Pinterest Prompts

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Pinterest prompts
I say no more

Peter whirled to face MJ, slightly startled. "Did you just... agree? With me?"

She sighed, burying her face in her hands. "Oh how I wish I could take that ba-"

"Ah uh! No take-backs! You agreed with me!" The teenager danced around the room with glee, laughing at the fact that the MICHELLE JONES had AGREED with HIM.

Tony smirked as he watched Peter dance around MJ, who had now buried her face in her hands at the mistake she had made.

"Hey," he whispered to Natahsa. "Remind you of something? Liiiike... the Accords?"
Nat looked up from her book and glared at Tony's smirk. "What can I say,  like father, like son."

Tony spluttered. "He's not-we... what!?"
MJ snorted. "Yeah... definately father and son."

With matching frowns, the two males flopped onto the couch, clearly unimpressed.


"... Yeah ok I can see why they're saying that now..."

"MJ, you're anxious."

"No I'm not."

"Your leg is bouncing, you're staring at that wall and you're fiddling with my pen."

MJ turned to Peter. "And how does that make me anxious?"

Peter quirked an eyebrow and stood behind her. "As someone with anxiety, you do. Sit and stay."

She obliged, wondering what the heck he was doing. Gentle fingers ran through her thick, curly hair, starting to pull strands into a thick braid.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Simply reducing your anxiety levels by showing acts of kindness and doing something relaxing," he stated simply.

"Well screw you because it's working." A small smile played on her lips. "You know, this is the kind of things couples do."

She felt Peter's fingers fumble for a second. "Wha-what?"

"This is me asking you on a date, you dork." She waited for his reply, hoping, hoping-

"Sweet. I'll pick you up at 6." He tied the braid off, bending down next to her with a smile. "Wear something warm."

Okay this isn't exactly following the prompt but I guess you could say that I had a prompt

"You're done, Spider-Man. Give up." Strange landed in front of the wounded hero, a steely glare in his eyes. "It's ov-" He stopped, raising an eyebrow as he looked under his arm. "What are you doing?"

"Borrowing your cape for something." The vigilante's response was muffled by the dense red fabric covering his cold frame.


Spidey glared from beneath a fold. "Because it's cold and I can't thermoregulate. Also this feels like a blanket."

With a dramatic sigh, Doctor Strange removed his cloak, causing Spider-Man to squeak with glee as he turned himself into a ball of warmth. He hummed, satisfied, disappearing from view as he curled up in his cocoon.

Stephen tried to suppress a smirk. So much for taking down the arachnid. Tony and Nat landed next to him.

"Where's the bug?" Tony asked, his mask flipping up.

An indignant squeak emmited from under the folds. "Spiders are arachnids, thank you!"

The assassin raised an eyebrow, matching Stephen's amused expression. "So our little  vigilante got cold, did he? Or is he scared?"

"Mainly the first one." His masked face peeked out, the mechanical eyes wide. "I'm also tired. And this reminds me of bed."

MJ scanned the room, eyeing every single guest. She glanced down at her watch with a sigh, rolling her eyes slightly. When is he coming? He's the one who invited me. She continued to observe, her fav resting in a naturally scary look.

The door opened, revealing a young teen with chestnut curls showering his head. He bolted over to her, slipping a little in his new shoes. "Sorry I'm late," he panted.

"Gosh Parker, you're late. By a whole 39 minutes."

"39? That's oddly specific." He shrugged, glancing around the room. "Have you talked to anyone yet?"

She quirked an eyebrow. "Do I look like a social butterfly?"

He didn't respond but merely grabbed her hand and began to pulled her through the crowd of people. As soon as his hand touched hers, the tips of her ears grew ojnk and she had to suppress a smile. That was impossible.

"Hey, Mr Stark! Meet MJ!" Peter dragged MJ over to his mentor, talking in his usual geeky way.

"Hey," she said, waving slightly.

The man nodded, giving her a warm smile. "So this is the great Michelle Jones ive heard all about. I need no introduction, obviously."

Peter blushed as MJ cocked her head, wondering how Tony Stark could've heard about her.

"Peter can't stop talking about you, can't you bud?" Tony ruffled Peter's hair, laughing at his beet red face.

"I do not talk about her non-stop!" He protested.

Tony said nothing but smirked.

"Yo! MJ!"

They all turned to the small band of teenagers walking towards them. MJ blinked, ready for whatever they threw at her.

Flash smirked. "Didn't think you'd be at this gala."

"No, this dork invited me," she retorted, jerking her thumb at Peter, who waved.

"I'm just showing her around."

"Yeah, maybe if you had gotten here when you were supposed to, not 39 minutes and 43 seconds late."

"Oh, you counted seconds, did you?" Peter asked, grinning at the pink hue flowing onto her cheeks.

She responded with a slap on the arm and a badly concealed grin. "Oh shush, I've had enough people prodding at my emotions."

Peter snorted while Flash looked incredulously between the two of them. Since when did the stoic, silent MJ smile? And how did Peter get her to smile? It was all too confusing.

"Anyway," MJ continued, "were gonna go so I can get co finally dragged around the place by this geek and hopefully not die of socialization." With a small smile on her lips, she linked arms with Peter and they walked together through the party, chatting together as Flash watched.

They really were the perfect couple.

Mreeeee these were bad but oh welllllll


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