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Oboson Raven Romano's team - Thunderbird

Oboson's team neutralized eight guards on their way to the thunderbird's location. They found themselves outside a room that seemed to be more like a warehouse. There was only a mysterious blue lighting illuminating the space. A mysterious layer of fog blanketed the floor and the air was thinner than the area they came from. The room was dark and oppressive and made the hair stand on end.

The team tread carefully into the room. The temperature inside was lower than most homes in the summer. A large cage stood in the middle of the room.

Inside, a creature over ten feet tall with the body of a man and the head of a bird stood in the center of the cage with its head tilted. Its white eyes watched the door like an angry beast waiting to pounce. Large claws hung at its sides, opening and closing from time to time. It opened its mouth as if to let out a screech but only a small caw came out. As if angered it couldn't make the noise it wanted, the feathers around its head puffed out and it clacked its beak several times as if biting its enemies to death.

Oboson looked over his shoulder at the five or so members of the pack that followed behind him, Raven from the Luna pack, and Romano. Most of them were older and of robust physique. Secretly he felt relieved.

The thunderbird was a powerful creature. An elemental, it could control fire, lightning, and had the ability to create storms with its massive wings. Its tough skin made it damn near impervious to attacks and its stamina meant it could outlast most in a battle. In its bird form, a thunderbird could emit a sonic screech capable of bursting a supernatural's body or leveling mountains miles away. Nevermind its sharp beak and razor-sharp talons. The thunderbird was not a being to trifle with.

Oboson felt a tremor in his soul. This was not going to be an easy fight. He turned as a hand clamped on his shoulder. Raven's eyes shimmered in the gloomy hall outside the thunderbird's cell.

"Don't be worried, brother. The thunderbird is a noble and benevolent creature. As soon as we figure out what has happened to make it go against their nature, we can fix it and turn them back."

Oboson glanced over to Romano. The werewolf nodded at him.

"Thanks, Raven."

"No thanks are needed."

Romano stared at the thunderbird who was watching them. "What do you think happened to him?"

"Hard to say." Raven touched the amulet around his neck. "Taking down a thunderbird isn't easy."

A weird smile formed on the thunderbird's lips. All the men looked at each other and shivered as their blood froze in their veins. A guttural growl ripped from the thunderbird as the feathers on his back unfurled. A voice that cold shake the souls of the most stalwart warrior came out of its mouth.

"Filthy animals. I'm going to rip you apart and bathe in your blood."

Zander, Kyle, Colton - Dungeon

Once they got the all-clear from Isabella's team, Zander and his team quickly took out the guards at the entrance of the dungeon then proceeded through the maze-like structure to find Daniel. Their efforts to use their sense of smell were hampered by the mold and musty smell mixed with blood. Zander rounded a corner but quickly grabbed the person getting ready to pass him and pulled him back. Then he hid himself and crouched low along the wall.

"What happened?" Colton whispered.

"Someone's coming," Zander replied.

They crouched along the wall and strained their ears as the door creaked open. The sound of someone humming filled the cavernous space. They looked at each other in thought.

Inside the cell, Drake clapped his hands together and smiled. Daniel was still comatose on one of the beds. The injection their scientists had concocted left his demon and werewolf suppressed which meant Daniel could only deal with his torture as a human. He was covered in bruises and cuts that had yet to heal.

Ryan sat up and glared at Drake.

"Cousin!" Drake's gleeful shout was loud in the enclosed space. "You're awake."

"Go fuck yourself," Ryan snarled.

A small pout appeared on Drake's innocent-looking face. "That's not very nice."

With a scoff, Ryan touched his aching shoulder. "I have no incentive to be nice to you."

"How boring."

Ryan snorted and continued to mean mug him.

Ignoring his sullen expression, Drake glanced over at the still comatose Daniel, "Well, I've come to tell you that you and Daniel will be free soon."

"Free?" A look of confusion passed Ryan's face as he stood. "You're letting us go?"

The room was still for several moments. Ryan's distrustful gaze stared at the man related to him by blood. Drake stared back with a blank face. When it appeared no one was going to say anything, Drake doubled over and laughed. Ryan resisted the urge ot rush forward and hit him with an uppercut.

"You actually fell for it." Drake wiped tears from his eyes. "Oh cousin. You're too precious."

"What are you doing with us then?"

"Oh, the usual. Full moon, blood draining, sacrifice – the usual." He waved his hand with a bored expression.

Exasperated by all the games and torture, Ryan scrubbed his hands over his face and sat on his bed. "What is all this-this bullshit about anyway? Why all these games? All these secrets? Just kill us already."

"I'd like to. But this isn't all my idea, much as I'd like to claim it was. Stephan is behind most of this."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "He's just a brute of a werewolf. Devin is the smart and influential one."

"True. But Stephan isn't nearly as useless as he puts on."


"This thing is much larger than this tiny pack and even bigger than Daniel's skinny little ass. Stephan's connections in Luna, Dong'gul, Holle, Yun have all been part of this elaborate plan."

"I don't spose you'd like to share."

Drake tapped his chin in thought. "Hmm. Why not? You're gonna die soon. It's the least I can do."

*Wonder what Drake's got to say. 

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