is still stable for now." Doctor sighed in relief again, this time longer.

"But still, I can't believe Shigaraki would find out about this and then bring her here. I should be more careful..." Doctor muttered in guilty. Because of Shigaraki, he had to face this troublesome job and carrried such a heavy burden on his shoulders again. He really hoped he would not encounter Midoriya ever again but fate was really cruel to him.

Dabi was still confused and dissatisfied with his explaination so he kept listening to the Doctor's story to know more about Midoriya's background.

"And that brat had been insisiting me to awaken that thing inside her. Even though I already warn him about the danger and horrible things that could happen, he is still stubborn. Huh, kids these days..." Doctor kept ranting and wouldn't stop complaining about Shigaraki's selfish yet deadly request.

The words ' that thing inside her' peaked Dabi's interest. "What do you mean by that thing?" Dabi asked eagerly.

"That girl isn't a normal human being." Doctor answered, shocking the young villain. Dabi gasped in extreme shock. "There is a monster being residing in her mind and body. That monster is still sleeping inside her but just for a while. Any time from now, that thing will wake up again and take over both her mind and body again and then..." Doctor stopped there with a look of terrible fear was written on his face. Dabi stared at him in worry.

"She will lose... Her humanity..." Doctor's voice darkened. Dabi's eyes went completely wide. "What's it? What's the monster you're talking about?!" Dabi shook Doctor's body in desperation and immense worry.

Doctoe stared at him with regretful expression. "That monster... Is..." Doctor paused there and he muttered something, something that really shocked Dabi, a fact that he himself couldn't believe.

~End of flashback~

Third Person's POV

Dabi gritted his teeth in extreme worry while staring at Midoriya who looked confident with her plan. Since Midoriya woke up after three days, that meant she slowly became unstable.

" If I use that Quirk to destroy this building and then float all villains up in the air and then left them without deactivating my Quirk, we can use that chance to--"

"I won't allow that." Dabi spoke up in hoarse voice, cutting off Midoriya's words, leaving it mid-sentence. She gasped in disbelief. "W-Why? I think that's a good--"

"I said I won't allow it and that's it." Dabi was still stubborn, not wanting to listen to her. His voice sounded a bit more stern than before. "Why? And here I thought--"

"I SAID NO!" Dabi was really irritated to the max now, furious with his girlfriend's stubbornness. Midoriya was very shocked to see Dabi this angry toward her. Tears formed in her eyes, feeling offended with him.

Dabi stared at crying Midoriya in guilty, regretting his action and mad at himself for scolding her. He knew she just wanted to help but she didn't know about the coming danger that would appear before them.

Dabi quickly wrapped his arms around Midoriya to comfort her, pulling her into a warm, affectionate embrace. "I'm sorry, dear. I never mean to raise my voice. I'm just... Worried about you... I-I just can't bear to lose you..." Dabi patted her back gently. Midoriya sobbed silently. "W-Why did you have to worry? I'm just using my Quirks to save ourselves, that's all..." Midoriya said between sobs while burying her head in his chest.

"That's what I'm worried about, Izuku." Dabi stated. Midoriya raised her head and looked at him in confusion. Dabi gazed into her teary yet shining emerald eyes. "Izuku, no matter what the circuimstance is, no matter how hard thing is going to be, don't you ever dare to use that Quirk." Dabi told her.

Midoriya was still in confusion state. "Why...?" She asked Dabi. Dabi bit his bottom lip in dilemma. He was stucked in the middle. Should he tell her or just keep it quiet until the right time come to tell her the truth?

Beads of sweats poured on his body, signing how worry and anxious he was. Dabi took a deep breath. "Izuku, you are–"

"IZUKU-CHAN!" A loud voice followed by a loud bang coming from the door interruped the two lovebirds. "Yeay!!! You're finally awaken!!!" Toga ran toward them and shoved Dabi away from Midoriya, causing him to fall from the bed.

"I miss you so much, you know~" Toga cooed like a small child who finally met her mother who just returned from a long overseas work. "Toga, when did you guys return?!" Dabi hollered at the lunatic woman in anger. Toga turned to look at him and then giggled slightly.

"Just now." Toga told Dabi while smiling at him. "Oh yeah, Izuku. This is such a perfect timing. Doctor want to meet you~" Toga smiled at Midoriya, displaying her pair of shiny fangs.

"Doctor... You mean that person who treated me before...?" Midoriya asked them. Toga nodded eagerly. Midoriya looked at Dabi. Honestly said, she had never met this Doctor before since she was mini coma and was caged in this room for a few days that she had no chance to meet him in person at all.

Dabi slowly nodded with expression full of worry. "Come on, come on. Let's go downstairs before Tomura-kun kill you both. And Dabi, put on your clothes, you pervert." Toga laughed at the purple-skin villain mockingly.

Dabi huffed in annoyance and quickly got up. He walked to the closets and took out his villain outfit. He put kn the clothes while mumbling something. Toga smiled in satisfaction, happy to make the male adult mad.

Toga waved a goodbye to Midoriya and then went dowmstairs first, leaving the couple alone. Midoriya looked down in worry.

Dabi suddenly hugged Midoriya from behind, startling the greenette who was lost in her thoughts. "Don't worry, Izuku. I'll protect you." He whispered gently into her ears, assuring her safety and life.

Midoriya smiled warmly at her love of life. "Yeah. Thank you, Touya." She thanked him, feeling grateful and a bit calmed now.


AN- Oh my gosh, did I just seriously update again? What's wrong with me? I was very hyped right now that I updated two chapters in row, guys!😂 Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this story! Welp, I update cuz some of you are very eager to know what will happen next~

And guys, I think all of you already can guess who is Izuku actuallly. It wasn't a surprise at all.

And gosh, I didn't notice that this book has reached 8k views! What's the meaning of this?! I can't believe you alls read my crappy, full of cliche plot story! Thanks so much!😘

If not because of you guys, this book won't come this far! Thanks again!

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