Random Quote Shits

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Nesia: I am the older sister! So you should listen to me when I tell you to go to bed early 😠

PKI: ("Since when are you the eldest?", Decided to play along) Oh I'm sorry. Its not my fault that you don't use a ladder or a stool to be taller, I can't hear you well and my back hurts from bending over so much to talk to you

Nesia: *kicks him in the crotch* You listen to me because I tell you that you listen to me

PKI: Accck! My children!


Martial: Its my day off and why am I doing this shit? *looks at a hill* We are going down the hill with a sled. Most importantly this hill is so inclined!

Philia: Oh don't be so pessimistic, this will be fun!

Martial: This hill is so tall its like Cavanal Hill and Sierra Madre had an adopted child

Nesia: So what? Last time When we went down the streets of New York using a bicycle

Philia: We almost ran over one time

Martial: Could've done this on snow. But this one doesn't have a snow.

Philia: Edi pumunta ka ng Antarctica (Then go to the Antarctica)

Martial: Touche

Mallie: *in the sidelines, drinking milo* Atleast the hospital is near here

Martial: Real reassuring, babe 😑

Mallie: *laughs, slowly sips milo* Don't worry, sayang (dear). I will call the ambulance when I see things gone wrong.

Martial: What comfort 😒

Nesia: Well are you ready!?

Philia: Yes!

Martial: No

Nesia: On your marks?

Philia: Get set!


Philia: *stares at him*

Martial: Go


Del Pilar: *training some soldiers, not knowing the ridiculous things his siblings are doing*

PKI: *appears* Del, have you seen my sister?

Del Pilar: No I haven't seen her? *his phone rings* Huh? *checks to see who called him, his curious to see Mallie's number on the screen* Hello?

Mallie: Hello? 911? My friends and my boyfriend fell silently down the hill! They can't stop rolling and the hill is very very high

Del Pilar: Wait? What!?

Mallie: Wait Del? Oh shiz! Wrong number! *hangs up immediately and calls the emergency number*


~A timeline where Martial is actually dead and only Philippines can see him~

Martial: Pip pip pia pia!

Philia: *annoyed* Ano?! *Was standing right behind Malaysia which jumped a little to see whats happening*

Martial: Tell Mallie that she's beautiful

Philia: No

Martial: tell her

Philia: no

Martial: tell her

Philia: no

Martial: tell her!

Philia: No!

Martial: Edi sexy nlng (Then sexy)

Philia: Thats less!

Martial: Oh com'on

Philia: How about you say that to her!

Martial: Oh please Phil! Only you can see me

Philia: then fuck off! I'm not going to tell Mallie that!

Mallie: tell me what Phil?

Philia: *she cursed Martial internally since she couldn't turn around and face her best friend*

Martial: Now tell her

Philia: ... *silently flips him off*


~Music plays~

Philippines: *appears* Having sex without planning.

Martial: *appears* Its a big no no no!

Philippine & Martial: Cause we are here to help you!

Philia: Use pills~

Martial: Use condom~

Both: Use Thrust~


SSHarem&MHarem: *cheering for them*

Me: 👏👏👏 What a wonderful advertisement! 😍


Taiwan: You know I just realize something

Japan: What?

Taiwan: Since North Korea is South Korea's twin

HongKong: Yeah?

Taiwan: Does that mean he has that Kpop boy material?

HongKong: What?

Everyone: *looks at NK*

NKorea: *takes a nap on the couch, imagine any kpop boy, who is handsome, sexy and cold. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° *

Hong Kong: Your right! He is hot 😳

Nekomi: *sneakily, takes a pic and hides*

Taiwan: See?

Japan: *wipes nosebleed, not thinking* I'm so lucky that I'm his first~

Hong Kong: You mean force-

~Hears running sounds~

Taiwan: Japan your dead

Japan: Whut?

SKorea: *kicks the door down*

Japan: Shit

SKorea: Japan how dare you rape my hyeong!

Japan: Ahhhhh- Oh look theres BTS! *runs away*


Martial: M, put your arms together on your chest and close your eyes

MPaja: Ok *does what he is told to do, and takes a deep breath*

Martial: Good now, Komunis. Since MPaja trust you, you will catch him. We'll be performing the trust exercise.

PKI & MPaja: Eh?

Martial: MP must dropped trusting in you, because you must catch him.

PKI: He must believe in me that if he falls. I will catch him?

Martial: Yep!

PKI: Really?

MPaja: Don't worry I trust you, P 😑

PKI: ....

Martial: Okay! Now MP close your eyes! PKI be prepared. MPaja drop

MPaja: *falls down..... he drops foreward with his face his first on the floor*


MPaja: Fuck you all! You betray me! >:'(

Khmer Rogue: MPaja, your supposed to fall on your back not in front XD *His still laughing while he tries to help his comrade while the two are still laughing*


Philia: *spraying the whole house with lysol* Begone germs!

Martial: *suddenly appears*

Philia: AHHHHHHH! *spraying him*

Martial: *coughs* Putangina! What the hell Phil!

Philia: You just got back from Metro Manila and your not getting inside till you wash up! *points at the back with Del taking a bath with his shorts on*


Doctor: Now what seems to be the problem?

Martial: Doctor I think I suffer from a case that my boyfriend broke my ass last night-! *suddenly he feels pain* Ah! Malay!

Malay: Moderate your language if you don't want me to pull your fingers

Martial: That didn't seem to bother you last night

Malay: Last night you could've also walk

Martial: Thats because you pinned me againt the wal-!

Malay: *covers his mouth* Thank you for your time, doctor but will go now bye! *pulls Martial*

Doctor: O_O


Forgive me everyone this author has been gone mad to random crappiness 😂😑

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