The Doll

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My mother bought me a beautiful China pot doll girl when I was 5.

She had told me 'be careful with her'

I replied with 'of corse thank you mommy!'

The next day I was playing with my doll. But when my father shouted from the kitchen 'Sweetheart can you come and help me set the dinning room?!'

I shouted 'Coming papa!' And had to stop playing I put the doll on the cushioned chair.

And went to the kitchen as my mother was coming in.

As I was putting out the cutlery and my father was putting out the dishes of food.

My mother had come in looking pale as if, she was sick.

'Mommy, are you ok?' I asked

'Of course, I'm just tired.' She replied.

'Are you sure?' Asked my father.

She looked looked at him and said 'Honey, can we go in the other room?'

He nodded 'Of course' he replied

Then mother looked at me and said in an almost worried and pleading voice 'Sweetheart, can you stay on this room? Please'

I didn't hear it, since I was 5, so I replied smiling 'Ok mommy.'

Time went by I would say about 10 minutes.

When they came back they had my father looked sick as well.

'Father, are you ok?' I asked now worried

'I'm fine.' He replied

We sat down. And ate.

As days turned into weeks I was playing with my doll more frequently.

Wen I turned 7 I was with my doll. I heard talking well muttering at least I thought it was my parents.

I let it slide not caring.

When I turned 14 I left my doll in my room. Never played with any more.

As time went by I had put the doll in the attic, left to rot. As well as lots of other things.

I had gone to studying and partying. Not a care in the world.

But now I'm 25, I have my own house, a loving husband and two beautiful little girls.

In fact today I'm actually going back to my house to find that doll. I'm going to give it to my little girls. Emma and Georgia.

When I got to my house I knocked on the door.

A few minutes later my mother came and answered the door.

'Hello mother!' I said hugging her. She smiled and hugged me back 'Hello sweetheart'

My father had passed away 2 yeas ago from cancer.

'Mother I came to get that doll you got me when I was 5' I said all I have to do is get it fixed from a professional.

She looked shocked and slightly scared she nodded and I went in.

I walked upstairs and got the ladders to go up to the attic.

When I did I walked up and started moving things around to get to that china doll I searched and searched and searched.

When finally I found it well at least what's left of it.

it's right leg was missing as well as it's left arm. It was cracked, old and dusty and it needed to be painted again but nonetheless I'm sure when it's done my children will love it.

I want back downstairs and into living room where my mother was, she was sat down on the couch, so I sat next to her.

'Thank you' I said smiling.

She looked at me with a nervous look 'you welcome, in sweetheart?' She asked.

'Yes?' I asked

'Did you ever want a little sister?' She asked

'Yes when i was 3 mother' was my reply.

'Well when you was born you had a twin.' She said.

I looked at her with shock and confusion. 'Yes?' I asked and urged her to continue.

She looked hesitant to but she did. 'Well we called her Millie but when you both turned one she sadly died of lung cancer she was so happy all the time so it broke our hearts you, you don't remember her sadly and when you turned five we gave you a china doll. We remember seeing your face, you looked so happy is just as much as she did, do you remember when I asked father to come and talk to me in private and we about to have dinner?' She asked.

I nodded a 'yes'

'Well it was because the dolls eyes were brown just like your sisters. And when you left her eyes went to me. And I went to prove it to your father and the eyes followed us. So I would suggest to get rid of it.'

I said 'Ok' and left with the doll.

I was in my car when I heard 'You're not actually going to get rid of me, are you?'

I turned and saw the doll had moved its head and looked at me from the passenger seat.

'W-what?' I asked in shock and fear.

'You're not gonna leave me are you?' She asked now weeping, a red liquid coming out of her eyes.

'No, um I realised I never gave you a name.' I said a bit nervous

'I'm Mille you twin sister.' She said smiling 'Why did you leave me in the attic?' She asked

'I thought you was just a doll and I grew up. I'm Sorry.' I replied.

I had gone to the charity shop and brought some pot and went to my cousins house.

He was a professional at fixing dolls.

I gave him the doll and pot. 'Can you fix this?' I asked showing the doll.

'Sure thing' he said. And took them, I winked at 'Millie' and she smiled and winked at me.

A week had gone by and I had gone to get the doll.

I knocked on the door and got 'Millie' looking new as ever.

I had drove home and in the car Millie said 'Hi big sis I look new!' And giggled.

'I know, you look amazing little sis! I have two little girls Emma and Georgia and I'm giving them you but don't worry ill still be there when I'm not at work I promise.' I said with hope she wouldn't mind.

'Oh, ok' she said with a bit of disappointment.

As months went by my little girls took care of her but 'Millie' my apparent little sister, wouldn't smile and move her eyes and slowly moved her pot limbs a few times.

My little girls would get a little frightened.

Soon my girls left her and they where only 6 as well so they would love her.

But 'Millie' only scared them and she was left again.

So I kept her with me.

But I was working more often and left her behind.

'Love, me and the girls are going out for lunch tonight, will you be able to come?' Asked my husband with my children.

'I'm sorry, I can't I'm working still.' I replied sadly and carries on with work.

And they left.

After 10 hours of working my family was still out.


My phone went off telling me I had a text.

I unlocked my phone and read the text that was from my husband 'I'm sorry, we are going to be late, we are at my mothers she text me asking us if we wanted to come over, so I said yes. Again sorry I love you sweetheart.'

I sighed, sadly and went to bed.

I lay down tired.

And fell asleep.

I heated shuffling and woke up. I must have been asleep for at least 2 hours.

I opened my eyes to see 'Millie' she looked at me.

'Hello, sister' she said

I looked confused.

'Lets play a game, it's called 'the colour red'' she smiled and giggled. She brought up a knife and put it near my stomach.

And thruster forward. I screamed in pain.

She went to my heart and stabbed me again.

I struggled to breath and I started to see black spots and slowly blacked out.

I awoke again.

And tired to move, but couldn't I could only move my eyes.

I noticed my husband, crying. My children was scared. And the police surrounding a body, a dead body, my body.

'Don't worry I can teach you to move your body.' Said a voice, 'Millie' 'You're beautiful'

I was confused.

I looked down and slowly with great difficulty moved my head down only to see a pink and yellow dress with pot legs.

I was a doll.

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