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"Sorry but the only thing I understood there is 'I'll love you'." You say.

"Close enough. I said that if you speak Japanese too then I'll love you." Laughing, you shake your head at him.

Chenle stared at Yuta, his eyes almost burning a hole in his head.

"Do you speak Cantonese too, or is that it?" Winwin asks you.

"Nah. I wish I did. My grandfather was from Hong Kong though. But I never had the chance to learn it." You sadly smile, looking down at your food.

Chenle looked at you and smiled.

Can this girl get any cuter or what?

It was a nice time at lunch, having all of those people around you. People who cared about you. And one individual in specific.

"Wait so where are you from again?" Chenle asks you to recap. Chuckling you answer him in Korean.

"So I was born in San Francisco and I've lived there all my life before coming to Korea. My Dad's side of the family lived in Shanghai while my Mom's side lived in Beijing. But, my paternal grandfather lived and grew up in Hong Kong."

"So then how the heck did you half understand me?" Yuta points to himself in disbelief.

"It's because (Y/N) and I watch too much anime." Joe answers while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He slightly brings you closer to you and you smile with Joe, while eating the food off of your spoon.

"Yeah, Joe and (Y/N) are obsessed with anime and manga." Jaehyun rolls his eyes as he's heard this story to many times.

"Actually?" Yuta raises his eyebrows.

"Well," You take the spoon out of your mouth and continue talking while moving Joe's arm off of you. "Comics and cartoons in general. I do watch K-dramas and Netflix a lot too."

"I remember there was this tv show that had like 10 seasons and (Y/N) finished it in like 4 days." Iris just exposed you.

"Oh my god, yes. It was a 3 day weekend or something and we had like the day before it off because of the snow or something." You then remember cuddling home alone and watching it on your laptop versus your tv because the bill would be a lot more.

"That was like when we just met, wasn't it?" You nod your head at Jaehyun's statement and eat the food on your spoon.

"It was like two month after I kept going to the Starbucks you used to work at."

"Wait wasn't it three months?" His eyebrows furrow as you both try to remember.

"Oh well." You guys looked at each other and shrugged in unison while saying that. The guys at the table were slightly freaked out since that almost like never happens. What are the odds?

"You guys hang out waaaaay too much for that to happen." Taeyong breaks the awkward silence as everyone starts to laugh and be noisy again.

Lunch ends and you all walk your separate ways to your next classes. Your nod was slightly hurting just a bit since ya know, you slammed into Taeyong's built ass body. It was almost like slamming into a brick wall. Which, you won't lie, it's what you thought you first slammed into.

Scrunching your nose, you feel the pain slightly lessen for some weird reason.

Wait. I have gym next what did I think I had next?

You mentally slap yourself while walking the exact opposite way to where the gym was located. On the way, you passed the bathrooms and see somebody super familiar walking out.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" Looking behind you don't see anybody and then your eyes alert to the left, where a figure was jogging up to you.

"Jisung!" Your eyes light up a bit as you were happy to see one of your new friends.

"Hey!" He smiles brightly and walks with you to the gym, which, mind you, is on the opposite side of the

"So did you like forget that the gym was this way?" He laughs at you. You frown at him and punch his shoulder. He grabs his shoulder and fake cries.

"No. I just sorta kinda forgot that I had gym next period. Which by the way, isn't it such an inconvenience to have gym right after we just ate?" He starts to stare off into space while thinking about what you said.

"I mean..." He trails off as he nods and you laugh at how long that took him to decide. "What?" He asks.

"You're so indecisive." You laugh as you skip over to the girl's changing room and close the door. Jisung rolls his eyes at your playful manner and enters his changing room.

"Yah Chenle," Jisung calls his friend as he peeks his head out from where his locker was. He was a bit embarrassed as he had his shirt off, but it was nothing different than when he was changing for basketball.

"Yeah Jisung?"

"Your girlfriend's weird." He smirks while changing his shirt.

"Yah! She's not my girlfriend. I barely just met her. Stop spreading rumors man." His voice was slightly muffled as he was trying to get his shirt on.

"Whatever you say." Jisung rolls his eyes and looks at Donghyuck who was right next to him. "He's whipped for her." He mouths to Donhyuck as he laughs his ass off and Chenle grows suspicious.

"What's this? I heard Chenle likes the newbie." Taeyong walks over to them and smirks. He was leaning over on top of the lockers that were in the middle of the room.

"No!" Chenle screams. But he was too late before Jisung and Donghyuck scream "Yes!" At the top of their lungs.

In fact, they were so loud, you could hear them in the girl's locker room that was right next to them.

You grew an interest as to what they were screaming about and tried to hear them. It was slightly muffled but it was easy to make out what words they were saying.

"Guys! I just met her like yesterday!" Chenle's voice defends himself.

"And there's such thing as love at first sight buddy." Taeyong pats his shoulder and smiles.

"Hyung! Don't take their side!" He screams while pointing to Jisung and Donghyuck who were "they".

"I dunno man. I saw how you were making googley eyes at her when y'all were speaking Mandarin." Taeyong scratches the nape of his neck and sits down on the benches with a thump.

"Oof don't forget our first class of the day today. Chenle was always smiling at her when she giggled." Donghyuck adds while Chenle tries to cover his mouth.

"No! That's not true!" He looks at Jisung for help.

Jisung wouldn't betray me! Or would he?

Jisung shrugs and smiles. "Chenle just admit that you like her. There's nothing wrong with liking someone."

A smile grew on your face as it put you into an amazing mood.

Chenle actually likes me? Well, I mean it's probable. Not official that he likes me. Yet. Or maybe never. UGH! I'm just gonna go out to the gym.

That was a good choice as the moment you walk out, you hear the assistant coach starting to scream at the boys to hurry it up in the locker rooms.

Walking over to the bleachers, you spot Ten sitting at the bleachers all alone until you sit by him.

"Boo." You slap his shoulder and sit right next to him. He smiles and blushes a bit.

"H-hey." You smile in return to his statement and look at the flood of guys exiting their changing rooms.

"Well you were early." You joke at him as he laughs and shakes his head.

"No, I was just on time." He laughs again this time, with you joining him.

The guys all go and sit in the bench as they all sit down and leave a spot next to you. Che le was left behind as he goes and runs up to all of you guys sitting on the bleachers. His smile falls a bit as he sees the only spot open is between Jisung, which is okay, and you.

Oh boy the teasing is never gonna stop. Jesus take the wheel!

He sits awkwardly between you and Jisung and you smile at him.

"Hey Chenle!" A smile grew on his face as you all started to talk.

It was just random conversations between all of you.

"Have you noticed how we can talk in Mandarin and nobody could understand us?" You ask Chenle. He smiles and nods his head.

"Well other than you know, the China line..." He responds.

"Well it'll be our little secret during gym." You smile at him while holding out your pinky. He scoffs from holding back his laughter and wraps his pinky around yours.

"You do know the quarter ends today right?" He smiles as your smile drops.

"Well that was for nothing." You say, returning back to Korean.

"What? What was for nothing? What were y'all talking about?" Donghyuck's nosy ass asks you guys while leaning on Jisung.

"If I were you I would just shut the fuck up. Thanks." You smile at him and everyone laughs while Donghyuck flicks your forehead.

"Aye play nice." Chenle says to him.

"Fine fine." He responds.

You then turn to talk to Ten as he asked you something. Your attention was turned away from those two and Haechan took this chance to tease Chenle.

"I'll stop picking on your girlfriend." Jisung starts laughing and so does Taeyong who was besides those two.

"Just admit it Lele." Jisung rolls his eyes at Chenle. Said boy's cheeks turn red as he begins to defend himself.

"Stop guys she's not... you know... not yet at least." You overheard this part of their conversation and a smile makes it's way onto your face.

Lele? He's cute. There I said it!


What's good y'all.

So anyways um, I was thinking of doing a qna so if yall have any questions you wanna ask me go ahead and comment them or pm me or email me idk what y'all wanna do.

I wanna like film a video of me answering them irl, if y'all catch my drift. I have a couple of them from emails as i did an announcement on them and i posted it on my other book. But I appreciate any comments or questions.

Also, thank you guys so much for all of the views and reads and your comments always make my day.


I'll see y'all in the next update :D

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