Alpha Assembly

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Zander laughed his ass off at us when we returned. Unbeknownst to Daniel and I, Zander had a dove following us all day until we returned to the hotel. For his own peace of mind, he claimed. Daniel was embarrassed beyond all measure and spent half the evening hiding out in the bathroom while Zander tried coaxing him out. Served him right. After nearly two hours and a dozen promises, my stubborn incubus and naughty vampire made up and we went to dinner before calling it a night.

The next morning, we awoke to a bright and sunny day. The excitement in the air was nearly tangible as everyone hustled about getting ready for the Alpha Assembly. It was the one time of year we alphas got together to receive the word of the goddess, instructions from the council, as well as a chance to buy, sell, trade, make alliances, and meet with old friends and allies.

Between school, the pack, and my mates I hadn't spent any substantial bonding time with my allies and friends in almost a year. In that time so much had changed. Not only had Zander and I found another mate, but many of my friends who had previously been mateless were now mated. In addition, several packs had been given official pack status and it was a chance to see if any were worth being allies or business partners with.

After showering, I walked around with a towel wrapped around my waist while drying my hair with another. Zander was splayed across the bed, face down on his stomach. He didn't sleep much and when he did he slept like the dead.  No pun intended.  

I shook my head and went in search of my other mate. I'd deal with his stubborn ass later. Daniel was up eating breakfast he'd ordered from room service. When I walked into the living room, the fork hovered in front of his lips as he drank me in. His blue eyes turned dark and a flush dusted his cheeks. I could smell his arousal from where I stood.  Any other time I'd be all for a quick romp but not on this day. We had to reign it in.

I looked him straight in his eyes and I could feel my wolf push forward enough. "No."

"But, daddy-"

"We're getting dressed and going to the assembly."

He pouted.  "Not even a quickie?"


His dark lashes fluttered and he put on the cutesy face.  "You promise?"

I winked at him. "Eat. I'm going to wake up Sleeping Beauty." Zander was still in the same position as I'd left him when I entered the room. Shaking my head, I stood next to the bed and looked down at him.

His hair had grown since Daniel came into our lives and hung down to his shoulders while I preferred a shorter more professional cut. The loose curls covered his face and spread over the pillow. He had a strong wide back and broad shoulders with a slender waist with a nicely shaped ass that was covered with a sheet. His strong legs were parted and had it been any day but today, I'd take my time and tease his body until he melted beneath my touch and begged to be fucked.

>Focus< I said to my wolf as our thoughts began to get carried away.

>But he looks damn delicious laid out like that.<

>Damn right he does. But we don't have time.< I ran my hand up the back of his leg and leaned over by his ear.

"Zander, babe. It's time to get up."

"Ten more minutes,"he mumbled turning his head.

"I gave you ten minutes. Get up and get ready so we can go."

He slammed the pillow over his head.  "Nuh-uhn."

A loud smack sounded in the room as my hand made contact with his ass cheek. Zander shot up onto his hands and knees and glared at me with crimson eyes.

"What the fuck, Sabian?!"

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow. "Get up."

He yanked the blanket off and stood up. Forgetting he was naked except his boxer briefs, he pressed his body against mine.  I bit my lip as tingles shot through my body.  "Just because the Alpha Assembly is today doesn't mean dick to me," he growled.

This side of Zander was so sexy. He was older and had patience and tolerance for days. To see him come unhinged was exciting. To know I made him lose his self-control gave me a nice little power rush. I kissed his lips and the wind was sapped out of his sails. His eyes returned to their teal blue but the glare remained.

"I love you," I cooed.

He cracked a smile and shook his head. "Asshole." I chuckled and finished getting ready as he went to the bathroom. Daniel had finished eating and was fussing over two outfits he had laid out on the couch. One was what I'd call business casual – dress pants, a button down, and jacket. The other was jeans and a button down.

"What should I wear?" he asked rubbing his chin.

I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "Wear what makes you comfortable. Most of this is outside in a football stadium and there's lots of walking around."

He smiled and went for the jeans but grabbed a t-shirt out of his bag. Once he was dressed, he fixed his hair and we waited for Zander. I was excited. I'd get to introduce my sweet little Daniel to my cousin Natelly and meet his new mate and their child.

If anyone deserved double or triple happiness, it was him and his partner. He and Cisero had been injured on a mission days after finding their mates who happened to be twins. When they returned home, the twins rejected them saying they were defective and there would have been more honor in their deaths. They worked hard to show the entire world of Summa Orbis that broken werewolves were just as good and capable as regular wolves.  I was damn proud to call him my ally and my family.

When we got there, we parked in our assigned section then made our way into the stadium. We were early but the stadium was buzzing with all the activity going on. There were hundreds of vendors set up one side of the field. At one end of the field was a stage with a podium. Not too far was an area designated for the council and they were milling about preparing for the start.

We were given assigned seats so there was no rush to sit. Daniel, being the curious being that he is, wanted to see everything. Zander and I stuck close to him as we made our way to the crowded vendor's area. Just like the market at Tu'men there were merchants of all races selling all sorts of merchandise. We learned early on Daniel loved shiny rocks and baubles and he was oooing and ahhhhing every stall damn near.

We'd made our way through half the vendor's area when a familiar scent hit my nose. My body instantly tensed and my wolf was wide eyed and ready to roll. I looked over to see that Zander also looked ready for a fight and moments later, Daniel seemed to catch on. As we rounded a particular stall, an enraged alpha looking to be about sixty-ish stormed by with another alpha at his side. The angry alpha was grumbling about stupid fags not deserving to live and the other alpha was telling him what an easy victory he'd have in the ketto. Several wolves trailed behind them before we laid eyes on the people we hoped not to run into.

Devin and Stephan smirked as they walked closer to us. Daniel squeezed himself between Zander and I and held tightly to my hand. The move did not go unnoticed by the two alphas and the little witch.

"Well, fancy meeting you here," Stephan replied gazing at Daniel.

"Nice company you keep," Zander said pointing his thumb over his shoulder at the group.

Devin shrugged. "We're allies nonetheless. Lightmeade can say what he wants. I'll flatten his lands if he tries the bullshit with me."

I scoffed at this. I didn't know Alpha Lightmeade personally, but the reputation that preceded him was nothing to admire. He was a bully alpha. A tryant. Picked on the weak. Didn't believe in fated mates. He'd violated more council rules and goddess laws than anyone could count. He was one tick away from being blacklisted.

"I"m surprised you showed." I looked Drake up and down. "With your mate." I could hear Daniel snicker behind me. Something flashed in Drake's eyes before they narrowed at Daniel.

"We see you brought yours as well," Devin replied.

"Keep an eye on him. Wouldn't want him gobbled up by all the big bad wolves around here," Stephan replied smugly.

" All this huffing and puffing about nothing," Zander sighed with a sense of boredom. "Don't you have other things to do?"

Stephan glared.  "Watch it, leech. You're vastly outnumbered."

Zander boldly stepped forward closer to Stephan.  "Is that so little doggie? It's not about the numbers," he looked over his shoulder past us.  "It's about who you know."

Alpha Thaddeus and his friend, Alpha Syms, both highly respected elders and council members, appeared out of nowhere with three enforcers behind them. Stephan and Devin glared at us then hurried off to catch up with their entourage. Daniel leaned against my back.

"Holy hellfire. That was scary," he breathed.

He had no idea. At an assembly, lesser alphas puffing out their chests and strutting around like a bunch of peacocks was par for the course. There would be tons of these little show downs and anyone not wise to the game would get sucked in. I merely squeezed his hand firmly and kissed him gently. 

 "You haven't seen anything yet."

*They're baaaaaack.

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