Chapter 6

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"I almost  forget,  mom can we go to a party?. "Donnie asks
'Dont say she asks you too..' in Leo's mind ..
"Whose party ?"Tang  Shen asks
"It's  Kate, close friend of Leo ." Mikey
'Oh man.' Leo
"What time? " Tang  Shen pretending that she doesn't care.
"Umm, tomorrow night ,  6:00-8:00 PM. "Donnie
"Okay you can go." Tang Shen
"How about you Leo and Raph, Aren't you going?  Its your friend? " Tang Shen continued
"I'll  go, mom "Raph said while busy feeding his turtle.
"Umm, I don't know,  it's kinda boring. "Leo replies
" it's your choice, okay let's  eat." Tang Shen
"Hey parties aren't boring,  Leo. " the Orange mask said
"enough Mikey,  let's eat. " Tang Shen state it calmly.

Mikey's POV (point of view)

Anyway I already know why Leo is acting like that or why he's growing roses in the backyard.  He has a big  crush on Kate and I had a proof on that, last week  I saw Leo's notebook it has a picture  of Kate and I saw him too , reading the slam notebook of Kate .. my brother here is really acting weird..

Violet bandanna's POV

actually Leonardo didn't know that mom and dad already know Kate.  And last week  Kate told me  that she's  starting to like our fearless leader,  Leonardo Hamato. I know  that Leo really  likes Kate. If you ask me why ?  . He's  been growing  roses in the backyard and he really cares the flowers.  So when Mikey destroyed it, remember,  I applied  some drug to it , because I saw Leo's face it went really  sad  and angry emoji ⊙︿‾⊙.and I think  maybe this  time his mind is clutter of Kate's face . Never mind..

Raphael's  POV

OK . This turtle is insanely inlove , I admit  it. If your goin' to see Leo now , he's really  crazy  ..Damn..  I wish Mona Lisa  is here , I  really  miss  her now.. I'm sorry I know  that  this story is for the  blue bandanna only..  but I really miss  my girl.

Leonardo Hamato's POV

OK , shit  I can't  stop my self  lovin' Kate.. I don't care what my brothers are thinking right now ,  but come on they should know the feeling of fallin' inlove..

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