Trying to Boxed In

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Grunting, Malaysia lifted one of the large boxes into her arms, carrying it from the hallway into her room. She placed it down at the end of her bed, straightening up and wiping the sweat from her forehead once the task was done.

The Asian countries are having a vacation in Japan. Every year each country take turns to host a 3 month stay vacation at their place, today is Japan's turn. The MaPhilIndo went at the mall trying to buy some important necessities that will last for 3 months, because a certain country forgot to remind them the change of weather. In they're phone call its going to be Snowy and the weather change Sunny. They bought so much, it took about 3 boxes and its a good thing their boyfriends came and help them out.

Malaysia tried to catch her breath, moving so many boxes into her room would be so difficult, but on the other hand, they were full of clothes, toiletries, weapons or small pieces of furniture. She should have expected them to be heavy.

Behind her, Martial Law was carrying another large box, the last one, placing it down in front of her closet. He shut the bedroom door behind him and turned to face Malaysia with a tired look but with a grin. She didn't hear the click of the lock as the door shut.

"Looks like that's the last of them", Martial said proudly. "Didn't think we'd get them all in so quickly."

"Well, it's only because you helped me." Malaysia replied. "If it was just me doing it, I'd probably be here until midnight dragging boxes into my room." She walked over to Martial, stretching up onto her toes to kiss him. "Thanks."

Martial smirked. "I'm still surprised everyone was fine with it when we said we started dating. I expected the others (ASEAN countries) to attack me since your the mother hen." He shrugged. "Not like I can't fight them off, though."

"I'd rather have them be okay with it. And I'm not a mother hen", Malaysia said with a hint of protest.

"Sure. Says the girl who tries to stop Philia to drink alcohol", Martial chuckled, trying to list the things Malaysia go mother mode. "Then scolding Thailand whenever he sneeks out of the house to go party, scolding Cambodia for his laziness-"

"Ok ok ok, I get it", Malaysia interrupted, "But that doesn't mean I'm worse than you, your much more of a mother hen."

"Not anymore, Thailand now referred to me as Dad or the papa rooster and since were dating, Your my wife and I'm your husband and we have 9 children to look after", Martial quoted.

"Touche", Malaysia blushed then went over to the box by the closet. "I've gotta get this one in my closet for now. Mind helping me?"

Nodding, Martial picked up one end of the box while Malaysia opened the closet doors and picked up the other end. They marched it towards the open closet wouldn't fit. It was just as wide as the closet itself and each side kept getting bumped by the doors.

"Well", Malaysia said, frowning. "This is harder than I thought it would be."


Japan walked down the hallway towards his room. He and Nekomi were going to have a sibling bond time and he was thinking about everything he needed to do to prepare. He wondered if he should bring Nekomi to the anime store or simply walk around the park or eat at a cafe.

He was distracted from his thoughts when he heard a banging noise coming from inside Malaysia's room. Raising an eyebrow, he walked over to the bedroom door, testing the doorknob.


Frowning, he decided to listen a little closer, wondering why they would lock the door.

"It's supposed to just slide in.", Malaysia complained with a groan. "Why won't it fit?"

"Its big, what do you expect?", Martial asked.

Japan's eyes widened and he pressed his ear to the door to listen closer. He wondered just what they were doing, but whatever it was, it did not sound very appropriate.

Malaysia sighed. "It shouldn't be. Try pushing harder, maybe that'll work."

Japan heard a long groan from his friend, and a much quieter growl from his comrade. From within, he could hear even more bumping noises. They can't have gotten that far in their relationship already, he wondered. Right?

Malaysia gasped, then she panted. "S-still nothing," she said. "Maybe try putting it in on an angle?"

Japan blushed as Martial agreed. It was almost as if the groans had gotten louder and he struggled to understand why they would go this far after coming out about their relationship only a few weeks ago.

Malaysia grunted. "Let's just try it on the normal angle again." After more grunting, groaning, and bumping noises, Japan heard both of them give a triumphant sigh. It was Martial who spoke first.

"It's finally in."

With that, Japan hurried back down the hall the way he came, his face bright red from what he heard. He had to bring Philippines with him so he would know he wasn't just hearing things.


Martial and Malaysia looked down at the box with grins lighting up their faces before looking at each other. At last, the box had finally fit inside the closet perfectly. However, Malaysia then groaned, rubbing her shoulder. Martial watched her in concern.

"You doing okay, Mallie?"

Malaysia shook her head. "That box was so heavy and so hard to get into the closet. I think I might've hurt my shoulder or something. I'm kinda hoping it's just a little sore."

Smirking, Martial put a hand on Malaysia's hip. He grinned when Malaysia blushed at the action. "Well, I can give you a shoulder massage to loosen you up. How does that sound?"

Malaysia thought about it for a brief moment, then nodded. She sat down on the bed, looking up at Martial expectantly, only to find the war country giving her the exact same look. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What're you waiting for?"

"I can't give you a massage with your hoodie on." Martial said matter-of-factly.

Malaysia folded her arms across her chest, giving a playful smirk. "Is this just an excuse to see me without my top on?" Martial blushed then answered with his head shaking, she rolled her eyes. "Perv." Despite that, she pulled her yellow hoodie off only in her blue sports bra on with her cleavage showing a bit, then she throw her hoodie onto the clothing basket.

She looks at Martial Law, notice him staring at her with wide eyes looking at her up and down.

"Why do you have such cute tits?", he asked with a smug look in his face and pokes her chest.

Irritated, Malaysia swats his hand away, "Hey, my eyes are up here and no touchy at these!", she turned around and sits at the end of the bed.

She felt Martial sit at the back and touched her shoulders. She tensed, but immediately relaxed, as Martial gripped her shoulders. She gasped as Martial began the massaged.


Japan dragged Philippines down the hall hurriedly, bringing her so they were both standing in front of Malaysia's bedroom door. "I'm not joking, I think they've already taken it to the next level."

Philippines raised an eyebrow, frowning. "How can you tell?"

"Well, the door was locked when I first got here and I could hear a lot of noises coming from inside. Like bumping and groaning."

Philippines didn't believe him. "Kuya Japan, I get that you're worried about Malaysia and we all know Martial's a bit of a wild card, but I doubt my kuya would have already worked up the nerve to actually go this far with her."

Japan give her blank look. "I swear, Philia, I heard them in there! They were so loud, I'm surprised you didn't hear any of it."

Philippines smirked, placing her hands on her hips. "Then let's listen now and see what they're doing."

The duo put they're ears to the door, straining to hear any telltale signs of.....fornication. Philippines frowned, but Japan held up a finger to show that she only had to wait a while longer. She rolled her eyes in response, but as she did so she heard a low moan from her sister-like country.

"O-oh... Feels so good, Marmar... Just a little- Yeah, perfect..."

Philippines jawdropped and she stared at Japan. He mouthed "told you" to her before he resumed listening.

"Hold on... How's this feel?", Martial asked. Barely a second later, Malaysia gasped.

"Y-yes! It feels so good! Keep doing that!"

"What the fuck.", Philippines whispered, pulling away from the door. "They can't actually be...?"

Japan nodded, looking as if he was just barely holding back his laughter, biting his lip harshly as he smiled from ear to ear. "Sounds like it's a pretty good session, too."

Another loud moan from Malaysia made them both jump. "Go a little harder...!"

Philippines can't take it anymore she can't believe her twin brother and her future sister-in-law are doing something....conjugal. She quickly stood up, brushing off her skirt and start walking away, doing the "fuck this shit I'm out" gesture. Japan quickly caught up to her, giving an embarrassed smile.

"That..." she began, narrowing her eyes at her friend. "Was not something I needed to hear."


Martial got up off the bed, grinning down at Malaysia, who is still sitting at the foot of the bed, smiling drunkenly to herself, eyes shut in bliss. Martial rubbed Malaysia's back, he was shocked to hear purring.

"Hey, sayang?", she murmured, her eyes opening to peer at him through a half-lidded gaze.


Malaysia smiled, a genuine smile that Martial always loved, she got up off the bed walk closer to her boyfriend and pecked him on the lips. "Thanks for everything."


*Silently sips lemon tea, looks at y'all readers* After that they had wrestling on the bed.

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