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Hi, everyone. It's me, Kira. I need to tell you guys something...important.

For a very, very long time, I've always felt like something...wasn't right about me. I've told my mom numerous times about this. She took me to the doctor, but nothing was ever wrong.

I've always paid attention to the small and usually worthless details, like how my shoulders are broader than normal, how my shoe size is...different from other girls my age, and a few other things too. And I've always wondered what my life would be like if..well...If I a boy.

You see, my dad never thought he'd have a son (he's had like five daughters) so he would always treat me and my sisters like boys in the majority of ways. I enjoyed being able to hang out with my dad and to fun boy things without having to worry about my gender. But in 2008, my little brother was born. And that's when my dad decided to treat me and my sisters like "proper ladies". I didn't like that and I didn't want to end up like a makeup loving, clothes shopping freak. But I was seven at the time, so everything would've been fine, right?


For years, I've tried to make myself something I wasn't just because of my parents' standards. I would ask for dolls and clothes instead of the newest game system to make my parents think I was normal. But no. I'm sick of it. I just want to be who I want to be and they don't like it, screw my parents.

I don't want to be a girl. 

So please, if you respect my wishes, use male pronouns to identify me.

And also...call me Mason from now on.

Thank you.

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