Arc 3.5 - Zhang

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Rina's Pov

I patiently wait for Yong gege and Zhang to finish their practice at our secret place. One of grandpa's backyard that none of the servants allowed to enter except for four of us.

I see Yong gege practicing his sword while using his power, fire. The fire starts to appear on Wang Yong's sword. Uuu. So Cool.

Then I look at Zhang, he changes the weather to the way he likes. He changes the weather to the four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter. He can even freeze someone from his own power, I had seen it before. It scares me to death when I saw a guy frozen in front of my eyes. His body becomes a cloud of dust when he kicks it. I asked him why he does to the poor guy. He said that that guy kills a child in front of his eyes. He doesn't deserve to be lives.

So cold. And so hot. Damn hot. Both Yong gege and Zhang are the same age. 13 years old. But they didn't look like they're thirteen years old at all. The muscle they had make them look so much older. The fierce face they had to make them hard to be near.

"Zhang... it's cold can you change it the autumn?. I want to see sakura blooming from the tree." I said to Zhang, he looks at me with a soft smile and nods his head.

The flower starts to appear on the tree and then it's blooming before slowly falling on the ground. Ahhh. So beautiful. "Zhang...look it's so beautiful." I touch Sakura's flower that falls on the ground. "Don't pick that one," he said to me.

"Take this one", he showed what on his hand to me. Wow, the flower blooming on his hand. I look at him with widened eyes before picking it up. "It's so beautiful Zhang. But how?.." I asked him.

"You so much beautiful than these flower little Rina. Its a magic. Like you" I can feel my cheeks become hot. And my heart is full of his sweetness.

" feels so disgusting. Can't you guys be sweet in front of this gege. I feel lonely. Gege also wants to be sweet with someone. Little Rina can you become my sweetheart and be my wifey" Wang Yong starts to walk forward to me. Before he can reach me...there is snowball hit him. A hard one. "Auch...not need to be so rough Zhang. It's hurt," Wang Yong angrily said to Zhang. He tried to punch Zhang, however Zhang is so quick to dodge from being hurt by Wang Yong.

While they tried to hurt themselves by punching it each other, I sit back at the bench looking at them with amused. "Just stop it Yong gege you will never win against him," I said to Wang Yong amusedly. "How dare you said that to me meimei. You should cheer for me, not your lover. I hate you guys" Wang Yong pout his mouth and sits at beside me angrily. "But you're the one who provoke him, not Rina." I look at him while offering him a cold drink.

"ermm...i know that. I'm sorry Zhang. I wouldn't joke around about my little mei mei anymore. Hahh..never had I thought you will get jealous of me." Wang Yong said he chuckle for sometimes. "What will you do when some guys said he want your lover to be he's?" Zhang asked Wang Yong seriously. "I will get mad of course" Wang Yong replied softly. defeated by Zhang question. I'm shaking my head while look at them amusedly. So weird.

"I will miss you guys fighting in front of me like this, when will you go to army? In dawn or early in the morning?" I asked both of them.

I tilt my head to look at Zhang, he make an approach to me and sits beside me. "In dawn." Wang Yong replied to me. I look at him and smile "I hope you will take care of yourself Yong ge'ge. Please i don't want to hear sorrows news about you. If you can avoid any dangerous that will take your life. Please avoid." My voice is cracking, although i knew he is not my real brother but i love him as he is my real one.

"I will take care of myself mei mei, don't worry. I will come back alive and make you proud of me. Even grandpa will proud of what i will become. I will fight and avoid getting killed by someone. I promise. You know i have a power right, there is no way i would get killed by someone except him. He can make an earthquake and let the earth eat me alive" Wang Yong show he index finger to Zhang, i laughed a little bit before turn my body around to face My little giant.

"Zhang... Can you promise me something?" I said to him, i want to touch him and hug him but i know i can't because if i hug i know i will never let him go to joined the army.

"Ermm...what my little Rina want me to promise" he said while look at me with loving eyes.

"Can you take care of my brother while you guys away. I know sometimes he is too much to handle but he is your brother too. I want you take care of him. Can you promise me to take care of him, Zhang?" I look into his eyes, he not amused with my word. Why is that?

"Why you asked me to take care of him, he can take care of himself. You should said that you want me come back save." He nearly pout his mouth when he said that.

"I know you will come back save. Because i am here waiting for you. You will never want me to end up with someone else right?" I chuckle while looking at his fierce face. He mad at me.

"How dare you saying that to me, you threaten me. This little Rina is dare to threaten this strong man?" He face getting near to me. "Ermm This little Rina dare. Because Rina know Zhang love me and will never want me to cry. You know right if you gone, i will gone too? We're soulmate i will never let you go alone, so thats why you must take care of yourself. Don't let your enemy hurt you. Promise me." I said to him, he look at me without blinking at all.

"I promise, i will never get hurt and i will never get killed by someone else. Before he can hurt me, i will killed him first." He voice become more rough and husky. hot.

*Geez..Nara this is not the time for you to get lust. You know that!* Yeon

"Good." husband, i said to him. He face changes, he look so much happier than before. Like a puppy.

"I will wait for you" i said to him, he put his forehead against mine. "I will comeback and make you mine, I promise" he breath is near my lips. I want to touch it.

"Ehem!! Enough both of you. Shameless. You, Rina. You are not married yet to this little guy. Don't let his sweet word get into your heart easily. I don't want you getting hurt" Wang Yong voice make us starled and back off from each other.

"You think I'm not serious with your mei mei? Really Yong?! You dare to said that!" He angrily said to Wang Yong, he stand up and get ready to killed him, not getting killed in real tho.

Wang Yong get up and pull me to be shield as he hiding behind my back. "Please protect this gege from getting killed by that monster, Rina." He shaking my shoulder. "But gege is the one who provoke him, not me. Why should i protect you?" I teased him "ermm...gege is sorry. You guys are soulmate from heaven. Please make him stop. Please, Rina" i can feel him shivered behind me. Wow he really afraid of Zhang.

"Zhang..stop. Zhang..naa~~" i used soft voice to make him stop. He eventually stop and sigh heavily. "He is the one who start firs, how dare he saying i'm not serious about you" Zhang said angrily at Wang Yong. I softly touch his chest that covered by clothes. "But Yong gege already said sorry. Forgive him naa~~. Tomorrow you guys will go together. Lets make up. Don't fight anymore okay" i said to him while tilt my head to face him. He not tensed anymore like before.

I pull Wang Yong from hiding behind my back. "Yong gege should apologize to Zhang openly. Said sorry, or Rina will not protect you anymore" I said to Wang Yong. He tried to tough in front of Zhang and said "I'm sorry for what i had said. I just want to protect my mei mei. I know you're capable guy. I'm just teasing you. I'm sorry" Wang Yong said to Zhang openly.

"Ermm..i accept your apologized. Don't ever said i am not serious about your meimei anymore." Zhang said to Wang Yong with serious face. Yong gege nods his head when he heard what Zhang had said.

Geez. Sometimes guys can be so awfully rough with each other even when they are closed. I shaking my head amusedly while looking at my husband who stood beside Wang Yong while they talking to each other.

I look at them with happy smile.


The next day, i woke up early in the dawn to sent the guys away to joined army. It's sad when the one you love to have to go fight for the country without knowing whether they will survive or not but i know deep down in their heart they also worried about themselves.

I get out from room and saw two figure already waiting for me in front of the gate. Let's go dear heart, our man is Ready to fight for our Lovely country.

"Good morning, Yong gege.. Zhang. You guys ready?" I asked both of them, but they look at me with weird face. "Why are so happy today?" Yong gege asked me. "Rina is not happy, i want to cry but i can't. I need to hold my tear and fake it with my smile." I said softly to Yong gege but i know Zhang also heard what i had said.

"Don't worry meimei, we will come safely" Yong said to me.

We walk for a couple minutes until we finally arrived at in front the gate. I saw huge Ships ready to set off when the army is ready. So this is it. This is the final moment. This will be the last time i see them together. I need to wait for a couple years to see them again.

Yong gege hugged me softly, "goodbye mei mei. Please take care of yourself and Grandpa for me. I will miss you" he said and back off from me. Then another figure stood in front me. "I need to go...until we meet again, my dear wifey. I will wait for you, and you too must wait for me. Don't flirt with any guys. I will killed them after i come back if you have someone behind my back. Please take care of yourself and your heart for me. I love you my little Rina." I already cried a river, i want to hugged him but i know I can't. I look at him with a blur because of tear in my eyes.

"I love you too my little Giant. Rina will wait for your return. Please come back safe." I said to him while holding his hands with mine.

He slowly walk away after let go of my hands. I look at them until they get on the Ship. They figure slowly begin to dissapear. I'm holding back my tears before walk away from that place.

I will wait for you husband.


A/N: sorry for the late update, I will try to update the next chapter as soon as possible. Hope this chapter is to your liking. See you guys in the Next chapter.

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