Veggies? ....No Thanks!

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Hello ppl! In this chapter we have: Violet,  Shadow The Ghost, and....Sonic!! ^-^ yeahh don't expect Sonic to be in too many of these....i also say shadow the ghost so u don't get confused with the hedgehog. .. ENJOY! ! ^-^

Violet: Hey guys! Today Liz is going to tell you a sto-

Liz: Do i have to share this adventure?  I am not a fan of this one...

Shadow: O.o how how come you dont like this one?

Sonic: She just doesn't like it because i am in it!

Liz: Yeah pretty much.... your an idot...

Sonic: Yet i saved you!

Liz: No! you didn't save me, Team Purple saved the day! No one was kidnapped, you idot!

Sonic: I am not an idot!

Liz: are too!

Sonic: am not!

Liz: are too!

Sonic: Not!

Liz: Is!

Shadow: ...There never gonna stop are they?

Violet: there not....

Shadow: well do you wanna tell the story? I am sure Liz is too busy to notice

Violet: Yeah good point, i guess I'll tell it. So it started in a nice day in the Mk. Aunt Peach wasn't kidnapped! But it wasn't no ordinary day either, Sonic came! The whole sonic gang came to vist!  Me and sonic had so many brawls, which i won!.....

Shadow: Why did you stop?

Violet: Sonic would of said something about me beating him....

* in the back*

Sonic: Am Not!

Liz: Is Too!

Sonic: NOT!

Violet: -_-  There still arguing...

Shadow: Well don't worry, I'll continue it!  So it's been a week since the sonic gang had been around,  i belive today was there last day. They stayed the whole week, or at least i think they did. I don't know much on the sonic gang so i didn't hang around with them so much. Anyways i was bored and decided to pay Violet a vist. She lives pretty near since she stays in Luigi mansion.

Violet: It's actually really big and empty. Luigi is king now so he lives with his queen.

Shadow: Yeah good point,  we should vist them sometime.... Anywho! Once i got there i saw sonic and Violet playing videogames.  " Hey vi! " i say but she doesn't hear me. She was way to into the game. I decided to come back another time, and i went to go find Liz. She lives near as well, since she lives in a forest. I find the clear um at least i thought it was. See at the time it was covered in this odd green slime. I got closer and this blast of...magic?  Hit me! Jokes on them because it went right through me! Then a bear, went right through me. Wait a bear? Where have i seen that? I then see Liz, and she rubs her eyes. " Shadow? " She asks and i nod. " Sorry i thought you where a vegetable. ..." she continues.  " Vegetable?  I may be green but i am neon green! Aren't vegetables dark green? "I thought. She then explained how the vegetables in the sprixie kingdom are used for when a sprixie gets sick of eating ice cream and candy. She then said they mysteriously got an extra crate of vegetables and that they became alive. She told me they are now the size of mario and no matter how you try to kill it they grow back. How odd i thought, like how did it even happen. Liz said it started a week ago, and they already took over the gren sprixie kingdom.  We then saw a hover craft land, and Liz told me to hide. We hide behind some bushes and waited to see who came out. We couldn't belive it, it was Eggman! I don't know much about him other then I've heard he is evil.

Violet: Eggman? He is evil! He turned me evil once.... remember Liz?

Liz: IS!

Sonic: ISN'T!

Shadow: Umm...there still arguing. ..

Violet: Yeah... i am sure she remembers though she helped me remember i am Violet.

Shadow: Well that's nice of her. I wonder why she isn't nice to Sonic...

Violet: I don't know, other then she ships me and Bowser. .. anyways I'll continue it now. Me and Sonic had been playing videogames.  That is till Shadow and Liz appeared right in front of the t.v. " Guys move, i am wining! " Said sonic while i laughed at him. " No way! I am wining" i said. Shadow got annoyed and pulled the plug on the tv. We both yelled " Nooooooo!!! " and shadow then said " Guys we need your help! " i am guessing aunt peach got kidnapped again. She always does! " If aunt Peach got kidnapped again let my brothers save her." I said getting up to plug the t.v. again. " This isn't about Peach! It's about Eggman! " Liz said. Sonic just chuckled " Eggmans not here, Lizy. If your trying to prank me or Violet you should try harder" Liz got mad and sortof yelled " I don't like to be called Lizy! And fine if Eggman isn't here, then what's his hovercraft doing next to the clear pipe that leads to the sprixie kingdom?  " she asked. " Fine let's go check" said Sonic with a hint of annoyance in his voice. They all went to the clear pipe, and saw Eggman's hovercraft.  " Now do you belive us? " said Shadow and Liz together. " But what could he possibly want here in the Mk? " Sonic asked, they decided to overhear Eggman's conversation.  " I don't know where the keep the gold, just find it! Bowser said they where full it! Beside how hard can it be to take over such small weak creatures? Here now go send another crate full of these mutant vegetables! " he ordered one of his robots. " mutant vegetables? " Sonic and Violet asked. Liz then explained and told them they had to stop the robot.  Sonic nodded, and ran at the speed of light. He took the crate, and sliced the robot. The robot exploded,  and Eggman saw Sonic. " Get him! " he ordered as more robots appeared. " Guys we better run! " i say and Shadow and Liz run in different directions.  I run faster then Sonic and catch up to him pretty quickly.  He tells me to find the others and meet me back at my house. I found them in no time,  and we all went to my house.Sonic was outside, trying to keep the crate closed. " Guys help these mutant things are out of control! " said Sonic. I use my powers to hold the creat. " Thanks vi! " says Sonic as he gives me a kiss on the cheek.  I blush, and Shadow and Liz just stare at me. " So how exactly are we going to get rid of all the vegetables?  Punching them, kicking,  setting them on fire, and blasting them with magic hasn't worked! They just grow back. " Said Liz with a worried tone, i wouldn't blame her. She said the green sprixie kingdom was already taken over, her mom's kingdom is next! " Don't worry Liz, we will find a way" i insure her. " Hey Violet let on of the mutant vegetables out so we know how they look like! " Said Shadow. I nodded and i dropped the crate. One mutant vegetable came out, and i quickly hold the crate with my powers.  The thing is the same height as Mario,  and has googly eyes. This one is probably a broccoli,  but it grew legs and arms. How odd i thought.Liz then blasted it with magic,  only for it to grow back. " see?! There immortal!  " said Liz.The mutant then walked off." Where's it going? " asked Sonic staring at it. " They look like zombies so where would Zombies go? " asked Shadow. She made a good point,  the mutants are probably brain dead. We then heard an odd shriek,  and we ran in the direction the mutant walked by. The mutant stepped on a puddle, and it screamed in pain. It the continued walking,  but with one leg. Wait what happened to it's other leg? Apparently everyone was thinking the same thing.Shadow then snapped her fingers and a bucket of water fell on the mutant. It once again gave a loud shriek and then it turned to slime.we all looked at each other and had the same thought. Water is the answer! " Lizy how many of the mutants did you say where in the sprixie kingdom again? " Sonic asked. Liz doesn't like to be called Lizy even though that's her real name. I am guessing maybe that's why she hates him?

Shadow: Hmm... I wouldn't blame her i hate it when people confuse me with Shadow the hedgehog

Violet: He has a crush on me o.o

Shadow: O_o ummm... well I'll contuine it now.... Liz told Sonic there where at least more then 100.Sonic and Violet then split up to get more help. Leaving me and Liz to find out how to get water. That's when it hit me! What's the most funest ( it's not a word but if you have a complaint tell Shadow it's in her dictionary of awesomeness!   ) thing you do in summer with water? You have a water fight! You use balloons and water guns filled with water! Me and Liz quickly went to the store and filled up everything. We waited for people to show up at the clear pipe. Many showed up, and we told them the plan. Once Sonic and Violet showed up, we split everyone into two teams.Team A would fight in the greem sprixie kingdom and Team B would fight in the yellow sprixie kingdom. Once everyone went, we went after. They pretty much killed all the mutant vegetables.  Sonic and Violet went to find Eggman and tell him to give up.....

Violet: How come you stopped?

Shadow: I uhh... forgot what happened after...

Violet: O.o you mean you don't remember the party?

Shadow: There was a party?!?

Violet: Yeahhh Liz' s aunt ( the purple sprixie princess ) threw a party for saving the sprixie kingdom from the mutant vegetables. ....she gave you a bunch of chocolate sinice she knows how much you love it. After that you where bouncing all over the place!

Shadow: ...That explains why i cant remember. ..

Violet: Yeah pretty much but we got Eggman and made him go back...

Shadow: Well that's good!

Violet: And Sonic and Liz are still not done arguing -_-

Shadow: Don't worry, i got this! : D

Hey Liz do you want some broccoli?  * I show her the broccoli*

Liz: Br-Br- Broccoli? !?! * faints*

Violet: Shadow! I didn't expect you to make her faint!

Shadow: Hey at least they stopped arguing!

Violet: ...I guess

Sonic: Thanks Shadow! Hey Violet wanna go on a date?

Violet: * blushes* sure!

The two walk away.

Shadow: Oh hey i just remembered how i found out about all this... i wanted to hang out with Liz! But now she fainted....hmmmm....Hey Liz, Look it's Boo!

Liz: Where?!

Shadow: Hehe...just kidding!  Hey Bowser castle around here, wanna go pay him a vist?

Liz: Sure!

Shadow: Okay well bye readers!

Liz: Wait you guys told the story?

Shadow: Yeahhh.... you and Sonic argued through the whole thing!

Liz: Ohh.... well Note vegetables are not bad or will turn into mutants!  They may taste bad, but they are infact good for u!

Shadow: ...Your gonna bore the readers, come on!

Both: Bye!!

I hope you guys liked it, veggies are good for u so don't expect them to turn into mutants!  ...even though it would be cool! Lolz baii guys!!! ~ Liz

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