The Library

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I can honestly say I wasn't at all surprised by the ketto at the alpha assembly. Werewolves were an immensely prideful lot and the ways to offend them were innumerable. Not that they are unique in that regard. It's a trait shared by many with beastial powers.

Lightmeade wasn't alone in his loathing of same sex unions, poly unions, or mixed species unions. Many traditional supernaturals - including old blood vampires - shared these sentiments. Vampires usually didn't have public outbursts in a weak attempt at holding themselves above others. Subtle forms of expression tended to be the norm. Many supernaturals simply chose to renounce their clans and become derketi- outcasts. 

Sabian opted to return to the assembly the next day with Marcus then take our beloved Daniel to Dark Moon West to see the hospital and speak with the alphas. I knew he also secretly wanted to be around other members of Dark Moon who would be gathering for dinner there. Though not a part of the militaristic type pack that was Dark Moon and it's closer allied packs, Sabian revered its orderly and simplistic ways. If he could run Forest Lake that way I'm sure he'd have fewer headaches and grey hairs. Manabudh had a mix of the more 'volatile' supernaturals and a militaristic approach would not work where diplomacy and heavy compromise had. In addition, Forest Lake had a younger member base than any pack in Luna other than Blackhawk.

Augustin and I decided to seek out information from the council headquarters then go slum around the territories north of Dark Moon West. Recognized as the Pangea of the non-god/demon races, the council building in Moonstone had a larger database of supernaturals than the one in Manabudh which was rapidly catching up under my insistence. It held an impressive library with an unsurpassed collection of ancient texts and scrolls. There were texts and family trees dating back to the separation of the races after the gods and demons left the lower plane for Holle and Yun. I was confident we'd find some answers here about Daniel's missing mother and her kin.

Augustin and I drove from the hotel through the surrounding city to the downtown area. Most of the buildings in this area were along the neoclassical and Greek revival style. Large columns with overhangs, large windows, and marbled interiors. The council building was framed on either side by a massive Japanese style garden. A bridge led from the sidewalk over a pond. Butterflies of all colors fluttered from flower to bush. A few birds and smaller supernatural critters scurried about as we crossed the wooden bridge.

"It's rather serene, isn't it?" Augustin's eyes were lit up in awe. I nodded.

"Very sensory pleasing." I couldn't help wonder if it was a ploy on the council's part to get visitors into a tranquil mindset before dealing with the slow machinations of bureaucratic nonsense that plagues every group of supernaturals given vast amounts of power over their kind. It didn't escape notice that there were security cameras and scanners blatantly visible from the top of the council building and those surrounding. From the moment we approached the building we had been scanned and our faces no doubt run through a database. The door opened automatically and Augustin hissed as we stepped into the hall.

Although we've made leaps and bounds and used technology to our benefit, vampires are still weak to some things. While we can use vitamins, sunblock, and clothing to go out in daylight, concentrated high doses of ultraviolet light can weaken or burn us to ash. I glanced at my little brother who was holding his hand. I shook my head with a fond smile as I took his hand and licked the back of it where he was sporting an angry red burn.

"Seems you missed a spot," I teased.  The skin made  a sizzling sound and bubbled as it healed.  In seconds, his hand was back to normal.

He pulled the front of his shirt down and sniffed, the indignation clear in the upturn of his nose and roll of his shoulders. "I didn't expect to be assaulted in a library."

I couldn't help but chuckle as we followed the signs for the library. "You know there's more than just a library here." We stopped in front of the elevators and I pushed the button. "This building houses two different councils, the library, and all offices werewolves need to conduct business and keep their packs running smooth."

Augustin rolled his eyes as we stepped inside the gold trimmed mahogany elevator. "Whatever," he grumbled pushing to button marked 'Library.'

I had to give it to Moonstone. Their elevator system was elegant and simplistic all at once. The same uv lighting was there but one could scent and feel dampening measures coming through the ventilation system to weaken the other supernaturals riding with is so we were all essentially as strong as your average human. If things got violent, we'd all be on a level playing field. In addition, floors weren't marked with numbers but words. A video display on the door and soft female voice let us know exactly what floor we were on.

A bog fairy, merperson, and a witch entered the elevator behind us so we stopped talking during the ride. Vampires are not the only telepathic creatures and we didn't want anyone privy to our conversation. Hiding thoughts was easy. Hiding thoughts while having a conversation and trying not to look like a statue was more difficult and required a great deal of mental shielding which became exhausting after a while.

The mer got off on the vital records floor and the bog fairy on the licensing floor. Augustin and I held back a little and let the witch go before us when we got to the library. Which was a good thing. I nearly choked on air as I took in the grandeur and magnificence of the library. By Augustin's audible gasp as his eyes darted everywhere trying to take it all in, I wasn't the only one in appreciation of Oak Moon's efforts.

"Z-" he breathed out.

I nodded stupidly as I gazed up at the expansive ceiling.  "I know."

"It's like Trinity College, Peabody, and the Sistine Chapel squashed into one."


"Astounding." An avid reader, he grabbed my arm. "Can I move in?"

I laughed so hard, the stern-looking elf at the front desk and several patrons glared. Abashed, I bowed and put my hands together in front of my face, a universal gesture of apology. Augustin snickered as we made our way to the help desk.  It wasn't often someone dare scold me.

"Gentle beings," the elf said with a neutral tone. "How many I serve you?" his golden yellow eyes went back and forth between Augustin and myself.

"We are looking for family trees and pack records for Manabudh dating back nineteen years and more," I replied.

He quirked an eyebrow. "Any particular region or race?"

"No. Persons move from time time and reside with other races long enough to be in their census."

"A fair point," he agreed as he walked around the desk. He straightened out his suit jacket and clasped his hands behind his back. "Follow me."

I straightened up to my full height and followed. Augustin also put on his business face but I could see him suppressing the urge to run off to one of the aisles and start touching the books. Or maybe I was just projecting.  

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