🌈 First Time Rejected 🌈

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Well, so far, I've been rejected once by a guy named Colin. And not only was it rude, it was a little discouraging.

Before I told him I had misunderstood him and thought he said his parents were gay. He was talking about his two dads. His step-dad and his father. I said, "Wait, your parents are gay?" After that we had walked off into a different area when we were talking about it and I said, "Well, yeah, I'm half gay." He was confused. He said, "What?!" I smiled and told him. He said, "Ew! Excuse me, let me go throw up in the trash!" I asked him to repeat what he said. After he had repeated it, I stayed silent. I told a friend of mine after and we started ranting about how it is okay to be gay and how it is not worth that reaction.

Now that's rude, Colin!

Also, was that the day someone said that same friend and I had diabetes even though he didn't know what it was?

Ugh, stupid people. Don't say stuff like that to others. It discourages them. *slams head on table*

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