Chapter 15

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"You really look scared and come on it's just for today !?!.." Leo replies. 
"Yah your right ." Kate added
"Oh 'almost forgot , did you attend the meeting? " Kate asks.
"Actually I didn't attend  the meeting but Mikey and Elena did. " Leonardo .
"Okay,,  " Kate
"And Kate do you want to join the DC thingie .. " Leo queries
"The dance club. " Kate excitedly reply.
"I think your answer is yes" Leo
"Yah you get it!! I won 6 trophies in dancin'. You should try it ,Leo " Kate said while dancing crazily in the dark street.
"Calm down Kate , your body is still weak." Leo 
"My body is now strong ,  Leo " Kate replied as she continue dancing.

"Just stop Kate! " Leo said while holdin' Kate's arm close to him.
"OK Leo. " Kate respond
"Oh sorry, I just " Leo replies and he sigh . 'DON'T WANT YOU TO BE HURT AGAIN. '  in my crazy mind because of your love.
"It's okay Leo. let's just walk." Kate talked as she pull Leo's hand up.
"Yah,  let's just go. " Leo.

'Man!! What was I doing? That's  awkward..  shit.!!..' in Leo's mind.
'Gggg,  what just happened??,  never mind. ' Kate.

"Anyway,  here's your medicine Kate. " Leo .
"Thanks." Kate said and grabbed the medicine.

the way to Kate's house.
"Guess I goin' ." I say. 
"Umm. Leo,  wait " Kate replied.

When Leo faced me.  I quickly hugged him tightly.

'I know  it seems pretty awkward but he started it,  just pulling your leg!!.. that's a love sign..

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