Mihai's Warning

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Mihai's French Chateau was decorated with all the flair and opulance one would expect of a wealthy aristocrat. Vampires and dolls of all sorts loitered around the rooms as if they hadn't a care in the world. Many were fledglings and newborns. There were less than a dozen ancients or elders and even less ascendants making me wonder what happened to all the originals he set out with all those years ago.

Like any other clan, they ranged in size, shape, color, and age. There were some sneers, glares, and growls as we passed. I smirked as Augustin merely rolled his eyes and stuck his nose further in the air. It was obvious they didn't know us and what we were capable of.

We entered an office and a butler that had begun trailing behind us afer we entered the chateau, shut the doors then went to a bar to fetch us wine while we sat in front of Mihai's desk. I gave the butler a nod when he handed me my glass. Augustin took a sniff then wrinkled his nose.

"Blood merlot," Mihai said taking a sip. "A fine drink if I do say so myself."

I took a sip and inwardly sighed. This weakly elf-poisoned wine must work on others but would have no effect on my brother and I simply because of our age. As an ancient, Mihai should know better. Leaning forward, I set the glass on the desk.

"We came for information."

He smirked and sat in the chair behind the desk. "Oh? Do I look like a library or computer?"

Augustin snorted.

"Indeed not. However, it's possible you know things that aren't in either place."


"Being an outcast in a land not ruled by any clan, pack, or coven does have advantages."

Mihai chuckled. "You're right about that, nephew. Ask what it is you wish to know."

Every fiber of my being told me Mihai knew plenty. I explained to him how we went to the library seeking information on Daniel's family line only to find all records missing. I also discussed with him the increased number of kidnappings and the Murtaz stealing magitech weapons. His face remained impassive while I spoke.

He looked out the window for a moment before he spoke.  "Before we begin, what do you remember of the old days?"

I felt the weight of Augustin's eyes on me. He'd been born in the 1800's, at the tail end of all the violence. Many had chosen to keep a purely cursory approach when discussing the past, excluding many details. Some, like our mother and myself, chose not to discuss the past at all.

Leaning back in my seat, I crossed my arms over my chest and tilted my head. "What specifically do you wish to discuss?"

The chair creaked as he leaned back and smirked. "Humor me. Give me a history lesson of the supernatural races."

What in the name of Lucifer?!  Did he think I had all day for this shit?  I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I recounted the information he'd asked for.  But if it would give me the information I needed, so be it.

"The world was one. Then a great war broke out between the races.  No one remembers when it started or how.  We just know many supernaturals perished.  The gods and devil lords separated the races. Things were peaceful for a while then the god Yeh was displeased with the fallen angels for mating humans and wiped them and their offspring - the nephilim- out with the flood. The moon god and goddess took over mate pairings and gods were forbidden to interfere. Fast forward a few millenia, monotheism took over and humans decided to hunt down gargoyles, orcs, vampires, witches, and werewolves. Fairies and the mer also got a bad wrap but not as severe, as did the goblins and dwarves."

Mihai smiled and clapped in amusement. "Very concise run down, my boy." His eyes darted over to Augustin and his eyes narrowed. "What he forgot to mention was after that, the races began in-fighting."

Augustin frowned slightly. "You mean the Vampire Civil War in 1650 and the Werewolf Revolts of the 1900's?"

Mihai and I shared a look. I didn't understand why the rehash of ancient history. For a moment he struck as one of those old men that just wanted to talk and have someone listen. As if he didn't have an entire clan to talk to at any point in time.

"The boy knows his history." Mihai took another sip of wine then leaned forward on the desk. "The elders of the different races banded together and muscled their people into obedience and compliance. Councils rose up to keep a tight reign over the masses to keep peace within the clans and other species at large. Many concessions were made. Concessions many of us still reject."

Augustin's eyebrows disappeared into his bangs and his eyes widened. "You'd rather fight then compromise?"

It was Mihai's turn for his eyes to widen. "Compromise!?" he spat the word like it was offensive to his palate. He picked up his cup and downed the entire thing in one gulp. "This new council has got the lower species behaving like they are one of us!" The butler quickly refilled the empty cup then moved to the side of the desk, decanter in hand.

"Lower species?"

"The goblins and werewolves for example. One was our maid the other our watchdog now they strut about like they are on par with vampires. And let's not talk about those little insects the fairies," he spat on the ground making me wrinkle my nose in disgust. He downed the cup of wine then waved his arm around.

"They've forgotten what it's like to be squashed beneath a mighty boot! Some half-son named Ozmas even made himself king!" His boot thundered on the floor as if he was stomping said fairy beneath his foot. " King! As if! Royalty in those little...pests!"

I politely sipped my drink while my blood boiled. It was unfortunate but many vampires also felt this way. I was actually among a handful of forward-thinking vampire leaders that didn't believe in the superiority of any one supernatural race over another. This helped in my dealings with various race leaders and councils.

Mihai sighed heavily and flopped back in his seat. The butler refilled his cup for a third time. "Ah but you don't care about all that," he took a sip and smiled wistfully. "You care about your little incubus-werewolf."

I sat back up trying to keep my excitement in check. Bout time he got back on track. 

The older vamp ran a hand through his long, dark hair.  "I can only conclude that someone pretty powerful and well connected is doing all they can against your little mate."

"One of the compromises made was that certain supernatural pairings wouldn't be able to freely procreate. They would need help from an intermediary like a wizard or witch. Vampires, demons, and demigods are such creatures." His eyes flashed red before returning back to dark brown. "Let us just say, some of us don't like that."

I didn't respond.  I could understand the why behind his anger.  Hell, even I didn't think it was fair others could procreate at will but a vampire had to seek out a witch.  It's an invasion of privacy.

"Since he is half incubus and half werewolf, I'd say a witch or wizard helped concieve him, "Mihai continued.  "Start with the witches. If that doesn't work, you can always go to Holle."

It totally slipped my mind that an intermediary would be needed for Daniel's mother and father to concieve. But why hadn't Ethelinda told us? She had been very vague about his past. That seemed odd to me at the time but now was seeming highly suspicious. Was she in on whatever this was? If not, surely she knew the answer. Why the secrecy? Mihai's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"With regard to the Murtaz, there are have been forces at work trying to disrupt the status quo for quite some time.  Undetected, they've been planning and plotting for decades."

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants.  "Who?  Why?"

"I can't tell you the first question but the answer to the second question is they want things to go back to the way they were. The strong dominating the weak, the species staying to themselves. There is rumor that some even want revenge for all the wrongs done unto them.  That they want to challenge the gods themselves.  To do that they need powerful weapons.  Whatever weapons the dvergr made that the Murtaz stole, would most definitely aid in their cause."

I'd heard enough and was ready to go. Rising to my feet, I extended my hand. Mihai rose and gripped my hand pulling me close. His warm breath ghosted over my skin making goosebumps rise on my flesh.

"Don't underestimate the amount of hate a supernatural can hold nor how long. Despite appearances, there is great unrest in our world.  Many grudges from old," he whispered. "Dark Moon has made itself a target of some powerful entities. If I were you, I'd cut ties with them. Anyone allied with them, is now a target."

I pulled back and ran a hand through my hair. That wasn't something I wanted to hear. I thanked him for his assistance and gave a low bow.  Then Augustin and I headed out the door.

"Be careful, nephew."

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Mihai staring out the window. When he spoke, a shiver traveled down my spine.

"War is coming. Sooner than you think. It will make the Great War look like a bar brawl in comparison. Make sure you're on the right side."

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