Baby Terror Bill

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Philia: *laze around while playing ML*

Del: *watching the news*

Martial: *kicks the door open* GUUYYYYS! LOOK WHAT I HAVE! *holds a baby that kinda looks like him*

Philia: Aww he looks so cute! *run towards Martial took the baby from him and she carries it*

Del: Indeed he is.

Martial: This baby suddenly appeared infront of me after we sign that law. So maybe he could be my adopted son.

Philia: *eyes widen* But the law we signed is that Anti-Terrorism Law

Martial: Exactly! So this could be my adopted son, Terror Bill nicknamed, Terrie. *holds the baby like from the Lion King movie*

Philia: *looks at the baby's cute face suddenly he stares at her with an evil glint, terrified asf* AHHHHHH!!! *gives the baby back to Martial and run away* Get that thing away from me! *hides by the couch*

Terrie: *baby cooing, raises his hands at Philia indicating grabby hand motion*

Martial: Aww Pia, don't be like that. Look he even wants his Auntie Philia

Philia: He's cute but *sees the baby's eyes go bright red, Del and Martial didn't notice it* But I don't wanna

Terrie: *baby gurgle*

Del: *tickles the baby's tummy which made him laugh* Awww. Philia just come over here and meet your new nephew.

Philia: Sorry the only nephew I have is Malik. *scoots away* and that is not my nephew!

Martial: Now don't be such a drama queen. *walks towards her gives the baby to her* Now hold him for a bit while I prepare his milk

Philia: Wait what?

Martial: Terrie be a good boy to your Auntie, while I go prepare some food for you, okay?

Terrie: *makes baby gurgle noises*

Del: *pinches his nephew's cheeks* He's so cute! Well I best be going right now. I have to buy our groceries.

Philia: Don't forget your mask!

Del: I am now! Sooo Byeeeee! *walks out*

Philia: *sudden realization* Wait what!? You guys can't leave me here with him! *holds the baby*

Martial: *walks into the kitchen, ignoring her*

Philia: Aww dammit! *holds the baby and looks at him*

Terrie: *baby giggles, touches Philia's nose*

Philia: *slowly smiles* You really are cute. I guess I misjudged you *bounces her knees up and down giving a good bounce for the baby*

Terrie: *smiles at her, slowly that smile turns into an evil smirk, as his eyes turned bright red*

Philia: *thinks: PUTANGINA TIYANAK BA ITO?!* Aheheh, Terrie why are you looking at me like that? *smiles nervously*

Terrie: *a knife magically appears in his hands*

Philia: *thinks: HOLY SHIT!* Terrie, put down that knife.

Terrie: *turns his head indicating a NO*

Philia: OH GAWWWD AAAAHHHHH!!! *literally drops the baby and starts running away from him*

Terrie: *chasing her with the knife*


~10 minutes later~

Philia: KUYA MARTIAL! ARE YOU SURE TERRIE IS YOUR ADOPTED CHILD CAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE HE CAN BE THE OFFSPRING OF CHUCKY! *still running in circles in the living room while dodging the evil baby's attacks*

Martial: Haha, very funny Philia. Terrie is not evil and his my adopted son. There's no way he be running around with a knife like he's going to stab you *still in the kitchen*

Philia: Well he is! Ahhhh! *still running away* Diyos ko! I'm so tired!

Martial: Well you've been getting weight lately

Philia: Excusez moi! I'm not FAT I'm THICC! *holds a pillow to shield herself away from the baby*

Terrie: *baby giggles, tears the pillow*

Philia: Ahhhhhh! My protection has been broken! *tries to to get away*

Terrie: *jumps at Philia which makes her drop onto the ground*

Philia: Terrie, plsss put the knife down

Terrie: *baby giggles, walks toward her in a cute baby walk while holding a knife, slowly aims at her*

Philia: Noooooo-!

Martial: I'm baaaccck! Here's your bottle, Terrie. *walks in the living room just to see his twin on the floor with the baby staring at him innocently* Awww you two are bonding *walks towards Terrie, carries him feeding him a bottle*

Philia: Yeah. Bonding *says sarcastically glares at the baby*

Terrie: *smiles at her innocently* :3

Philia: *thinks: SOMEDAY I WILL EXPOSE YOU, CHUCKY 2.0* -_-


So I found out on Instagram, that Terror Bill is Martial's adopted son. So I decided to make a short skit of him.

Also this is taken as a joke, please do not take it seriously.

Oh here's the full version of
Baby Terrie :3

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