To Abigary

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So i wrote too much to not be able to reply -.- " You've exceeded the- " something something something...wattpad way of saying i wrote too much it's not a reply -.- and i am kinda running late so i didn't feel like looking over and editing what i wrote cuz I'll probably forget to..happened to the April fools anyways...

I was trying to reply to that...and i wrote all this:


Hey Abby!! You okay? O.o like I've been there before! ^.^ i try to ignore them small little details like that cuz i tend to like always think of my OC and crazy adventures they could go on xD Like at night instead of thinking on life and bringing myself down by thinking of all the mistakes and wishing i could go back to fix them...even though you can't. ..i like to think of my OC and then that's kinda how most of my books and random one shots come from...i am a night person anyways xD And i probably shouldn't take it to the extreme of death but i wanna make a have ya ever seen a cute couple that's been together since teens and they grow old together? Its cute ^.^ but then one of them dies cuz there time so then the other one is left alone...I've heard many ppl say " they aren't dead, they live on in your memroy! " and they care out through life as if the person was there and ppl think they are crazy and can't get over the fact they are dead but when someone that's close to ya you honestly wouldn't want to think that so who cares if ppl think ur crazy? Your friend is still alive to anyways my point is yes down to littlest detail on Dawna being ur OC she's not JUST ur creation! She's a part of ya! She's like ur bestie! And how can you say you can't imagine it? I imagine all the OC i know very well like Violet and Dawna all the time xD They live on in the stories we write ^.^ ...this is why i never delete a story no matter how horrible because it's a memory...Ya remember that dance one shot ya wrote? I actually imagine the two and it was soooo cute!!! >.< hmm...your really into Gravity Falls so remember that episode where Mabel got her own bubble prison and they go to court...something known as " Fantasy vs. Reality" ? Welp the reality is Dawna is a creation but the fantasy is she's real and a person and totally awesome! Some ppl are more realistic while others seem crazy to be living in a fantasy but come on don't be all upset over the real details! It's okay to fantasie! Cuz who's to tell ya otherwise you can't? To just tell ya Dawna a creation get over it? Ur an amazing author that what's supposed to be a fantasy kinda becomes a reality! And that's a gift! : D

Okay i probably most likely wrote a lot! I am sorry! I got an email that u posted and i like to read some of the " to all followers " thingy by my fav ppl and besties and this kinda made me think but i had to get ready and welp a shower is thw best place for ideas all of this kinda went on while i took a shower anyways i gtg or I'll be late! Catch ya latter Abby! I hope you feel seem kinda down : (

Or to Abigary

Sorry it may seem like a big deal that i even went to the extreme of posting it as a chapter but i hope ur okay...ur one of my wattpad besties! ^.^ okay i gtg...i am either the one running late or my it's me gah : ( Catch ya all later!!!

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