The Ever Generating Story Awards (TEGSA) 2024

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TEGSA is a prompt-driven writing contest along the lines of the ONC, but on a smaller scale.

In 2024 (its first year), I gave the contestants eight weeks to write ten chapters based on a series of prompts. Each of the chapters had assigned prompts, and the contestants had to continue the story.

Once the contest was completed and judged, the contestants removed the TEGSA label and author notes. They now have a completed short story or novella (depending on how long their chapters were) to enter into other contests or just let their readers enjoy the fruits of their labors. 

How good do you feel as a writer when you complete a work? They get to feel that! For some of them, this is their first completed story!

I am happy to say that fourteen stories were entered into this contest by individual authors as well as two teams. 

This was the very first contest I hosted on Wattpad, and I enjoyed it immensely. I will continue to do this each year, learning and making slight changes as I go.

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