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You knew he saw you, but you'd know idea why he suddenly left and vanished himself just like that. It was as if, he was avoiding you.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked as he and Taehyung approached you who was standing alone in the middle of the crowds. They witnessed the scene too.

"I'm pretty sure that Jungkook saw me but.." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and anxiety.

"Anyway, are you going anywhere after this?" Jimin questioned with a weird grin across his face.

"It's 9pm now so I'm going home after this."

"Actually," Taehyung looked around him before whispering, "We're planning to make a surprise birthday party for Hobi-hyung~"

Once he mentioned party, your face brightened up like a sunflower.

"Everyone is here too. They are acting as chaperones while Taehyung and I are supposed to prepare for the party now before Hobi-hyung arrives home. So, we need your help, there isn't much time left." Jimin urged, making you nervous all of a sudden.

"But I need to find Jungkook first." You said, panicked.

Both of them began to exchange worried looks. They needed at least four people to set up the party within a short period of time as it would take two hours to go to Hoseok's apartment. Plus, the theme park would close at 10pm.

"We shouldn't have gone into the haunted house." Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance only to earn a glare from Jimin.

"Are you saying this is my fault now?" He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"We got stuck in the haunted house because you wanted to enter it so badly when we were actually rushing."

"There wouldn't be any technical difficulties if you didn't push that big red button with a DON'T TOUCH sign on it." Jimin fought back.

Taehyung quickly cupped his mouth with his big hand to shut him up but too late, you already heard it. Both of them then quickly looked around if anyone actually heard it besides you.

"So it was the two of y—"

"Let's go Taehee-yah! I need you to help me set up the party now." Taehyung cut you off and dragged you away in a hurry.

"I'm coming with Jungkook later so don't worry!" Jimin yelled before he disappeared into the crowds to find Jungkook.

-Hoseok's Apartment-

"Finally~ We make it on time." Taehyung sighed in relief and flopped himself on the couch.

Soeul and Daeul were also there, already waiting at that place since morning. They were both playing with the balloons. The place was brighter because of them.

Since you two didn't have much time to decorate much for the party, both of you decided to set up a simple party with a birthday banner hung on the wall and some colorful balloons spread on the floor.

There were only 3 minutes left before the clock striked 12 and yet, Jimin and Jungkook who were in charge on buying the cake hadn't arrive. It would be a failure without the cake.

"Taehee, are you fighting with Jungkook?" He suddenly asked which made you gasped.

"Fight? No. Why?"

"Come to think of it, he looked kinda upset when he saw you." He said.

"I noticed that too."

"Maybe," Taehyung got up from the couch, seated himself beside you and whispered, "—he was jealous of something."

Taehyung began to stare into your eyes deeply with a teasing smile created on his lips. This close, he could see the flood of color that rose in your cheek. A lot of things suddenly lingered in your mind, making your heart beated like crazy for no reason.

But then, the sounds of the main door being opened startled the two of you, snapping your thoughts away. You turned your head to the small voices and saw Jungkook and Jimin rushing to your side.

"Hobi-hyung is here! We need to light the candles now!" Jimin said and the four of you became panicked all of a sudden searching for the lighter.

Luckily, Jungkook found one and quickly lighted the candles up while Taehyung went to switch the lights off as Hoseok and the others would show up in anytime.

Once the lights went off, the door swung open right on time, revealing the main character of the day who was in a state of shock when he saw Jimin holding the glowing cake in the dark.

"Happy birthday Jung Hoseok!" Everyone cheered and made Hoseok laughed in embarrassment.

"This is embarrassing but thank you." He said with that big smile of his that was brighter than the lights from the candles.

After singing him a happy birthday song, blowing the candles and dividing the cake into eight slices, they played together like innocent kids until they fell asleep in the living room. Even Jungkook was asleep too.

Before they fell asleep, Hoseok already gave you his permission for you to sleep in his room. So after washing your face to remove the dirt, you headed to his room. The bed was smaller than yours since he lived alone but for sure, it was the most comfortable bed you'd ever laid on.

You were about to drift off to sleep when you felt something suddenly crawled into the bed. You turned your head to your back only to see Soeul and Daeul already lying by your side, both tired.

You quickly covered them with the thick blanket and kissed their cheeks. They looked extremely adorable.

But then, you caught someone staring at you near the door which turned out to be Jungkook.

"When did you—"

"Just now. Why did you leave the door opened?" He scoffed.

He closed the door carefully not to wake up the kids before leaning his back on it.

The room suddenly fell quiet and both of you just silently began to stare at each other.

"Jungkook-ah, why did you—"

"I finally remember something."  He cut you off once again and made you annoyed deep inside for not letting you talk first.

But still, you kept quiet to listen to him as he finally remembered something.

"In front of Kookie Cafe.. you were with Taehyung, saying that you two were on a date. Why did you do that?" He frowned.

You couldn't really remember the details on what actually happened at that time. But this made you wondered how could he remember that one when there were so many other good memories of you two. That one that he remembered was useless and only made things worse for sure.

"Well.. it's hard to explain." You sighed.

Jungkook noticed that you seemed troubled with his question and decided to just let it slid this time.

"I'm sorry. I make things difficult for you a lot of times." He apologized. "I just love you so much, you know."

Just when both of you were about have a good talk together, someone opened the door, pushing Jungkook to the floor.

There, Jimin froze in shock, staring at both of you with wide eyes.

"S-s-sorry. I thought this was the washroom. Ha. Ha." He awkwardly laughed and shut the door back.

Jungkook sighed and ruffled his hair. He had to wait for the right place and time to talk with you later on.

"Where are you going?" You asked, seeing Jungkook suddenly headed to the door.

"I'm sleeping at the outside."

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