13th birthday Part 2

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We let go of the hug and Lauca started yawning, oh how cute!. l go her into bed and tucked her in. Then she opened her eyes and said "Vee please stop being overprotective, l am seven!!!,l am also a big girl. "And with that she plopped back into her bed onto her pillow and soon enough was sleeping soundly with drool escaping her mouth and on to her pillow.

l went back to the lounge and sat down. Everyone was now eating and l joined eating like a hungry pig. Everyone turned their eyes in my direction but l didn't care. Food was meant to be eaten wasn't it?, and in my own opinion there was no rule that said the only way to food was etiquette. Food is to meant to be savoured and enjoyed. l turned back to them with the turkey bone in hand and glared at them, they did not looked surprised except Mark who was holding his hand over his mouth. Holding a laugh, his face almost turned purple. Good let him faint and maybe l can get peace.

Vendaca: See what l mean

Mom just looked at her with the look and everything went quiet.

The rest of the breakfast went well, my dad had gone to a meeting abroad and was coming after a week. l went back to my room and sat on my dressing table and looked at myself in the mirror. l was gaining weight and l didn't like it. l combed my hair and tied it into a messy bun. Then took my camera and started doing a youtube video talking to audience live. Well in my dreams,acting. l went for a shower and l dreaded it but after an hour l decided l was going to live in there forever, this was my home now. Until l heard someone getting into my room and opening one of my drawers and taking out something. Then l heard lsabelle reading MY DIARY out loud!!!!.l quickly went out the shower and slipped onto the floor face first, how unlucky.

l slowly picked myself up and limped to my room and saw Isabelle when she saw me she almost laughed. l then realised why she was laughing and grabbed a towel from my bed.l was now embarrassed and the strength to shout at her had now faded. l just grabbed my diary and signalled her to go out. Before she did she said the said ''You have got issues girlllll''. Then she paced out my door limbering like Aristotle who practically became famous for his walk and other things. l felt better and walked to my walk in closet and wore a simple floral dress that covered my shoulders to my knees.

What a birthday this has been. l plopped onto my bed and checked my messages and replied to all of them. l felt tired after that and soon enough went back to sleep.

l was woken up by a loud bang on my door. I checked the time on my phone and it was now noon. l went and opened the door,it was my sister Vendeca.She looked irritated and said "hie".Then she got in walking wierdly.Like her feet where hard to move.She then sat on my bed.

On her right hand she held a pretty red velvet gown embroided with lace and sparkles.And a necklace to go with it too."Dad sent this,and a card too,for your birthday".And on her left hand she was glued on the screen of her phone.

"Now,get ready Amberrr is going to take you shopping with her car.He then stretched her hand towards me holding a credit card"Here,"."Uhm what is that l replied"."It's a credit card you dimwit can't you see,ohh right you aren't wearing your glasses,well that makes sense"."l am not blind you know l can still see!!!!".

She just narrowed her eyes and looked at me.

Vendeca:You must be bluffing just look at you,its like Palm dressed you up.

I just scratched my head and asked who is that?

Vendeca:Such a poor memory!!,she is basically a girl who has no social life whatsoever and has mental issues.

I groaned and just said something meaner to her in my head.

Vendaca:Why are you now smiling?

I just shrugged and said it was nothing.

She then looked at me and said"I am tired of talking get dressed up already and go".

She then stood up and was about to leave the room.Then l firmly held her hand and put on the cutest sad face l possibly could and said"Why do you hate me?".My words did not seem to affect her,as her face had no expression whatsoever.She then glanced into my eyes and l felt like she could pierce my soul and read my thoughts.She just shrugged and replied"l do not hate you,l just tell you the honest truth,the world is a cruel place sometimes,and anyways l believe that lies are a utter waste of my time and happiness".l just looked at her with admiration from her wise words.

She pulled her hand away from mine and walked frantically out of my room,banging the poor door shut behind me.Leaving such a noise that made me feel like tearing my ears out.And a picture of mine that was right next to the door of me getting a prize from 6th grade fell on the floor and the frame broke into legion pieces.They were only like five but in my head it was horific.l just took my pillow and screamed in it.And then l picked up the pieces and felt like crying as l remembered all of the memories on that special day.How proud my parents were,and l wanted to continue that legacy into high school too.

After cleaning up the mess,l took the long dress and looked at it.lt looked fancy and big.This was not my style at all.And it looked too tight for me.l sighed and just wore it.I walked slowly infront of my full body mirror and my jaw dropped.I looked stunning,absolutely stunning!!!.lt fit me perfectly in all the right places.l clapsed the necklace that had a ruby heart,it fit very well with the dress.My dad must be a magician,he chose well.l then opened my card and it read:

My beloved daughter Veronica

I am very sad to not be with you on your special day as you are now 13.The most important birthday in a childs' life.Please forgive me.l promise to make it up to you as soon as l come back.For your birthday l bought you a dress and a necklace.I know that you may think that l don't know you,because you are not a fan of dresses.But l bet right now you are wearing it and looking like the most beautiful girl in the world that you are.

See change is good.A word of advice from me,change for yourself and never change for anyone else.And if you need anything,and l mean anything l am just a call away.

I hope you will enjoy your birthday my loving daughter.Pass my warm tender greetings to the rest of the family.And l hope Lauca is getting better?

Your dad


I wiped the tears off of my face and sniffed.My dad might have not been with me right now.But l know that he cared and that was the greatest gift l could ask for.l wore some pumps and got out of my room.Making some finishing touches to my curly hair.Well my fake hair,my actuall hair was grey and short,l was afraid people would make fun of me.And so l wore a wig to cover it up.

I got out of my room and then went to Vebdaca's room to just say thank you for not hating me.l knocked three times and there was no answer,l knocked again and still no answer.The door seemed to be locked.I started panicking and called Mark,who ignored me at first.Then l had to got and pull him by his ear to come.He tried opening the door and could not.

Mark:Vendeca open this door now,or else l will break it down.In 1.......2.........3
He then broke the door down and l was not surprised he had a muscular physique.l just rolled my eyes and looked at him.This time he was not showing off his muscles at all.He was just in a frozen state,his whole body shook like a river from head to toe.l then wondered what was going on and peered in the room.

There was blood everwhere!!!,on the walls,floor,table,even the bed was drenched in blood.l stood motionless and tried to command my legs to move but just could not.l closed my eyes and prayed that what l saw was just a horrific nightmare.By the time l opened my eyes l saw Mark inside the bloody room desperately calling out Ambers name.I joined crawled up into a ball and started sobbing.After 5minutes he found her tied up in her closet with old dirty rope.She was covered in blood and stab wounds.A sock was stuffed in her mout

I then saw Mark coming out carrying her in his arms and he ordered me to take his car keys"She is still warm and l can feel her pulse"he said.He was drenched in sweat.She looked pale l found the courage to atleast do that and we sped up to the hospital.What was going on?.And why is this happening!!!!!!

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