Pranking Fest

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Shy: Before you begin reading the story. I want u guys to all know. To those who already know Martial's crush. Please keep it a secret. ^_^ Until I make the "big reveal" in the next chapter.

Request are from
Francial1109 & Alfafara761

• Can you guys prank each other for a whole day?
• Dare: Martial and Philia pranking Del together

This is a Horror Theme Prank War.
Without furtherado on to the prank war!


It was a bright sunny morning, at the house of the Filipino Family. The birds are singing and the plants are dancing. It was a quiet and peaceful day but that all change when Philia walked into her room only to be ambushed by a hundred giant cockroaches when she walked in.

Since then, it's been war.


Martial tiptoed quietly to Del's room, where the eldest was sleeping peacefully. Too bad it wouldn't last.

When he got in, he quickly made his way above the oldest brother.

"Kuya..." he whispered. The country only stirred. "Kuya Del, wake up."

The first thing Del saw upon opening his eyes was a huge disgusting cockroach standing above his.

The first thing the residents in the house (Yup, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, America, and Spain all stayed in for the night. Much to Del and Martial's chagrin) heard upon waking up was a blood curdling scream of terror.

Indonesia collapsed back down after going into attack mode. Before closing her eyes again, she said one thing.

"It's going to be a long day."


Philia was walking to the kitchen after a long morning of scolding Martial for waking up the others at 2:00 AM in the fucking morning. When she got there, she found nothing out of the ordinary. Except for the silver platter on the table with her name on it.

Not assuming anything, she lifted the lid.

There was no food on it. There was only a dead rat with blood and guts on it.

Philia screamed, dropped the lid, and tries to back away.

Moments later, she heard laughing.

Not just any laughter. Boyish laughter.


Her twin just waltzed into the kitchen, laughing his head off.

"You should've seen the look on your face!", he laughed.

Instead of replying, Philia slammed the lid onto Martial's head.


Martial and Malaysia were hanging out in the living room, playing a game of Sungka. Martial was winning, but Malaysia was not one to give up.

"Martial, can you get me a fresh cold icetea?", Mal asked.

"Would you get it yourself. You have legs"


Martial sighed. He left the room and headed for the kitchen.

When he got there, he pulls out a jar of icetea juice and pour it on the glass. However, when he was about to leave, he heard a click.

Someone had locked him in.

"Shit!", He shouted as he tried to open the door.

Little did he know that something was sneaking up behind him. It tapped his shoulder. Hesitantly, he turned around.

The thing behind him was a giant cockroach. He let out a girlish bloodcurdling scream before passing out.

Outside, Philia and Mal highfived each other for pulling this off. (At first Malaysia doesn't want to be part of it but Philia forced her) They unlocked the door and took the cockroach disguise off of Japan's sparring bot that she borrowed from him.


Moments later, Philia and Del had later decided to play some Street Fighters.

"I'm going to bet you and you know it.", Philia told her brother.

"Yeah right.", Del replied.

Both were so focused on the screen. As it was the perfect time to prank.

Right as was landing the finishing blow, the screen changed to a photo that looked like it came straight from a horror movie. (You know those pranks where the scream face comes up when you are playing a game or watching a video? That is what is happening here.)

The siblings screamed as Del reached to turn off the screen.

"What was that?", Philia breathed.

"I don't know any tech associated person in this household.", Del wondered out loud. But as he saw Martial walking out of the room with an electronic device on his hand. Del look went from wonder to shock as he yelled for the perpetrator.



Trying to get away from the prank war, for awhile. Philia decided to go grocery shopping and America volunteered much to Spain and Japan's chagrin.

A few hours have passed, Philia and America had just gotten back from their duty of grocery shopping. But as they were walking home they were suddenly ambushed by fangirls.

"How the fuck did they find us?", America asked Philia

"Fangirls are a mess, Joe.", Philia replied. "Whats worst is that they shipped us. That makes them crazier."

"Can't argue with that", America smirked.

Both just wanted a long nap.

But the prank war had other plans.

Upon going in, the two countries were greeted with the walls covered in photos. Of hideous monster from the horror movies.

They just shouted in horror before investigating.

"Whoever did this did good.", America observed, noticing the photos lining not only the walls, but the beds, dressers and mirrors.

"Seriously?!", Philia shouted when she found a picture of the Nun in the toilet seat.

"Who could've done this?"

As they wondered that, Martial hid in the doorway, trying to muffle his laughter.


The day was not over yet, though. As the residents sat down for dinner, all frazzled from the day's events, one last prank came into play.

"Has anyone seen, Del?", Philia asked after she and Indonesia brought out dinner.

"Not since this afternoon.", Spain told her.

"Should someone check on him?", Martial asked.

At once, everyone got up and ran to the former General's room. When they opened the door they saw-

"OH MY GOD!", Philia shouted.

Blood was oozing down the walls. The room was a scattered mess. And on the floor was a bloodied Del Pilar.

"What happened?", America asked.

"I don't know. Did you hear anything?", Mal said.

"I didn't hear anything either.", Martial said, as he went near to his big brother's corpse

"Kuya?", Philia bent down as she whimper at the sight of her dead brother as she clutches his bloody clothes

At least until a hand grabbed hers and Martial's.

Martial and Philia screamed, then everyone screamed, then everyone ran.

Del got up after the others run away, "Thats what you get for creating this prank war!"

And since then, the siblings learned never to prank each other again.... Well not for Martial and Philia though.


Headcannon: The siblings are afraid of cockroaches especially Del and Martial.


Sorry thats all for now guys, T_T
I tried..... I'll try my best for the best chapter.

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