Not Such a Bad Bitch

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Why do the jilted wannabe lovers or ex-lovers of powerful men always come crawling out the woodwork trying to be a bad bitch and fight the main bitch? Why do they always try to do it publicly in front of as many people as possible? Why couldn't they just accept this was just the way the fates meant all to be and bow out gracefully with their dignity intact?

Just why?

It's so cliché and predictable. They get pissed at the less dominant partner as if it was their fault the wheels of fate spin the way they do. There'd be a long drawn out fight. Nine times out often the ex ends up embarrassed and beat the hell up. I'd be well within my rights to do so. My wolf certainly demanded blood for her putting her hands on me.

But I'm not that guy.

Even though I'm gay, I was taught to respect others. I wasn't about to put my hands on a woman blinded by jealousy. I'm the leader of these people.  Zander's people.  Augustin's people.  I need to keep my emotions tempered and act rationally. And for some people being ignored is worse than slitting their throat.

I took a deep breath and looked at her then looked around the room. Augustin and Marcus were close by ready to jump in. My friends along with Isabella and the others from earlier were in front of the crowd also looking ready to fight. Zander was leaned against the door with his arms folded looking like he was ready for a nap. It's not as if he was disinterested, but he knew this fight was pointless. I'd win. Being trained by a werewolf, a vampire, and a demon – how could I not?

Where the hell was this confidence all this time?

My eyes returned to normal although my wings and tail stayed out.  The knowledge that I didn't need to physically fight her took my aggression down a few notches even as my wolf complained.  I looked at her with disinterest. 

I spoke loud enough for everyone within earshot to hear me.  "Listen, I'm not going to fight you. There's no point. I will overlook your blatant disrespect from earlier and give you this one chance to walk away. In the future, if you even bat your eyelashes at me the wrong way, I'll show you the meaning of pain."

Her jaw hit the floor as eyebrows rose. I heard a few snickers and a giggle or two. She recovered, her eyes narrowing into slits.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that you filthy abomination!?"

I looked at my sharp nails.  "Strike one."

Her wings flapped wide open as she bared her sharp teeth at me.  "I'll kill you were you stand, whore!"

I merely held up two fingers.  "Strike two."

An eardrum bursting screech filled the hall as she came charging for me. Her hand was raised as if to claw me as she approached. Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

I side-stepped her blow coming up on her left  Her momentum had her barreling passed me unbalanced.  I slashed her across her back with my claws, feeling the fabric shred beneath them, as she went by me. My tail wrapped around her ankle and yanked her off her feet. There was a sickening smack as she fell face first to the ground. As she rose to her feet with an animalistic growl, the back of her emerald dress gave way and the fabric slipped off her body leaving her naked and exposed in front of everyone. 

Everything was still.  No one moved or made a sound.  I turned to look at her fully.  Her face turned red up to her ears and it took me a minute to realize why she hadn't gotten up and retaliated.

The bitch had on a body suit complete with padding for breasts and butt. This so-called bad bitch before me was fake as all get out and I'd just exposed her in front of her clan. This sort of humiliation was worse than an ass whoopin. She desperately tried to cover her body as laughter and whispers filled the hall. I almost felt bad for her until she opened her mouth.

"I'll get even with you for this! Just wait!" She screamed.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "I'll be waiting. Until then, you should cover up."

She growled at me then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

I let out a sigh of relief as my wings and tail retracted. I could hear my wolf howling with laughter. Apparently he approved of how I handled the situation even though he wanted to shred her to nothingness. A hand landed on my shoulder and I spun around with my fists up ready to throw down.

"For all that is holy!" I glared at my mate. "You scared me." A gasp escaped me as he scooped me up and spun me around. He kissed me deeply then set me on my feet. I was dizzy with confusion and I looked up at him.

"I'm so proud of you," he smiled.

"For what?"

His fingers smoothed the hair back behind my ears.  "You put her in place without violence."

A huge smile split my face. "I really really wanted to but I realized it wasn't necessary."

He kissed my temple and wrapped an arm around my waist. I snuggled closer to him wrapping my arms around his waist as we faced the clapping and cheering vampires and werewolves before us. Well, most of them. The dolls and a few other vampires were glaring at us. Let them hate. I fist pumped the air, reveling in my moment.

Tramps and vamps – 0. Puny me- 3.

Take that.


We decided to stay the night and return home in the morning. Zander and I bid goodnight to our entourage then headed to our room. Once he shut and locked the door, I jumped on him like a monkey and attacked him with kisses. He put his hands on my ass kissing me back as he walked us to the bed. We fell down on the soft mattress with him on top of me gently resting his weight on his forearms. I kept my legs wrapped around his waist, grinding against him as our kiss deepened. He growled pinning my hands above my head and looked down at me with darkened eyes.

"You were so fucking hot down there earlier," he rasped.

I ground my hard on against his making him moan. "That turn you on?"

"Too fuckin' much. I'm gonna wreck you."

My body shivered.  I couldn't wait.  "Skype Sabian."

He arched a brow.

"I don't want my big bad wolf daddy to feel left out," I purred licking his lips. He took my lips in a bruising kiss then pulled away from me completely, whipping his phone out.  I hurriedly removed my shirt, shoes, and socks.

"You know he's gonna want you the minute you step out the car," Zander smirked undoing the buttons on his shirt.

I palmed myself through my pants and batted my eyelashes seductively at him. "And here I thought he'd take me in the car the minute we pulled up."

He bit on his lower lip and shook his head as he got Sabian on the line. Another growl slipped past his lips as I reached over and began undoing his pants. "You are so getting it."

 I licked my lips as I yanked his pants and underwear down in one go.  His rock hard dick sprang up, lightly smacking against his stomach.  My mouth watered wanting to taste him and my body was hot and tingling with anticipation.  He sniffed the air smelling my arousal and groaned as I took him in hand.  I heard Sabian's raspy voice as he answered. I locked eyes with my vampire. 

"I can't wait for you to fill me up, daddy."

*Where did this little wanton incubus come from?

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