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YAY A TAG!!! ^.^

I was tagged by:


Alright so first one

1. Favorite Sport:

Uhhh...i don't really do sports o-o Can i say cheerleading? I've always wanted to be one! I got pep! ...but no tumble -.- oooo! I did want to try out for soft ball...it's like girl version of baseball? O.o but i wimped out of on the day of tryouts heh...Uhhh how about...ya i don't really know! Not a sporty person...my brother is and could tell you so much! It's how me and him are opposites...i am indoor, he's outdoor. I am so happy for him that he's now in a soccer team! Practice is Monday for him! Like yay!!! Anyways back to the tag...

#2: Favorite T.v. show

Uhh..i think its missing an S for Shows xD i can't pick one! There's too many good ones! Like Spongebob, The Fairy Odd Parents, oh and My Little Pony! Also Teen Titans Go! And Lab Rats and Mighty Med! And some old ones like Full House!! See too many o-o

#3: Last song you heard:

Uhh...i don't remember...that was yesterday o-o OH! How about #ThatPower or something...it's by Justin Bieber and this raper i forgot...it's a song on Just Dance and i was dancing yesterday so ya xD

#4: Do you have a bae or nah?

If the pokèmon Gengar counts then yes yes i do xD hahahah!!! The answer is no. I am a single pringle ready to mingle...My mom says i should focus on school then guys soooo yeahhh : )

#5: Have you ever hit someone in the face by accident?

o-o Sadly...all the time! How? I get into the beat when playing Just Dance and hit my brother with the Wii Remote a lot by mistake...heh...might bad...

#6: Most Hated Subject

Uhh...i don't hate soo...i mean i can dislike...but still my classes are alright i suppose...I'd say Math but last year i absolutely loved it! And as a member of the Math Honor Society i really shouldn't say Math...but i am too advanced that it's gotten super duper hard! Plus it's annyoing cuz it's an advanced class so you are ready for an even more advanced advanced class! My teacher didn't recommend it for me so i am like not even taking that advanced advanced class so i feel the class i am in is kinda pointless :/ but i can't quite now cuz it's passed the middle the year o-o soo joyy...i used to actually hate science classes but i love my science class this year! ^.^ It's crazy because everyone told me id hate science this year, it's the worest,i am not going to understand and die. It's actually the best, When i don't understand i look online and go for help and i am not dead xD i like proving ppl wrong sometimes so that's like been my motivation to be good in science ^.^ i wish i had that in Math :/

#7: Have ya ever met a celebrity?

Uhh...by met do you mean like shake hands and introduce yourself? Because then no...I've been to a concert before! ^.^ and then i went to this fair and a famous sports lady was there that my mom got a picture with her! So i dunno if that counts o-o

#8: Favorite Disney Show

Uhhh...Austin and Ally, Dog with a Blog, KC Undercover, uhh...there's more! I just can't think of them at the moment o-o oh what about Bunked! ...omg Phines and Ferb!! ^.^ hmm...eh I'll come back to it! : ) Alright also Jessie!

#9: Winter, Summer, Autumn:

AUTUMN!!!!! : D no one really likes Autumn that much...or spring! So i give it love! : ) * mumbles * Also happens to be in my birthday...

#10: Who is your Role model:

My parents! ^.^ especially my mom! Also mi cousin! I want to be just like her! And i want to be strong and independent while also being loving like mi mom! : )

#11: Any Siblings?

Yup! One annyoing loving little brother :/ xD

#12: Speak any other languages:

Si Hablo espanol! : D
That's a yes i speak Spanish xD
Does it count if i know the alphabet in sign language? >.<
I know a very little of Italian cuz of Mittsy! : D
Hopefully they count ...heheh

#13: Place you wish to go to:

Okay so I've always wanted to go to New york! I wanna know how the city glows at night! Ya sure it's boring or something not like Paris the city of love or anything...but i guess maybe i am a city girl? I get the best of both worlds! ^.^ City and country! : D i just wish i could see more skyscrapers! : )

YAY!!! ^.^ Alright so i tag....


Okai dokie! Byyyeee!! : D

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