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The next day, you checked out from the hotel really early as both you and Taehyung needed to continue your journey to Busan.

"Wait here, I need to buy something." He said before rushing out to a convenient store, leaving you alone in the car.

Once he stepped in, a black haired guy was heading out in a hurry and he ended up brushing his shoulder with Taehyung.

"Uh, sorry." The guy apologized with his head down before disappearing from his sight.

Taehyung didn't put much thoughts on it when he suddenly realized how familiar that person's voice was. He quickly turned around with hope he could see his face again but too late, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Weird." He muttered while scratching his head in confusion.

After he bought some drinks and snacks for both of you, he went back to the car with a blank face on. He kept on mumbling something but you couldn't really catch what he was actually saying.

"What's wrong?" You asked, noticing his sudden weird behavior.

"I think I just bumped to Jimin." He frowned, feeling regretted that he didn't even give a damn to look at that person's face just now.

"You must be missing him so much." You teased, followed by a chuckle.

"Ridiculous." He laughed and drove off.

Taehyung assumed that it was just someone who kinda resembled him. But little did he know, it was really Jimin.

On the way to Busan, Taehyung couldn't stay quiet and just kept on talking about random stuffs. He was the reason why your journey wasn't that boring though.

"By the way, don't you want to tell Jungkook about it?" He asked out of the blue.

You remained silent for a moment before replying to his question, "There's no need to tell him."


Three hours had passed and both of you finally arrived at your destination, Busan Hospital. Once you stepped into the big building, you were greeted with the disinfectant smell of the hospital in an instant.

You darted your eyes around the lobby and immediately spotted a woman waving her hand frantically at you. That was when you realized, she was your mom.

A smile crept on your face as you pulled Taehyung with you, walking towards her. But then, the excited smile on her face was replaced with a confused one as soon as she saw Taehyung by your side.

Based on her expression, it was obvious that she indeed was expecting Jungkook to come with you, not Taehyung. She was a bit blank at first but you quickly explained that he was just a friend of yours and lied that Jungkook couldn't come because of work.

Not wanting to waste any time, she brought you to a patient's room and left you alone with an old man lying in the hospital bed.

"Appa." You weakly said, calling out the unconscious man.

You slowly approached him and sat on the chair that was on the side of the bed before scanning his entire face. He looked very weak and pale, his lips were dry and his eyes remained closed. The happy-go-lucky man who always cherished you, now just silently lying in the cold hospital bed. Seeing him so fragile for the first time made your heart ached.

Slowly, you took your hands out and wrapped his hand with yours. Even his hand was icy cold. You gently squeezed his hand, letting the warmth and softness of your own hands let him know you were there, by his side.

Perhaps, you squeezed it too hard that made him awake. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around in confusion.

"Appa, are you okay?" You softly asked.

He then turned his head to you and blinked his eyes a few times before showing you his wrinkled smile.

"I just need some sleep." He chuckled, trying to reassure you.

"You know that you have a weak heart too, like Taejoon. Please don't push yourself anymore." You replied to his smile, eyes watered without you realizing it.

According to your mom, he was too busy working that he fainted at the workplace as he didn't sleep for three days straight.

"How are you doing with Jungkook?" He asked, out of the blue.

You were a bit hesitant to answer him but at last, you decided to lie again not to make him worry.

"We're doing fine."


After having a chat with your dad, lunch, then came back to chat with him again, your dad told you to stay at their house that night. He noticed that you seemed exhausted too as you spent most of your time at the hospital.

Time flew really fast and it was already time for dinner. You planned to have a dinner with your dad, but they told you to go with Taehyung instead. So you bade goodbye to them, promising to come back again the next morning before bringing Taehyung to a dinner with you.

After having a dinner, you brought Taehyung to your parents' house which was only a few miles away from the hospital.

Once the two of you arrived there, you inserted the password to unlock the door then guided Taehyung to the guest room. After you left him there, you headed straight to your room.

You held the doorknob and spun it to open the door. The room was a complete dark that you couldn't even see a thing. So you carefully reached your hand out and searched for the switch on the wall.

Once the lights turned on, you almost got a heart attack seeing a figure sitting on the edge of your bed.

It wasn't a ghost or something but Jungkook. He stared at you back with a smirk across his face, seeing how shocked you were.

"Why are you here? How did you—"

"I followed you and Taehyung from behind." He cut you off, slowly getting up from the bed.

He walked towards you, closed the door and locked it.

"Where's your car? Or did you ride a train to here?" You nervously asked while glaring at him.

You remembered not to see any car parked at the outside.

"Jimin went out to buy something." He replied before asking, "Why didn't you tell me that abeoji is sick?"

"You don't have to know." You responded with an annoyed tone only to receive a death glare from Jungkook.

"I don't understand, did you really have to bring Taehyung along? You're just burdening him." He crossed his arms over his chest with an obvious frown on his face, not knowing that Taehyung was the one who volunteered himself to come with you.

"Get out." You ordered but of course, Jungkook ignored you.

"You lied about the trip. You were staying in your parents' house in Seoul for the whole week, right?" He raised his eyebrows.

"So what if I did?" You scoffed and opened the door to leave but Jungkook quickly pushed the door closed.

"Why do you keep on running away from me?" He groaned.

He looked into your eyes deeply, as if he wanted to let you know about something.

"Why did you leave me for a week?" He softened.

You couldn't really tell what were actually going through his mind as he kept on giving you mixed feelings.


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