Season of the witch

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Outside of gloomy falls, in the woods, the portal opened up and out flew a wicked witch riding on a rickety broomstick.

Witch: (crackles) ha hehehehe

She saw a sign of gloomy falls, she red glowing eyes glares at the sign.

The scene starts on orange leaf falling down on a jack-o-lantern and a gust of wind blows it. On the doorsteps of gravestone's house.

Inside Damien and jack were having breakfast, still surprised to his own is a monster, he stared at him as he was eating cereal. Jack who was now howler was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

Howler: (slurp)

And even though Damien knows that the monsters he turns to are he's still him, he was trying to get used to him turning into the monsters what with his teacher, miss van helsing out hunting monsters, it won't be safe for him to come to parent teacher conference.

Howler: hmm, uh jack your pup is staring at us (jack) he's just not used to me turning into a monster or a werewolf at the dinner table, now if you mind I like to change back

He turns back to his human form, put his cup down and the newspaper. Then looks at Damien with a sincere look.

Jack: Damien I know that your in shock that you just find out that I'm a monster but lets not let it change between us just remember that I would never hurt you

Damien: (sigh)

He drops his spoon

Damien: I'm sorry dad, it's just- it's not that you having the power to turn into monsters the problem, it's miss van helsing that's the problem

Jack: oh

Jack walks over to him

Damien: I'm just worried that she might find out that you can turn into monsters and what if she catches you and haves you stuffed or mount on her wall or does who knows what (sigh) I don't want to lose you too

Jack: hey

He puts his hand on his shoulder and he looks up at him.

Jack: don't worry nothings gonna happen to me

She smiles a little bit then gets up to hug him.

Jack: ok, well you should hurry up and get ready for school

Damien: ok dad

He grabs his coat and jack grabs his bag and heads to the door. He hands him his bag.

Damien: thanks dad, I'll see ya later

He watches him leave and steps outside.

Jack: and don't forget to come home early for are father-son Halloween tradition

Damien: OK DAD

he walks back inside and shuts the door and behind him on the wall, a mirror was hanging and in the reflection was howler glaring at him.

Howler: tradition? All your doing is staying home and handing out candy

He pours in a bag of candy in a bowl.

Jack: that's what makes it so special

Jack also had the power to talk to his split personality through a mirror or the reflection of water, that's why their house is filled with lots of mirrors everywhere.

Howler: jack movie, popcorn, he's a teenager jack, he needs to go out and spend with other people not his dad

He was quickly offended by him, he turns around as he was just about to carve a pumpkin.

Jack: HEY

he wield the knife at him.

Jack: the gravestone's family Halloween bonding has been a tradition since Damien was five.

Behind him was in another mirror, was a invisible reflection of a vampire, in the mirror was a black vest, red medallion, white long sleeve shirt and black coat.

Vlad: he's right jack, the boy is growing up, and speaking of which well will we get to see the boy

Jack: soon

He goes back to finish carving the pumpkin when he gets a call through his walkie-talkie.

John: jack

He pulls it out and answers it

Jack: hello

John: jack you need to come to downtown quick

Jack: why? what's wrong

He quickly gets up, grab his coat and heads to the door.

John: your not gonna like it

Jack: ok hang tight, I'm on my way

Back at shallow falls high, Damien walks inside the school to see Halloween decorations, and a banner that says HAPPY FEAR-FEST

everyone getting ready for fear-fest. an holiday were everyone in the school leaves early and celebrate the history of the witch of shallow falls death, but not everyone is happy celebrating the holiday.

For down underneath the school, in Erica's lab she was looking through a computer and watching the students celebrating fear-fest, two jocks were putting on some scary masks on, two girls dressed like witches applying some makeup. And JJ in a skeleton coat and pants handing out orange flyers.

Erica: hmm, well would you look at that grandpa

She turns her chair around to see a portrait of the van helsing.

Erica: everyone is celebrating the season of the witch (evil crackles) hahahaha, well

She walks over to the portrait, slams her fist on a chest below him and out popped up a gun that looked like a alien made it.

She cocks it and puts her uniform on.

Erica: but what they don't know it that today's the anniversary of the witch's death and she'll be coming

She walks up to a tapestry of a Salem style witch riding on a broomstick, with two mutant pumpkin monsters, raising her stic in the air, making a storm in the sky.

Back with jack, he arrived to downtown where two police car, four policemen including John, surrounding something. He runs towards them.

Jack: John

He turns to face him and rushes towards him, and walking to the crime scene.

John: jack

Jack: what happened

John: you won't believe it but it appears to be-

Jack: (sniff) smoke

John: yeah

He goes to a tree and sees that its been burnt, he touches the Smokey ash.

Jack: hmm

John: you know what that means right jack

He looks back at him the a gust of wind swirled leaves at them.

Jack/John: brr

John: did you feel that

He looks up to see the leaves landing In Front of a store that says witch crafts-art and crafts supply store with a picture of a witch riding her broom smiling.

It then made him got a bad feeling as his veins started to show, and his eyes turned red. John bend touched his shoulders, he looks up at him.

Jack: it's witching season

John: you know what must be done

He gives him a nod as he gets up, they both walk to an alleyway, John looks around to be sure nobody is watching and when jack goes in the alley, his monster DNA kicked in and he started grow fangs and turn into a giant vampire bat.

Jack: ugh (hiss)

Back at shallow high, in art class, everyone made different types of art projects of the witch. Damien painted a portrait of a green skin witch in a black dress riding a broomstick and laughing.

Damien: hmm

Bash: oh that looks great Damien

Damien: thanks bash-oh nice drawing

Bash: thanks

His drawing looked like something a child made, a stick figure of a witch holding a broom and smiling. JJ looks as he was finishing making a chain of witches out of construction paper.

JJ: huh yeah it's so...full of color

Bash: thanks

The three continued their artwork

JJ: so can anyone tell me why are we celebrating a holiday based on a witch

Damien: because she wasn't any old witch, and this holiday is based on a real history

Bash: really

Damien: yes

JJ: oh come you guys


The bell ring and they went to ms. Van helsing's class

JJ: there are no such things as witches and that story is a myth

Erica: oh on the contrary mr. Wilson

Bash/JJ: huh?

they see her holding a book

Erica: many years ago, in the 1400s

The flashback starts with a young women running

Erica: a girl named Serafina Lovelace was accused for witchcraft, the Counslor, chief, judge and local police chased her out of town

Serafina: (screams)

Erica: when they finally caught our to her

Serafina ran into a forest and stand on a Pentagram with five red gems on each point. The five men stared at her.

Erica: as they confronted Serafina, she gave them a warning

Chief: stop and surrender Serafina, you have nowhere to go

Judge Winslow: your witchcraft is over witch

Serafina: hear this constable Jackson, 20 years from now on this very day, I'll come back and back you pay

Erica: She cuts her palm and her blood drops on the pentagram

as the pentagram starts to grow, she levitates and her eyes turned white. And she voice started sounded demon like.

Serafina: my blood turns black and flesh turn blue I will curse you if you force me to from left with sighs and negative ties I clear your eyes, and curse your lies I'll call the strength of a plague of flies  with the blood gone black and flesh of blue the evil you scent is back to you my soul now clean and yours on fire you messed with a witch you get burned you liar

A gust of wind blew at them

Serena: by the power of the moon, during the witching hour give ultimate power

Erica: The pentagram then shined at her, and she started to change, her hair turned white, skin pale as a ghost, nails growing long, teeth sharp and she disappeared.

The scene changed to John and jack in the library ready an old history book, on the story of the shallow falls witch.

John: hmm, it says here that after Serafina made a deal with Lucifer, she used a incantation to transfer into a witch

Jack: and for 20 years she waited to get her revenge

He looked at the calendar

Jack: today is her 20th anniversary

John: which means

Jack: she's coming back for revenge

John: then we need to hurry fast

Jack: but I searched everywhere for here, and she's nowhere in sight

John: hmm, maybe she's making a potion for her wand

Jack: well we have until midnight why don't we take a break

John: alright

They head back home but back a school things were already getting worse.


Erica: oh looks like class is over and students don't forget to remind your parents about parent-teacher conference

Students: AW

the three boys went to lunch

JJ: so Damien you coming to the party tonight

Damien: what party

He hands him a orange flyer saying

Halloween party at 3852 acorn street from 6-9pm *costumes only

JJ: bash's parents say that if he got an A on his report card, he can throw a party

Bash: yeah so you coming

Damien: sorry guys no can do, Family tradition tonight

Bash: oh ok well your welcome to come if you change your mind

JJ: ugh not this again

Damien: hey it means a lot to him

JJ: D your a teenage and that means you can't always spend time with your dad

Damien: hey I don't you see you bonding with your dad

JJ: because he gives me space

Damien: even if He could I couldn't cancel, it would break his heart

JJ: maybe I could ask dad a favor

Damien: good luck

Back with jack, he was showing pictures of him and Damien celebrating Halloween together.

Jack: (sigh) when did the time really go

John: uh yeah, so is your son coming to the party

Jack: what party? (Gasp) ugh

He gets a pain in his stomach and falls on his knee, grabbing his stomach.

John: jack, jack  what happened

He bends down and grabs his shoulders, he looks up.

Jack: she's close

In the cafeteria, Damien grabbed a tray and looks down to see, vanilla orange color pudding with eyeballs candy sprinkles, a bat shaped sandwich, cheese shaped like a witch and a werewolf cover on a chocolate milk carton.

Damien: (sigh)

Then he heard people screaming


Damien: huh

He goes outside and by his surprise

Damien: (gasp)

Witch: hahahahaha hahaha

A witch wearing a dark green Forthery Medieval renaissance Vintage Women Dresses white Long Sleeve Dress, greasy white hair, pale skin and sharp teeth and nails.

She used her stick to conjure a dark cloud out came  giant bats. And they started chasing the students.

(Shrieks) (screams)

Damien: witch Serafina

She looked at Damien and ordered her bats to him.

Damien: uh oh

He tries to run away and when Erica came out to hear the commotion.

Erica: what is going-(gasp) oh my this is going to be...intriguing

She pulls it her weapon and starts to shot at the bats. And when a giant bat chased down Damien, another smacked the other to a wall. And caught Damien with its claws by his arm.

Damien: AH

vlad: DAMIEN

Damien: huh

He looks up to see the bat looking down at him, throws him up in the air and he lands on his back.

Damien: dad is that you

Vlad: yes, this is vlad, hello is this your son, I am vlad

Damien: hi

He then noticed the sun out

Damien: hey dad you a vampire, won't the sun kill you

Vlad: well no, I'm part human so not monster weakness can hurt me but vlad is allergic to garlic

Damien: cool, so your a giant bat

Vlad: no hold on

He lands on top of a building, Damien gets off him and he see him turn into a vampire, his skin pale as a ghost, hair slicked back.

Damien: whoa, so you have the power to turn into a giant bat

Vlad: yes my son-ugh sorry that was vlad, come jack she is getting away

Damien: you know about the witch

Vlad: you saw her too

Damien: yeah

He uses his super sight to look back at the school and saw that the witch has disappeared into the dark cloud and Erica was dragging the bats in her nets back up. 

Vlad: hmm, yes gone for now, well great now what, now what

He turns back to normal

Jack: we wait till midnight, come on Damien we should go home and get ready

Damien: oh actually dad there's been a change of plans

Jack: huh?

Damien: parent teacher conference it's today

Jack: now!!

Damien: yes, if the parents don't go, They will still notified you and call you nonstop

Jack: ugh fine, when is it supposed to start

Damien: now

He looks at his watch

Jack: (sigh) alright come on the fast we do this the sooner we can leave

He quickly turns back to a vampire bat, Damien gets in his back and they head to the school.

In Erica's classroom, she was getting ready for parent teacher conference when.

Erica: huh?

She saw a giant bat flying down and to her surprise. She saw Damien climbing down and the giant bat turned into jack.

She smiled sinisterly changed back to her formal clothes and waited for them.

Jack: let's hurry so we can go back home in time for the monster marathon to start

Damien: ok dad

Erica: well hello mr. gravestone

Damien/jack: ah

Damien: ms. Van helsing you scared us

Erica: please have a seat

The two sat down

Erica: I must say mr. gravestone you have raised a fine boy

Jack: that's my boy

He ruffles his hair

She smiles creepy like as she gets up to close the door

Erica: Damien is one of my finest students in class, doesn't give me lip, doesn't give me any trouble, he's a nice boy... for an emo

Damien: uh thanks

Erica: I know how hard it is to raise a son alone

He looks down in sadness remembering Amelia, Damien looks at him, he then grabs his hand.

Erica: it can be.....monstrous

What she said struck fear in both their hearts, they looked up at her in confusion.

Jack: huh?

She smiles at them like she knows about his secret.

Damien: miss what are you talking about you

She then gets in front of their faces.

Erica: I know that you daddy is a monster

Damian/jack: (gasp)

She continued to smile at them evil like, it made him realize it was time to leave.

Jack: uh well this has been great but I think me and Damien should be going now

He grabs Damien's hand and back away when she got up and walk towards them.

Erica: I know what you are and I know how dangerous you are, you better keep your eyes open when you sleep cause you don't know when I might strike and see you on Monday, bye

They quickly left and headed outside to meet John and JJ. After what Damien and jack experience, jack saw the expression of his face it had him worry. He puts his hand on his shoulders to comfort him.

Jack: hey don't worry I swear ivv be won't let her take me away from you

Damien: do you think she's going to tell anybody

Jack: I don't know

It made Damien worry even more

Jack: but I go know that whatever happens nothing will ever keep us apart

He smiles at them and when they went outside, they were greeted by John and JJ.

JJ: dude did you saw that thing that attack the school

Damien: you saw the witch too

JJ: what witch I was talking about the giant vampire bat

Damien: oh yeah, I got away from them

JJ: so did n me and bash if it weren't for my dad we would've got eaten

John: well

Jack: she got away

John: yikes so looks like we're going to be pulling a all nighter

Jack: afraid so

JJ: so did you tell your dad about the party

Damien: I told you I'm not going

Jack: what party

He walks up to them

Damien: don't worry I'm not going

John: well I think he should go

Jack: John!!! And it's already decided

John: jack he's a teenager already he's to go out and have some fun, besides we already have some other business to take of

He looks back at Damien. and JJ was begging for him to come.

JJ: please mr. gravestone can he come

Then John places his hand on his shoulders

John: don't worry he'll be fine

Jack: (sigh) ok fine he can go

JJ: yes

Damien: dad it's ok I don't have to go

Jack: it's ok Damien

He touches his shoulders

Jack: I have to work tonight anyway, you just have fun

He smiles at him

Damien: ok dad

Back at home JJ was wait for Damien to change, jack was still unsure about them going with the witch still out.

Jack: (sigh)

He was looking at the scrap book of he and Damien, the first one where's five years old dressed like a vampire and jack is a monster hunter, the second one is where he's ten years he's dressed like a werewolf and jack a skeleton and finally the last one where he's 13 dressed like a zombie and jack a sheriff cowboy.

Jack: (sigh)

John: jack they all have to grow up eventually

Jack: yeah I just wish-

Damien: I'm ready

He goes downstairs dressed like his dad, the detective.

Damien: what do you think dad, I like like you

Seeing him dressed up like his dad reminded him when he was a little boy.

Jack: wow

Young Damien: dad you okay

He was snapped back to reality, he shakes his head.

Jack: uh yeah you look great son

Damien: thanks dad

JJ grabs his arm, dressed like a skeleton with a skeleton mask over his face.

JJ: come on we're going to be late

Damien: oh ok, I'll be back at 9 dad see ya


The door slammed

Jack: see ya son

John: come jack we have work to do

Jack: alright let's go

They head out, back at bash's house, they knock on the his door and see that he's dressed like jock turning into a werewolf. And when he saw Damien he was thrilled to see him.

Bash: DAMIEN you decided to came

he pulls him in a bear hug

Damien: ugh

Bash: this is great

Damien: (grunts) ok bash that's great man but what did we talk about hugging me

Bash: oh


He lets him go and drops him on the floor.

Bash: right, don't hug you until I ask you permission or unless your choking

Damien: good

Bash: well come on in

Damien: whoa

He pulls him up and leads him inside.

Bash: you're going to love it

He gives him a tour of the house, and the party. He takes him to a table with a ghost face cloth.

Bash: here we have snacks that everyone brought such as Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats, Candy Corn Cookies, white chocolate ghost bark, worms in dirt pudding, monster apple bites, cheesy Halloween popcorn balls, monster cupcakes, Halloween trail mix, bat sandwiches, Meringue Bones, monster wraps, candy apples, monster 7 layer dip, wicked witch pizza, deviled eggs, Mummy Brie dip, pumpkin cheese ball and finally or drink vampire blood punch.

Damien: cool

JJ: nice

Bash: well enjoy the party you guys

JJ: thanks

The three boys turn to see the DJ wearing a giant glowing robotic pumpkin head and started playing some Halloween remix music and as people went to dance. Damien looked around to see the decorations, a smiling pumpkin staring at him, vampire bats hanging everywhere, then when he saw a witch riding a boom it freaked him, he backed up until he hit a wall, he turned around to see a werewolf growling at him.

Damien: (gasp) uh

It reminded him of his dad.


He heard his phone ring and saw that it was his dad calling.

Damien: hey dad

Jack: hey are you ok, any signs of the witch

Damien: I'm ok dad, I made it safe

Jack: Ok are you having fun

Damien: yeah thrilled, how are you doing

Jack: not so well no signs of her yet, but tell you what when I do find her. I quickly sent her back so we don't have to miss our tradition

Damien: call just call me so I can leave early

Jack: ok see ya

Damien: bye

Back with jack, he and John were driving to the graveyard.

He noticed that he was looking at a picture of  Damien.

John: relax jack I'm sure he's fine

Jack: I know but it's just that (sigh) I invented this tradition just for him, and I just wanted to spend more time with him before he goes away to college and he's the only thing I have left, I just want him to stay a little boy forever

John: jack I know how much he means to you but you need to know that the hardest for a parents job is to let go but just remember no matter what he would always loves love

He smiles at him, picks up a locket and opens it to see a picture of him holding baby Damien.

Jack: your right thanks

John: sure, I just wish I had the connection with JJ like you and Damien have

Jack: don't worry John I'm sure he'll realize that he needs you

John: thanks jack

He looks at him, then looks through the window to see kids in costumes. Then looks back at jack and noticed that his veins was starting to pop out.

John: you know jack since it is Halloween you can turn into one of your monsters and with people dressing up, everyone will just think that your just in costume

Jack: oh gee John I don't that would be a good id-

Just then he turns into howler

Howler: oh well thanks a lot John

John: (chuckles) oh come on jack it'll be fine

He pats his back they then hear a siren, pulling over, jack was terrified that he might get caught until.

Howler: see

John: don't worry it'll be fine

A fellow police officer walks up to them and peeks through the window and when he sees howler, the wolf blinks at him.

Officer Jerry: John is that you, great costume

Howler: uh yes it's me John

Officer: oh and your voice is different where did you get that costume rom

Howler: uh Damien helped me

Officer Jerry: oh ok, any I just came to tell ya that there's been a disturbance at the cemetery

John: oh well actually we were just on our way there to investigate

Officer Jerry: ok well then good luck to you guys and be careful

He takes a good look at howler again

Officer Jerry: great costume again jack it looks so realistic

They continued to drive as John smirked at him.

John: I told you it

Howler: whatever but I don't think I need a werewolf to stop a witch, what I need is a vampire, whatever

Over the time growing up John was one of the few people who knew about his secret and kept it.

He turns into a vampire

Vlad: thank you

They made it to the cemetery that was being guarded by two more policemen.

John: jack looks like your going to have to bring the werewolf back

Vlad: ugh

He quickly changes back and when they got out, the two policemen nearly panicked when they saw howler.

Office Thomas/Dave: AH

Dave: oh jack is that you, you almost gave us heart attacks

Thomas: yeah great costume

Howler: thank you

He enters the cemetery

John: we'll take it from here fellas

Thomas: ok good luck

Dave: yeah oh and do be careful we heard some girl laughing

He looks into the cemetery

John: well handle this

Dave: ok

The red hair policemen joined the brown hair one

Dave: did you see his costume

Thomas: yeah it looked so real

Dave: I wonder where he got that

After they left, jack turns back to normal, they turned on their flashlights to search for the witch.

Jack: ok she's not here now so I'll change when she comes

John: alright

As they searched through the spooky graveyard jack spoke through the silence.

Jack: there is something you should know

John: what's that

Jack: Damien knows my secret

John: (gasp) what so he knows now

Jack: yes but he's not freaked out by it

John: well I told you you've should've told me

Jack: i told you why I kept my secret away from him to keep him safe

John: jack

Witch: (evil crackles)

They heard the laughter and followed it

John: so if he know those that mean he's going to be coming with us on our cases

Jack: look John let's just focus on the witch the sooner we find her the sooner I can get Damien and forget this whole nightmare

John: alright

When they went to a pumpkin patch, they saw her stirring a cauldron

Witch: by the power of Halloween and spirit of the full moon I command you to give me the power of Halloween's moon

The cauldron has green smoke and it swirled around her


She flew on her broomstick and point her wand at the pumpkins and they started to grow to mutant pumpkins head with bodies.

Witch: go my army wreck havoc on this city take back what was mine

John: looks like it's your chance now

Jack turns into howler to break the pumpkins back with Damien the party was staring to become dull, he saw everyone starting to slow dance, he saw bash slow dancing with a blood girl with a prom satchel in a pink dress covered in blood, bash looks up at him and waves, he waves back. He leaned against the food table, looks down on his phone waiting for his dad to call back, he didn't see JJ joining him.

JJ: board

Damien: yeah you

JJ: yes it's be two hours, why can't we shake things up in her

Just then the house started to shake and the roof started to ripe off.

Everyone: (bickering)

They all looked up to see the witch

Witch: (evil laughing) hahaha hahahaha

Everyone: (gasp)

JJ: (gasp) it's witch Serafina SHE'S REAL

everyone: (screams)

JJ hid underneath a table in panic

JJ: I didn't mean it like this

Everybody was screaming and running in a panic, she sent out her army of mutant pumpkins to catch them, they main went after Damien.

As Damien tries to leave, he goes to the back door only to get blocked by two giant pumpkins.

Damien: oh come on

One tried to smack him as the other tried to grab him, he backs away and jumps back and when they got closer.


They get sliced into orange wedges, and when they fell down, behind them was jack as vlad.

Damien: dad

Vlad: are you ok my son

Damien: I'm ok

Vlad: good, YOU OUT

Damien: huh

He turns around to see two more pumpkins heads coming at him, he puts his hands up and claws at them ripping them into shreds.

Damien: oh thanks

He grabs his arm and takes him outside Where they saw the whole town being attacked by walking scarecrows, mutant pumpkins, werewolves, bats and ghost, she's turned Halloween decorations into real monsters.

Damien: whoa

Vlad: I need to take down the witch before midnight

Damien: why what happens at midnight

Vlad: shallow falls turns into a monsters paradise

Damien: ok but how are you going to stop her

He turns smiling at him

Vlad: have faith in me

Damien: ok

He takes him to the car and they drove off

Damien: any idea where she might be

Vlad: town hall, at the clock tower, she can use it to turn everyone into a monster

Damien: not if we stop her first

Vlad: you are going home

Damien: what

Vlad: it is not safe for you to be here

Damien: but there's an army out there you're outnumbered

Vlad: yeah let the boy help, no it is too dangerous

Damien: dad you need me

Vlad: come on jack it is too dangerous going inside what with the pumpkins mutants out

He looks at Damien

Vlad: (sigh) fine ok but I just need you to take out some of pumpkins or people anyone out until I defeated the witch ok

Damien: ok

And when they went to town hall they saw Erica handling the bats and pumpkins.

Damien: well it looks like ms. Van helsing is dealing with them

Vlad: which makes it easier for us

They got out of the car, they saw Erica looking at them, she hold out her crossbow at vlad, Damien gets in front of him.

Damien: DAD

and when she shoots a stake out, they turned around to see that she was shooting a vampire bat behind them, she smiles at them, they goes to capture a werewolf she runs at it holding a bat.

Damien: ok I'll go deal with these guys you just take care of the witch

Vlad: ok but you're going to need this

He hands him a gun with salt bullets

Vlad: good luck son

Damien: you too dad

Vlad turns into a giant bat and flies to the witch as Damien saw a giant pumpkin head and started to shot at it.

Bang, bang, bang

Vlad flew up to the witch and knocked her off her broomstick.


Witch/vlad: ah

When they both fell down they landed into a water fountain. In which to everyone is like acid to witches.

Witch: AH

she skin burned a little and got out, vlad looked down at the water, used his wing to splash more water on her.


Witch: AH UGH

she pulls out her wand and zaps a lighting bolt at him.


Vlad: (hiss)

It sent him crashing into a building he then turns back to his vampire form, levitates in the air and flies towards her.

Back with Damien, he continues to shot at the monsters on his and right, civilians were behind him. They were all being closed in by more mutant pumpkins. Erica jumped in and helped out. She maybe a monster hunter but you must help an enemy in time of needs. They both started shooting at the pumpkin heads.

Damien: I'm almost out of bullets

Erica: same here, where is your father

Damien: trying to shot the witch

Erica: well unless he has any salt, shallow falls is done for

Back with jack/vlad, the witch ordered her pumpkin head minions to attack him, he used his hypnotic eyes to command them to attack each other, then he used his super strength to lift up a car and threw it at her, she zap at it and turned it into a giant werewolf.

The werewolf ran. Vlad turned into a small bat and flew around her, she tries to smack him away. He turns back to a vampire. And when she tries to blast at him. He uses his super speed to put run her lighting then grabs her wand.

Zap, zap, zap


Witch: huh, AH

he then snaps the wand into two.


And all the monsters disappeared

Witch: NO!!!

Damien: yes

Damien looked at his watch and was that it was now dawn.

Damien: dad!

Erica: wait you're going to need this

She throws his a salt rock, he looks up at her to see her smiling. He runs to his dad. Erica smile then turns to a sinister one as she pulls out her gun.

Damien saw witch Serafina pinning vlad down, he uses his claws to scratch her but she still wouldn't push off, she sees a stake near by and when she grabs it stake to his heart.

Damien threw the rock at her head.


Vlad: ah


Witch: AH, hahahahaha

Vlad: (gasp)


Witch: ugh

She falls off him, he pushes her off and gets up to see Damien, he smiles and walks up to him.

Vlad: thanks

Damien: sure thing dad

Witch: ugh

They looked at the witch getting up, she turns to see the burnt scar on her face. She gets up getting ready to attack them, vlad gets in front of Damien covers him with his cape to prevent him from getting hurt by the witch. Witch Serafina puts her hands up to create a fireball. But then the sun came up.

And it started to burn her skin.


Witch: (hiss) huh, no, no, NO!!!!

She then started to turn into stone

Vlad picked up a car and smashed her into piece, he then turned to Damien, smiling.

Damien: you should probably go before someone sees you

Vlad: alright I'll see you at home son

He turns into a giant bat and flies into the sky, he looks around to see police arriving and helping the injured civilians, he looked back in the sky he then was being companied by Erica.

Erica: I have to say if this was a test I give you an A, your father did pretty well

He smiles as they looked up to see jack flying

Erica: but once a monster always a monster

Damien: huh

He saw her pulls out her net bazooka and shot a bola net at him, and they watched him crashing down.

She puts her gun behind her back and runs towards him. But when they saw him.

Erica: (gasp)

They saw that he has escaped from the net

Erica: ugh

Damien: phew

She then turns to Damien

Erica: you can't hid your daddy's secret forever, I'll fine a way to have you two reveal his secret and when I do, I will have the pleasure to mount him on my wall.

And then right there, he decided that he wasn't going to be afraid anymore.

He glares at her.

Damien: that's...not...gonna happen, you can try to torment us all you want but just remember that you just messed with the wrong family and I'll see you on Monday

He walks back to city hall as he felt her glares staring at him.

Erica: you catch you and your monster dad soon (cocks gun) mr. gravestone one way or the other

Back with Damien he walks in the woods then stops to make sure she wasn't following him.

Damien: she's gone dad you can come out now

He comes out between two pushes

Jack: good, you were right, I should just control my monster and stay low for a while

He smiles at him

Damien: don't worry dad, nobody's gonna believe her, she's a nutty teacher who still thinks monster exist

Damien/jack: (laughing)

They looked at each other then back at city hall

Jack: well come on, lets go home

He wraps his arm around his shoulders and they head back to town.

And when they walk in city hall, they saw bash and JJ running towards them.


bash hugs him tightly as jack let him go.

Damien: uh

Bash: thank gosh your ok

Damien: ok badh its good to see you okay too

Bash: did you see the witch

JJ: I don't understand I thought she wasn't real does that mean everything I knew is a lie are myths real

Bash: yeah he's still freaked out about it

Damien: yeah I saw the witch but how did you guys survived

Bash: well we would've been attacked by these pumpkins if it weren't for JJ's dad

Damien: oh

Bash: what's gonna happen

Damien: oh I'm sure this will be on the news and the mayor will have the town rebuilt and things will turn back to normal, guys i think you should spends some time with your family

JJ: good idea, I need my dad right now

JJ looking traumatized heads back home with bash helping him.

Bash: see ya Monday Damien

Damien: bye bash, JJ

He looks up at his dad and smiles.

Damien: so what is really gonna Happen

But before jack could speak his phone ringed


He pulls it out and answers it

Jack: hello

It was John

John: hey is she gone

Jack: yeah but the town is in a wreck and possibly traumatized

John: well we experienced scarier stuff then witches

Jack: yeah and you were right

He looks at Damien and smiles

Jack: I think it's time I let Damien help

John: ok then and thanks for helping with JJ

On the other side of the phone line, JJ was hugging John tight and he hugged him back.

Jack: I told you he'll need you, thanks for making me  understand

John: see ya jack

Jack: bye John

He puts his phone back and went back to Damien as they headed back to the car.

Jack: Damien I think it was about time you should meet my other monsters

Damien: ok dad, sorry we didn't get to do our Halloween tradition

Jack: It's ok we have others, I'm just glad your ok

Damien looks down on his phone and saw the time.

Damien: hey dad

He looks at him

Damien: there's a another monster marathon coming on today, maybe we could watch it tonight

He saw Damien smiling at him and smiles back, he puts his hand around his shoulder and they walked to the car.

Jack: come on Damien, lets go home

A new threat has just began

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