CHOICE 21 - Lies

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Unknown time,
Unknown place...

Midoriya's POV

I quickly opened my eyes as I finally gained control over my body. My breath hitched after receiving such shock all of sudden right after I left the room.

What happened just now actually? It happened too fast that I couldn't comprehend anything.

I sighed in relief and then looked around my surroundings. My eyes went wide om relaization when I noticed I wasn't in the villains' base anymore.

Wait... This place...

This was the city nearby my neighbourhood. I looked around again to check for the last time.

This is... Really the city...? But why am I here?!

"Mom, Izu want ice-cream!" I heard a cute little girl voice spoke up so I turned my head to look at her. Again, my eyes opened widely when I saw my Mom... With my kid self holding hands in front of me!

Eh? Eh?! Why did I suddenly--?!

I was too shock that a single word wouldn't come out of my mouth. Mom was smiling happily while my kid self was holding an All Might balloon in her right hand.

"Okay, okay. Mom will get you the most delicious ice cream in the world!" Mom assured her confidently. My little self beamed in happiness. I slowly approached the mother and daughter figures slowly but they didn't seem to notice my presence.

Oh, could it be...

I glanced at my hand and my guess was correct. I wasn't in a physical body, in fact, I was in a spirit-like form since I could see through my hand and I was floating.

Still, why am I having flashback about this?

My little self bounced in happiness, eagerly waiting for the red light to turn green. All of sudden, my kid self accidentally released the All Might balloon from her hand.

Hm? I don't remember seeing this...

My little self was surprised and she quickly let Mom's hand go to chase after her balloon. "Wai-- Izuku! No!" Mom screamed in fear. My kid self kept running on the street but the light was still green...!

I gasped in shock and realization. "Hey, wai--"


A loud bang was heard throughout this noisy city. Everyone screamed in horror when they saw my little self got hit by the car.

I gasped in horror as I watched my kid self was bleeding a lot, laying on the floor unconscious in pool of her own blood. Mom covered her mouth in fear.

"IZUKU!!!" Mom screamed again and rushed to my little self who was laying on the ground weakly. Tears streamed out of her emerald eyes.

I couldn't handle this anymore. Tears flooded my green forest orbs. I was very scared.

I-I never knew this occured to me when I was a kid!

Out of the blue, my body swung left to right while my head started spinning. This horror view in front of me slowly faded away and was replaced with pitch black darkness.

My body felt light and I saw light. A very bright one that it blinded my eyes for a few seconds.



League of Villains' Hideout, Downstairs...

Midoriya's POV

I opened my eyes when the light finally disappeared. But I was surprised to see that I wasn't in that black space anymore but in the villains' base.

All villains' eyes were on me, eyeing me like I was their prey. I looked at them one by one and my eyes landed on Dabi who was looking down in guilty, avoiding eyes contact with me.

"Da--" I tried to move my body but I couldn't. I glanced at my body and I just realized, I was tied firmly to a chair!

"What's the meaning of this?!" I hollered at them in fear while struggling with all my might, trying to release myself from this troublesome restraint.

Shigaraki let out evil chuckles, slowly got up from his seat and approached me. He then grabbed my chins and pulled my head closer to his. His burning, deadly crimson orbs glares deeply into my trembling emerald eyes.

"Poor little bunny who doesn't know her place." Shigaraki whispered into my ear huskily, sending shivers down to my spine. Tears leaked out of my eyes as fear overpowered my mind.

Shigaraki slowly traced his hand to my neck, gripping it with his four fingers. "Shi-Shigaraki, please don't do this..." I begged for his mercy, feeling extremely scared of him right now.

Shigaraki tightened his grip on my neck with one finger still remained untouch, causing my breath to stuck at my neck, suffocating me. "You... After I treated you nicely even though you are the person I hate the most in the world, you betrayed me!" Shigaraki hollered at me in anger, shoving me away brutally with his crazy strength, causing me to fall on the floor pathetically along with the chair I was tied to.

Tears trickled on my wet cheeks faster. I hissed in pain, trying to fight back this immense tormenting pain.

How...? How did he find out...? I-It can't be...

I shifted my eyes to look at Dabi and just like now, he was trying to avoid me. He was fidgeting, eyes locked on the floor.

No way... Why...?

Why did he lie to me...?

This painful truth that came to my mind, I didn't want to believe it. I wouldn't accept it!

All this time he was acting...
He was faking it...

His feelings and affectionate action all this time.... Were all lies...

Tears flooded my eyes more and more as that thoughts appeared in my mind. I only stared at Dabi painfully. My heart was aching, realizing his betrayal toward me.

I knew it. I should have not accept his confession. He lied to me too. He is no better than Todoroki-kun! Both are same!


I sobbed silently, my eyes still locked at Dabi's figure. "D-Dabi..." I called him out sadly, painful expression plastered on my face. "Now, what should I do with you?" Shigaraku smirked sadistically, making me shivered in fear.

Shigaraki pulled my hair harshly to lift my head up. "O-Ouch!" I whimpered in pain. "Stop it, Shigaraki! What are you doing, you selfish brat!" Doctor suddenly came out of the room, rushing toward me and seperated me from Shigaraki's hand. He quickly untied the rope that restrained my freedom, releasing me from this tight restraint.

"I told you don't hurt her, you damn brat!" Doctor scolded him, pissed of with his immaturity. "Why?! She should have been treated this way form the very start! You look at this!" Shigaraki took out something from his pocket. My eyes widened in shock. It was Dabi's phone!

It's really his phone. That was the text that Todoroki-kun sent.

Doctor's eyes widened too. He bit his bottom lip in frustration, realizing that our plan failed.

"This ungrateful chick betrayed us! And I have the right to punish her as I wish! I'm the leader here!" Shigaraki claimed in anger, tugging the collar of his shirt.

"And I told you it's dangerous! Your brutal force can cause that thing to--"

"It's better that way! It will be much easier to control a lifeless doll than a stubborn chick!" Shigaraki glared at me deadly, hatred filled his blood red eyes. I gulped down my saliva.

"Back down, Doctor. Don't get in my way." Shigaraki commanded, his voice became much huskier. "I won't let you do as you please." Doctor defied in determination, trying his hardest to protect me.

Doctor... W-Why are you protecting me..?

"Then you can join her in Hell!" Shigaraki yelled from the top of his lungs, charging toward us at high speed. "Wait, Tomura Shigaraki!" Kurogiri tried to stop him but it was too late.

I shivered in fear as Shigaraki got closer to us. He reached out his hand to strangle Doctor's neck but all of sudden, a wall of blue flame blocked him, protecting us from his threat.

"I won't let you hurt Izuku any further, Shigaraki!"


AN-Aiiii!!! Sorry for the delay! Here is the next chapter that everyone is waiting for!(I think?)

Oh yea, before I end this...

Look at my cat! He suddenly hopped into the trash can by himself! I laugh hard at him that my stomach hurt right now!😂


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