Warriors spoof

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Just before you read I'm sorry if this is shitty and short but this was my first ever spoof so please don't be too harsh.

How to get kicked out of river clan camp:

Brambleclaw: *walks into river clan camp*
Mistystar: Brambleclaw I do not have time for..
Brambleclaw:Ssh! Can I tell you a joke?
River clan: Starclan no!
Willowshine: Can I claw your pelt off then?
Brambleclaw:*ignores Willowshine*
Mistystar: if it will make you leave any quicker
Brambleclaw: Well lets see... *unfolds massive piece of paper he got from Starclan knows where*

10 minutes later

Willowshine: Hurry up!
Brambleclaw: ok, what do you call a fish with legs?
River clan:*cursing Starclan at this point*
Mistystar: *praying for tigerstar to replace Brambleclaw* What?
Brambleclaw: a river clan cat
River clan: :0
Mistystar: :0
Mistystar: get out and never come back

2 minutes later

*Brambleclaw returns*
Brambleclaw:what in the name of Starclan! *sees river clan has made a fortress out of fish*
Mistystar: *whispers to river clan* I've found a secret way from thunder clan to make him leave
River clan:*lets out a silent cheer*
Mistystar: Brambleclaw, look what we have *Brambleclaw turns to look* *Mistystar threws a waffle into the distance*
Brambleclaw:WAFFLES!!! *runs of into the sky after it*
River clan: ATTACK!!! *threws fish at him*
Brambleclaw: *escapes to narnia*
River clan: *Yowls to the world* HE'S GONE!!!
Starclan: WHOO!!!
Darkforrest: YESSSS!!!
Whole forest: YAYYYYYY!!!
Fish: are job here is done *jump back into the river*

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