CHOICE 29 - Happy Reunion

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At the hospital,
Outside Rei Todoroki's room...

Midoriya's POV

I kept roaming aimlessly in front of Auntie Rei's room, waiting for Touya to come out. He had been in there for about 15 minutes yet he didn't leave the room.

Could it be... It is going well?!

"Do you want to get in, Midoriya?" Todoroki-kun finally spoke up after a long moment of silence. I looked at him in dilemma. "I don't know. I'm worried about Touya but I don't want to interrupt him." A sigh escaped my mouth.

I sat on the chair next to Todoroki-kun, resting my chins against my palm. I noticed that Todoroki-kun wouldn't stop smiling which to me it felt a bit creepy. "U-Um, are you really Todoroki-kun? You are not a fake one, right?" I asked him in suspicion, worried that he was a disguise.

Todoroki-kun raised up his left eyebrow, giving me a look full of confusion. "Err... Midoriya, are you okay?" He asked me in concern, feeling strange with my weird question.

"W-Well, you have been smiling ever since just now. It freaked me out actually." I told him sincerely in the nicest way so that I wouldn't hurt his feelings. "Oh... That's the case. Actually, your mother has a surprise for you and I have a liitle surprise for Touya." Todoroki-kun smiled widely at me, a rare thing for him to show.

I stared at him in excitement, his words peaked my interest, especially when he mentioned Mom and surprise. All of sudden, many loud footsteps were heading toward our direction, startling me but not Todoroki-kun.

"Midoriya!/ Midoriya-kun!/ Midoriya-san!/ Deku-chan!/ Izuku-chan!" All of my classmates shouted my name in unison, earning many glares from the patients and the nurses around because of the noise they caused. "GUYS!" I called them out half-scream but then realized it was the biggest mistake I had ever done. We were in hospital and I just YELLED!

I looked down in embarrassment, ashamed by the stares we received from the people. "Deku-chan, you are back! Thank goodness!" Ochako-chan and the girls hugged me tightly in happiness. I delightly hugged them back, tears flowed down from my eyes.

Is this the surprise Todoroki-kun mentioned about? Oh, thanks Mom!

Mom suddenly appeared along with Aizawa-sensei and ALL MIGHT! Oh, such a perfect timing! "All Might!" I let the girls go and ran to All Might, hugging him tightly in desperation.

How I miss my mentor!

"Young Midoriya, you're saved. I-I'm sorry I can't be there to rescue you..." All Might apologized in guilty and sadness as he hugged me back. "Well, she has returned safe and sound now. There is nothing you have to cry for, All Might." Aizawa-sensei said frankly.

I broke apart from All Might and walked to Mom. "Thanks, Mom. But how did you call my friends and teachers?" I asked her in confusion. Mom chuckled at me cheerfully. "I called Katsuki-kun first and then he informed your classmates and teachers." Mom explained, staring at Kacchan who was averting his eyes from me. I smiled at him slightly and mouthed 'Thank you' at him. He only responded with 'tch'.

"Oh my, look at the time. Sorry, sweetie. I have to go now. I'm gonna pick up your Dad at the airport." Mom smiled happily. My eyes went wide in surprise. She excused herself and left the hospital.

It had been awhile since I last met him!

"Well, I should leave too. I only tag along only to see how you are doing and then report to Principal. All Might, take care of my students." Aizawa-sensei excused himself too, walking away from us to head back to UA. We all waved goodbye to him. Now, there were only left me, All Might and my friends.

"Yaoyorozu..." Todoroki-kun suddenly called her out sadly, his eyes filled with regret and guilt. "Can I... Talk to you for a bit? Just the two of us..." He asked in nervousness. Yaoyorozu-san seemed hesitated to agree. I patted her shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Yaoyorozu-san. He has changed now. Go on amd talk to him." I encouraged her along with a big smile. Yaoyorozu-san gasped in surprise. A wide smile appeared on her feature, nodding to me in agreement. She slowly approached Todoroki-kun and followed him to somewhere else, a place much more quiet to have some private space, isolated from the crowds.

"Deku-chan... Are you really okay with this?" Ochako-chan asked me in pity. "Yeah, Todoroki is your boyfriend right? Why did you let him go with Yaoyomomo?" Ashido questioned in puzzle.

"Because I don't feel that way toward him anymore. Yaoyorozu-san deserved him more than I do. Besides..." I turned to look at my classmates. "I already found--"

"Izu baby, Mom wanna talk to you." Touya suddenly came out of Auntie Rei's room without warning, shocking my friends and All Might. Their jaws dropped to the floor, eyes popping out of their head.

Oh my gosh! Why did you have to choose a bad timing to show yourself, Touya!

"You...!!!" Kacchan glared at Touya deadly, his eyes full of hatred and revenge. He already lightened up some explosive sparks in his palms. "H-He is one of the League of Villains!" Mineta-kun gasped in fear, everyone flinched back when they saw Touya.

"Wait, guys! Everything is fine now. He is harmless!" I tried to convince them but they seemed very scared of Touya. "Izuku..." He called me out sadly. "What are you doing here, villain?!" Jiro-san yelled at him in suspicion.

"Yeah, he should be in the prisons with the rest of the League of Villans' member! How come he is still free?!" Kaminari-kun glared at Touya in irritation. "Not only did you kidnap Bakugou before, you are the one who kidnapped Midoriya too!" Kirishima-kun activated his Hardening, ready to attack Touya any second.

"Please guys, trust me. He isn't a villain anymore." I said in sadness. I knew it was normal for them to react this way but it still hurt me.

"Young Midoriya, why are you defending him?" All Might stared at me in disbelief. "All Might is right, Midoriya-kun! He is one of the most dangerous vill--"

"He is the one who helped me escaped. And the other one... H-He died protecting me from the League of Villains..." I muttered in sorrow. Doctor's death still hit me hard. Touya,wrapped his arms around my shoulders, giving me comfort and warmth.

"W-Why can't you guys trust me? Trust us?" I sobbed in Touya's warm embrace. I buried my face in Touya's broad chest.

Dabi's / Touya's POV

I gave Izuku's friends death glare, pissed off since they freaking made Izuku cried!

"I might be a villain... But I have changed now. My villain life is all in the past." I told them in seriousness, stroking Izuku's fluffy curly dark green hair gently to calm her down. "What's the meaning of this?! Stop touching Deku, you ba--"

"I have the right to touch Izuku. She is mine after all, you angry hedgehog." I glared at the ash blonde boy in irritation. "Young yours?" All Might gasped in shock when he heard that. He spitted out blood all of sudden.

"Touya? What are you doing here? Are you done talking to Mom?" Shouto suddenly showed up along with a certain black haired-girl. "W-What's happening here? Midoriya-san, are you okay?" She rubbed Izuku's back in concern.

"TOUYA?!" These kids said half-scream.

"Touya... You mean your long lost brother that you mention before?" A brunette asked Shouto. Izuku finally raised her head up slightly, her eyes were watering.

"Yeah guys... So don't worry, he has changed now. He is not a villain anymore." Shouto convinced them, a small smile tugged on his lips.

"If you said that too... Then Midoriya-chan is not lying?" That invisible girl turned to look at me and Izuku who was still in my arms. "W-We are sorry! We shouldn't assume you just like that!" Four eyes-boy frantically apologized to me.

The other started apologizing too. They looked very sincere so I thought maybe I should forgive them. "No, it's okay. It's normal for you guys to react that way. But I can't forgive you for not trusting Izuku. She is your friend, right?" I looked at them one by one. They really felt guilty now.

"Come on, baby. They already trust you so stop crying, okay?" I said softly as I broke apart from Izuku. She slowly turned to look her friends. "U-Um, just wanna ask... A-Are you both dating?" An alien-like creature asked us, eyeing me from head to toe.

A mischievous idea popped up in my mind. I pulled Izuku into a hug again, earning a confuse look from her. I slowly planted a sweet kiss on her cheek, causing Izuku to blush deeply. "T-Touya!" She snapped, smacking my chest softly. I chucklee at her red face.

Her friends turned as pale as ghost, especially All Might. I could see his spirit leaving his body, saying goodbye to this world. "A-All Might! Hang in there!" Izuku ran toward All Might in hurry to help his spirit entered his body again.

I laughed hard at their funny reaction. "Woah. No wonder Midoriya didn't care about Todoroki anymore." A flat face boy laughed at Izuku who was trying to calm All Might down. "But her boyfriend is still a Todoroki! Dang, how can she attract both Todoroki brothers?" A boy with black zig zag on his hair asked in disbelief. I only watched them chatting and laughing.

"They are so lively." I told Shouto, displaying a small smile on my stapled feature. "Not yet. Wait until they arrive." Shouto smiled at me with a hidden agenda behind it. He stepped up forward.

"Shouto!" Two voices called him out. A young lady with white hair and red highlights on it jogged toward us along with a man with spiky snow white hair.

Those two...

My eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Fuyumi... Natsuo..." I muttered their name lowly in happiness. I stepped backward from them. Dang it, I wasn't ready to meet them yet!

"Shouto, where is him?! Where is Touya?!" Fuyumi shook Shouto's body in desperation. "You aren't lying, right, Shouto?" Natsuo asked him in disbelief.

The other kids behind them only stared at us quietly. Izuku's pretty emerald eyes met mine, gazing into my aquamarine orbs gently. She darted her eyes to my siblings, signing me to show myself but I shook my head, telling her I wasn't ready.

"He is here..." Shouto stepped aside, giving both my younger siblings full view of my figure. They both gasped in shock when they saw me. I placed my hand behind my neck, feeling a bit awkward with them. It had been ten years since I last saw them.

"T-Touya, is this you?" Fuyumi looked at me in disbelief. "Hey guys." I greeted them, opening my arms. All of sudden, they both hugged me in surprise, startling me who was still awkward with them. They both were crying while tightening the embrace. I couldn't hold back my tears and pent up emotion anymore. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I hugged them back.

I missed these two so much...
This is such a happy reunion.

"Touya, where did you go all this time?! I'm worried sick about you, brother!" Fuyumi shook my body non-stop. She was truly worried about me. "Bro, you are eating right, don't you? You aren't sick?" Natsuo looked into my eyes in concern.

"I'm perfectly fine, you two." I assured. "I heard everything from Shouto. Izuku-chan." Fuyumi suddenly called Izuku out, turning her back facing her.

"Y-Yes?" Izuku stepped forward among her friends.

"Hey, let's go. We've to give them privacy."

"Yeah, I feel bad to stay here."

"They are having such a touching reunion. We shouldn't interrupt."

Her friends started whispering but Izuku didn't seem to hear them. They all smirked and started pulling All Might, who looked confused along with them to walk out of the hospital.

They all gave thumbs up to me, mumbling something like 'Congrats' and 'Have a good day'. I smiled at them and waved a goodbye. Looked like they already opened up to me.

Midoriya's POV

I was confused when Fuyumi-neesan suddenly called me out. I approached the Todoroki siblings. "Yes, Fuyumi-neesan?" I asked her politely.

Well, I could say I'm very closed to Todoroki-kun's siblings since we sometime met when me and Todoroki-kun visited Auntie Rei. I really loved them and treated them like my own siblings.

Fuyumi-neesan suddenly held my hands firmly, her bright grey eyes looked into my eyes deeply. "I-Izuku-chan, thanks for bringing Touya back for us. Now we all are a complete family again." She hugged me in happiness. Tears streamed down from my eyes as I returned the hug.

"Dad too... No wonder he had changed a bit now. Bro is the reason." Natsuo-nii wrapped his arm around Touya's shoulders, grinning at him happily. "Yeah. I won't make it here without Izuku." Touya said as he turned to look at me. He looked so calm and happy. Todoroki-kun smiled warmly too.

"Actually, Dad want to come too but he is a bit busy right now." Fuyumi-neesan said, breaking the hug. She stepped aside all of sudden while Natsuo-nii pushed Touya forward with mischievous grin on his face. "My, my. Everyone is here." Auntie Rei suddenly came out, delight to see all her children gathered here.

There was a short moment of silent before Touya broke it. "Izuku... I can't thank you enough for this. I just want to say... Thanks so much for reuniting me with my family. Because of you I can meet Mom, Shouto, Natsuo, Fuyumi and Dad again. Thanks for bringing me back to the right path and for showing me love and affection..." Touya confessed to me sincerely.

"I love you so much, Izu..." Touya muttered sweetly to me, holding both my hands gently. Tears seeped from my eyes when I heard his romantic confession.

"I love you too, Touya... Forever..." I expressed my love to him. Fuyumi-neesan, Natsuo-nii, Todoroki-kun and Auntie Rei stared at us in happiness.

Touya and I gazed into each other's eyes deeply. Touya kissed my forehead affectionately while his hand stroked my hair softly.

Life is a matter of choices. And every choice you make makes you.

My choice to love Touya...

Was the best and greatest choice I have ever made in my life...



How did you gusy feel about this chapter? Comment below okay!

Next chapter is the epilogue before this book officially end! Yeahhhh!!!! Finally! I can't wait to start writing the epilogue!

*fangirling intensifies!!!!!!*

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