Arc 2.9 - Heng

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I'm sorry for the late post, i been busy these days. I quit my old job and get the new job. Need to adapt new work place.

-No proof reading-

Narrator's PoV

Kang Jian and Lijuan relationship are getting attentions from Kang Jian's mother, after she knows about their relationships she ask him to break up with her but Kang Jian being stubborn person ever. He never listen to his mother demand. He still want to be in relationship with Lijuan. End up the one who get the impact is Lijuan.

She get all the bruised from the Kang Jian's fan's club and his mother's vassal. But she pretend nothing happened. Its make Kang Jian love her more because she still with him even though he knows what she been through. Kang Jian been protecting her without she knowing about it. They fight for their own love and not afraid to show it the whole world.

A/N: 😑 as if the whole world want to knows about them pstt.

The fight they face every day never get them weak or even weaker but more powerful than before because they get the support from their friends and supporter's. Until his mother's succumb with their own stubbornness.


Heng Ruo and Rina relationship are opposite from them. Both of their parents accepted their relationship openly. Although at first Rina feel so nervous because Heng Ruo's from one of the richest families. But she feel so pleasant because they accept her fully. Heng Ruo feel so grateful that his parents accepts the woman he love despite his parents never care about him. They never prevent he to love someone even she is not from a rich family. They don't want him to be like them.

The obstacle between both of them is not much, just they being a possessive lover. After that night of expressing everything to each other they become more sweeter than before. It make people curious about their relationship because they never fought each other , they always go and back to the class together.

Rina's PoV

"Babe, I'm bored" i said while lay on bed. I look at Heng who is so busy doing his thesis. It's his final year, he must do thesis so he can graduate early than he suppose. To be honest i'm so proud of him, but i just want him attention. Petty am I ~Bad Rina~

"Baby~~~" he look at me and smile a little bit, "Wait for a couple of minutes baby, i'm going to finish this as soon as possible" He said looking back at the laptop again. "That's what you were saying 3 hours ago" i pout my mouth.

Then i wake up and go the kitchen, i want to make him something. I know he must be stressed up with all the thesis he been doing for the past three hours.  After i put all the food I had prepare on plates I put it on the Mirror table, then i go behind him and massage his shoulders.

"Rest for a little bit babe, i bought fruits and juices. Eat first and you can continues later" i said to him. He look at me with glowing smile on his face. He pull my right hand and pecks it  "I love you baby, thank you" He said to me. Then he pull me on his lap.

He pecks my lip with his soft lips then its become more intense. His warm tongue slip between in my lips, i follow his lead and response to him. Then i pull off from him slowly. The tips of our nose is touches. I smile while looking at him. "I love you" he said to me slowly. I hug him and hide my face on the crooks of his neck "I love you too" i said to his right ear and kiss his neck slowly.

"I don't know how to survive without you, baby" he rub my cheeks after he pull off from his neck. "Why? Before this you live well without me, What with the cringe word tho" i smirk at him.

He bites my lower lip. I scream for little bit. "Dare you to said that to me huh, baby girl. I'm just being sweet and appreciate you" he said to me with a frown were showed on his face.

I chuckled for a little bit. "Duh, i'm just playing with you. By the way, did you already finished your thesis? Because if you already did, I want you to put your attentiob toward me right now." I try to seduced him by rakes my hand on his hairs softly and kiss near his lips.

The lust were showed in eyes. "Actually, i already finished it while ago. I just want to look at your act. What will you do if you getting bored" he said while grins at me.

I pinch his right cheek softly. "You naughty boy, even i'm bored i won't do anything that will make you mad" i pout my mouth and mumble it softly.

"I didn't said that you will do anything bad, geez. You're so sensitive" he said to me. His face look annoyed.

"Aww. I'm just saying, why you over reacting it?" I stand up from his lap. I stand beside the bed, amd crossed my arm. I feel so annoyed with him.

"I'm not overly reacting, you're the one who said it first." He look so mad right now. "Wait. Wait. Are we argued with each other over such a little thing?" I chuckle a little bit. I feel so stupid for a minutes.

He stand in front of me. "I don't know. Are we?" He said with a grins smile. "Haa! I know, why don't we act like we're fought we each and make it up with romance?" I give him some suggestion. He laugh loudly and pinch my left cheek.

I slap his hand because he pinch my cheek a little bit too strong. "It's hurt. My cheek gonna be so chubby. And you're the one who to be fault" I said while rubbing my left cheek.

"Me, myself and I? I'm the one who to be fault? Like seriously? freaking seriously? You're the one who's too cute for me to refused and you put blame on me? Seriously baby?" And my face become red. He chuckle a little bit to loud for my ear but I'm happy that he laugh. He been stressed lately all because of his thesis.

"Why are you still feel so embarrassed when i said anything cute about you" he said to me, Heng kiss my forehead softly.

"So cute, baby" he said while looking at me. "Aishh. Stop flirting with me. Now focus. I want to make up a love with you"  i said to him while slapped his chest softly.

"You're too cute for me, and you dare to seduced me?" He grins and chuckles at me.

"I dare" i said with proud face. "We will see" he walk toward me and i took steps backwards until my leg reach the bed. He push me to lie on the bed.

🍋 Alert!! 🍋

Only for adult

He rub my cheeks slowly with his right fingers. He finger went down slowly and slowly until it reach my sensitive part. He grins when i moans for a little bit. "You said that you want to seduces me but i think it were opposites right now" he said to me while pecks my lips slowly and then it turn to seductives kisses.

"S-stop, i al-ready said that i will seduced yo-u" i said with a heavy breath. He pull off for a little while.

"Okay, let see how you will seduced me" he said while lied on the board with crossing arm.

I walk toward him slowly while unbutton my long dress pyjamas, until it reveal only my sexy night gown.

I heard him gasp while tilt his head and look at me. His eyes trails down to my body when i push my gown off. The only part that left in my body is bra and underwear that hides my 'sister'.

I unbutton his night pyjama's slowly while nibble his lip seductively, inviting him to kiss my lips even more. I put my hands on his chest and trails down to his abs. I touch it slowly to feel his abs in my hands.

"The third part that i love in your body" i reveal to him. He look at me with amused. "What the second part?" He ask me.

I kiss his lips more deeply "this part" and "what the first part that you like the most?" he ask with heavy breath after i pull off from his lips.

"This is the first one" he look at me where i looking at. His brother. I touch it even still cover with his pants. "Ouh. Its hard" i touch it slowly. "B-baby, don't play with it" his voice become breaking a part and more huskier.

I open his pant and pull it down. "And why is that?" i smirk at him, "you're the one who ask me first, i'm just showing it" i said to him while looking at him while he closing his eyes because i'm doing hands job to his 'brother'. His breath become more heavy. When he were to reach his orgasm i pull it off. He look at me with frown.

"You shouldn't do that" he said. "But i want you to cum inside me, but you have to put it first" i wink at him while he looking at me with shocked face.

He push me on the bed and put both of my hands above my head with one hand. He pull something beside the bed. I see him take his tie and tie up both of my hands. "This is your punishment" he said to me. He look so serious. When he do that kind of face it me more lust of him.

"B-but what is my m-mistake?" I try to ask him while he kiss my neck and bites it slowly. He trying to left hickeys on my neck.

"Baby, you're not going to seduce me anymore right?" He ask me with devil smile. How cruel. How can i seduces him when he tie up both of my hands.

I look at him with amused smile. "How can i do that when i been tying up by you" i said while look at him straightly in his eyes.

"Just lie down on the bed, let me do it. I will serve you" he said slowly he open my bra's and my underwear.

Heng dived his head into the crooks between my neck and shoulder. He teased that part by licking it.

I sucked a breath as I feel his licked on my sensitive part, he start to teased me even more and a moan escaped from my lips. "Ahhhh.."

"I haven't touch you for so long that I even forget how sexy you are" he huskily said. It made me shivered under his touched. It made me aroused more.

I try to loose the tie slowly without him knowing. When tie is already open from both of my hands, I groped on his bulge that been growing since we started kissing. "Want me to help you first?" I said teasingly while touching his covered bulge slowly.

Instead of waiting for his answered I rolled our body and climbed onto him. I position myself in front of his bulge and tease it with kiss it slowly.

I licked the tips of Heng's member.
"Ahhhh..." Heng moaned as he closed his eyes. He put both of his hand on my hairs.

I started to massage his length with my mouth only causing him to moan endlessly. "Ahhh. You're getting better at this..." He groaned as his member were stroked by me. I massage his length until I feel him about to cum cause his member is growing inside my mouth.

When I heard him groaned louder than I pull off. Seeing his unsatisfied face and glaring and at me.

"Wh..y you pulling off?" He ask me while he breath is shorten because of the pleasure he got.

"I want you to cum inside me, baby" I said as his body is lying on the bed. I come closer to him just to kiss him. I put both of my hands on Heng's nape so the kiss will get deeper.

Heng tilted his head from one side to another side, only to nibble and Feel's my lips as if he could explore more than that.

He fisted my hair between his fingers and plunged our body more on the bed. It make a squeaky sound as we bounced on the bed

Both of us were short on breath just because the kiss we shared. Heng search for my eyes and held his gaze. "Let me prepare you first, baby" Heng said.

I saw Heng go take a lube and sit on the while I lie on it. He put the lube on his finger and put it in to prepare me. One finger then I feel it become two. Until three whole finger in inside me. When he already position himself between my leg and he put his member in front of my enteress to teased me.

When I glared at him, he only chuckled. When he put his member inside me, I were gasping. It hurt but the pleasure is taking me.

He put my right leg on his shoulder and left leg around his waist to be deeper inside of me. He push in and out of me roughly. I been moaning his name since he start put his member in me.

He groaned my name loudly " tigh--t..don't clench it, babe" he groaned and moaning. "C-loser!!! Oh my...why are you still so tight, babe!!" He push in and out of me even harder. I put both of my hand on his back and scratch with my nails when he being rough.

"Not s-so deep, ahhhh mo-re" I screaming and moaning at the same time. "Close close, Baby. Ahhh... Rina!!" He pull and out of me even harder. He tilted his head and kiss me while he cumming inside the condom. I heard him groaned with pleasure when he released it. Without pull of from me. He kiss and nibble my lips intensely.

Without me knowing his hand already reach for the second condom. When we pull apart, with an out of breath I heard him saying "round two baby" with smirk face.

"Bu-t..i'm don't have any en--... baby!!"

🍋 Alert End


Heng's Pov

I wake up first, because of the alarm I been set for. I look beside me. Rina. The love of my life. I push the stray hair that close her face. Rina face is on my chest and her right hand on my waist. The memory of last night make me grins even more. They been doing so many round until she passed out.

Rina and I is inside the quilt. Half of his naked body were showed. The sun is rising and light of the sun is been shining toward them. Mostly at Rina. The shining sun is beaming on her face and its make she look like an angel.

I couldn't hide more his love toward his lover. I rub her shoulder that were showed outside of the quilt and kiss it slowly. When I feel Rina is waking up, I pretend to sleep.

I feel the movement from Rina side and her hand's is touching my face. I can feel her breath close to mine. I smile slowly when he feel Rina kiss him.

"you already waking up. Geez" she slap my chest softly. Then I put my left hand on her left cheek. "How's your sleep?" I ask her with husky voice. Slowly I saw the red colour appears on his face. Awe. She remember our last activity.

"It w-was good" she said it slowly. "Are you shy on me, baby?" I tease her and chuckled when I saw he pout her lips. Showing that she protest with my word.

"I bet the one who told me that want to seduced me already gone. You know she even try to sedu...such" Rina pinch me softly at my stomach. But I want to react it like it were really hurt.

"Don't be so over dramatic. I pinch you softly, okay." She glared at me. I just chuckle.

I really love this morning routine with her beside me and we have this kind of conversation. I don't know what my life would be like without her beside me.

I gaze at her lovingly when she were talking about something. This angel in front of me is forever mine. My little Rina. Wifey.



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