St. Patrick's Day!

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I quickly rushed to the entrance of the forrest, or the place i told my friends to meet me. See the enchanted forest and the dark forest are right next to each other, so me and shadow meet right in the middle. Then me and Violet meet in the middle but at the entrance of the two forest. We always meet by this one tree, that's basically our tree. I told them all to meet me there because i have a surprise for them! But i am running a bit late, so when i get there, they are already there. I was greeted by both, but Violet asked " Why do you have Luigi's hat? " I smiled and said " He let me borrow it... It's green and the L can stand for Liz! " They both nodded and shadow asked " So you said you had a surprise? " I nodded and looked up at the sky. There was no rainbow which was a bit sad, since it is St. Patrick's day. I wave my wand and a rainbow appears, it's starts at the tree next to us. The tree is all rainbow colored, as if it ate a star. The rainbow goes on into the forest. " I heard it's true that at the end of a rainbow there's a pot of gold. Since it's st. Patrick's day i thought we could go find out! " I said and they all agreed. Violet lead the way, following the rainbow. When it seemed really near, we all rushed towards the end of the rainbow. To our surprise there was no pot of gold! We all sat down next to the end of the rainbow, really sad. Violet then said " Hey guys, i found a note!" We all looked at it and read " Think you can just get some free gold by proofing up a rainbow eh? Well you gotta earn it! Solve this riddle, and you shall find what you seek - G leprechaun. " I turned pale, I've heard who G leprechaun is. He's the grumpy leprechaun, who doesn't share his gold. His rainbow ushally appears when it's not a natural rainbow and i magical made a rainbow appear. That's one of the many things that happens when you mess with mother nature, of course it could be worse. " so what's the riddle? " Shadow asked, breaking my thoughts. Violet turned the note and we read " My pot of gold, be near an instrument you can hear, but can't play." We all stared at each other and Violet got up. " Well we're not gonna find the pot of gold by siting around! " She then began walking towards the enchanted forest. Me and Shadow then got up and followed. It felt like we had been searching forever! Till we heard singing and then the riddle made sense. You can hear someone sing and some consider that an instrument. Beside you can't play it, either. We all rushed towards the source of the sound and to our surprise it was a little leprechaun girl. She had red hair and the most cutest green dress. She was singing and she had her eyes closed. We walked towards her and Violet stepped on a stick, which made it crack. The girl stopped singing and looked at us. " Can i help you? " She asked and Violet handed her the note. She frowned and leaned closer to us. She whispered " My dad keeps his pot of gold behind that bush. " She pointed to a bush, " Take only a few because, us leprechaun gotta make a living too! Also leave this note for me" She continued, as she handed Violet another note. We thanked her and we went to the back of the bush. There was a big pot overflowing with gold coins. I then waved my wand and three little, purple, pouches appeard. We all filled up our pouches and Violet left the note. Of course we couldn't help but read it " Dear dad, please learn to share, it's not easy being the daughter of the grumpy leprechaun. Even though i know your only grumpy sometimes. Love, Wendy " I felt bad for Wendy, but she still loves her dad. We then walked out of the forest, talking about what to spend our gold coins on. We then heard two Toads talking about Peach's party, they thought it would be more of a ball. That's when we all knew what to do with our gold coins. We all agreed to use it on throwing a big party! Violet baked all the sweets, I decorated Toad Town, and Shadow bought everything we could need. It was a really great party, even Peach came and ditched her party. She brought another cake, which was a good thing because a lot of people came! Even Wendy and the Grumpy leprechaun came, he shared his gold with everyone. It was the greatest St. Patrick's day party ever, and a night everyone felt lucky!
The End! ^-^
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!

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