What I Thought of The Ghosts of Geonosis Part One

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Wow, okay first, it was awesome. Between Kanan's new demonstrations of his powers, to Saw Gerrera returning.....just wow.

So here are my top five favorites in the episode (1 is most favorite so counting down) :

5. Rex returning was pretty great! Lol, I had forgotten he was there with Ahsoka training the Onderon Rebels DX (I REALLY need to re-watch TCW). Gosh I can't even remember the last episode he was in. >.<

4. DROIDIKA'S AND BATTLE DROIDS (CLANKERS)!!!! I love Droidikas for some reason, lol. Also, I've been watching the Freemakers Adventures (that's a lego Star Wars show) while I was waiting for the second half of season three so seeing battle droids reminds me of Roger. XD "I MADE COOKIES!!!!!!!" Anyone else watch that show? ;)

3. Geonosian!!!!!! YAS!!!!! I love Geonosians *cough* probably because I'm reading Rouge One Catalyst *cough* and my new OC. XD Her story is yet to be published. :3

2. SAW GERRERA!!!!! Yay! He appears in Rebels!!!! XD Closer to Rouge One, we are getting. >:D <-(My mad scientist face blame Galen Erso Catalyst *cough* Catalyst :P)

1. OMGOODNESS KANAN's NEW POWER IS AMAHZANG! *fangirl* That was INCREDIBLE how he managed that bridge and Force lept the gap!!! XD I think being blind has definitely strengthen his connection to the Force (just don't get tooooo connected and think about how a certain part of the Jedi Code would apply to your captain plz) . It's incredible how he's improved since when we first Saw (LOL, XD) him in season one. I think I like him being blind better now, just seeing how it's improved his senses and powers so much. Lol I can't go too deep into Kanan character development of that'll lead to my blabbing on about how awesome A New Dawn is and a bunch of other stuff XD.

There WERE some cringe-worthy parts, though. (Is it just me or did Saw sound different than he did in Rouge One?!) First off, the Geonosian didn't sound at all like Poggle the Lesser did in the Trilogy, so that was a bit of a disappointment. Second, what Ezra said about not being able to see through the sandstorm made me wince a bit (Poor Kanan.) And third, OMGOODNESS SAW, THAT WAS SO RUDE WHAT YOU SAID TO KANAN!!!! I feel bad for Kanan, everyone seems to be making quips about his blindness. ;(

There were some hilarious parts, too. I actually laughed out loud a couple of times, especially what Saw said about Kanan contacting Hera which I will elaborate on the pun in the next post XD.

So, I'd rate it a 8/10 episode. :D Can't wait for the next episode a after this. WHAT DID THE GEONISIAN SAY?!?!?? (the Death Star, right? It has to be the Death Star?!!!) XD Stay tuned for the Pun Joke!!!! Thanks for reading, God bless!


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