The Jinxy Challenge

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* giggling * hehhehehehehehehehheeh!!!!!

Izzy: O.o

So i am doing hw but then the camera roll challenge came to my head! I love challages! Then i thought of how i was going to make my own a while back...and well....HERE IT IS! ^.^ THE JINX CHALLENGE MADE BY URS TRULY! So what is the Jinxy challenge? Well i thought of my name...and how u say jinx when someone says something at the same's like saying it twice...sooo...for my challenge i want u to look at yourself twice! What do i mean? Well ur going to have to say 2 things u like about urself! Can be deep or simply but 2 things! Sounds easy ya? Well u also have to say 2 things u want ppl to know about u! Can also be deep or simple like ur favorite color! Got it? Well I'll give u an example!

1. Something i like abour myself is that i am crazy and different!
2. I also like that i am creative,i like to turn the old into something new. Make things beautiful and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

1. I want ppl to know that i belive in following ur heart! :)
2. I want ppl to know that it's okay to be different xD

Okay so i went deep...meh it's up to u and how ur feeling! but this is my challenge!!! : D omg i am so happy!!!!! ^.^
Alright so i challenge everybody and mi friends:


Okay now i should really get back to my hw -.- but anyways i hope u all have fun! ^.^ hehehehhehe

Oh yeah i also drew this birdy! ^.^what do u all think? : D

OMG I JUST REALIZED THIS IS CHAPPIE 40!!! At 50 we should celebrate! ^.^

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