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Have you ever felt like disappearing from the people around you and live in an isolated place without anyone until you die? Well that is how I felt in this moment. Dad and Jihoon were beyond shocked and Jungkook wasn't helping at all since he was also freeze in shock. After what felt like hours Jungkook quickly got up from the bed making me fall. Since I was on him, I fell when he got up.

I rubbed my bum groaning in pain. I glared at Jungkook when he wasn't even helping me. "Who are you, young boy?" my dad asked Jungkook looking at him up and down. "I um I" he was shuttering in nervousness. I chuckled covering my mouth looking at Jungkook. I should record this. I mean this is the first time I am watching Jungkook like this. He always acts like cocky arrogant boy.

"Are you hurting my daughter?" he asked referring to how he got up making me fell. "No sir, I wasn't" my dad folded his arms glaring at him. "Then care to explain what you were doing?" he opened his mouth and closed it several times like fish. I couldn't stop myself so I laughed clutching my stomach. My dad joined me while Jungkook stood there confused.

"I like you, son" dad patted Jungkook on his back while I was laughing. "Sorry?" Jungkook said confused of what is happening. "Um... can anyone help me? my leg is killing me" we all looked at Jihoon who was standing on one leg. Jungkook quickly moved to help him while I moved the pillows so that Jihoon can lay down peacefully. Jungkook placed him on the bed with the help of my dad. "I will get you some juice" I said before walking downstairs to get him some from the kitchen.

I opened the box from the fridge and poured it in to glass. "He doesn't seem like a bad guy" I glanced back and saw my dad leaning on the kitchen counter. "Looks can be deceiving dad" I continued pouring it. Once it is full, I closed the box and placed it back in the freezer. "You are the one who taught me that remember?" I asked him smiling. "Right, I did" he said chuckling.

"I will give it to him" dad took the glass from me. I followed him to Jihoon room. "I see you are enjoying quite much" I said when I saw Jihoon being happy as he was treated as VIP. "Hey, you should be nice. I am injured" I hit his head making him yelp in pain. "What was that for?" he rubbed his head lightly. "Who told you to fight when you can't defend yourself?" he rolled his eyes. "I am capable of taking care of myself"

"I can see that" I said referring to his leg. "This is one time" he frowned and I sighed. "Why did you fight anyway?" his face lost all playfulness. "Nothing serious" I know he is lying but he won't tell me anyway. After that we got busy in our usual conversations. Jungkook surprisingly got free with my dad and Jihoon. They were talking casually with each other about some new games and politics which I don't watch at all.

"I have to go to work. I left suddenly when I got his call" dad said looking at his phone. "You should go then I will take care of him" dad rolled his eyes. "I don't trust you with him" I gasped in shock. "What do you mean?" Jihoon chuckled when dad answered me. "The only thing you can cook is ramen. You can't even make coffee"

Usually Jimin and Taehyung stay when dad is not home. They take care of me and Jihoon. I felt so embarrassing that he is saying all of this in front of Jungkook. "Can you stay with them until I come Jungkook?" my eyes widened and I signalled him to say no. "Um... sure sir" Jungkook said making me glare at him. "Thank you" my dad got up after he told Jihoon to rest. I followed him out and closed the door when he left.

"Your dad seems cool" Jungkook said when I came back in to living room. "Yeah he is, though he can be annoying sometimes" he chuckled and my eyes widened on its own consent. He is smiling and laughing genuinely when he is with me. "What?" I realized I have been staring so I just looked away. "Nothing" I walked in to kitchen hoping to avoid him. "What are you doing?"

"I am preparing soup for Jihoon" I said grabbing ingredients. "I don't think you need milk for making soup" I looked down and saw I actually poured milk in the bowl. "Well it is a new recipe" I said trying to cover up but I know I failed when I hear Jungkook laugh so hard. "He is sleeping now, so we can prepare later. Let him rest" he said grabbing the bowl from me.

"Why did you agreed to stay? Why did you come in the first place?" I asked him confused of his behaviour. "We are partners shouldn't we help each other?" he winked at me making me groan in frustration. Nothing happens as I want. I mean I wanted avoid this idiot when he almost kissed me in the school but see I am again with him in my home alone. "shouldn't your mom be home to see Jihoon?" he asked casually not knowing anything. "she died when I was small"

"I am sorry" he looked guilty but I waved my hand. "Its been so long so its fine" he nodded his head looking at the pictures in the wall near the stairs. "She was a dancer too" I said when he was looking at my mom dance competition picture. "She started dancing in junior school and she was one of the top students in dancing. She performed in many events. She was my first teacher too" I told him pointing to the picture where I first danced.

"Is it why you love dancing?" I smiled nodding my head. "It makes me feel like she is with me" he looked around the pictures smiling. We fell in silence after that not talking at all. It was starting to get awkward that was until my phone started blaring. "Hello?" I answered without watching the caller id. "Y/n, where are you?" I took the phone away from my ear when I heard them yelling.

"I am at home" I heard the shuffling like they are fighting. "Y/n, we are in hospital but they said Jihoon is discharged" Jimin told me. "Yeah, he came with dad like an hour back" I heard Jimin sigh on the other side. "Fine then I will come in the evening with Yena and Taehyung" I hummed in reply looking at Jungkook. "How is Jihoon now?"

"He is sleeping. Nothing serious he just hurt his leg" I told him about what happened and hang up the phone after he promised to buy all the favourite foods of Jihoon. "Who was it?" Jungkook asked me when I put the phone down. "Jimin. He said he will come in the evening" I told him looking at the time. "How long have you known him?" I pulled the bowl out of the cabinet. "Jimin?" he nodded confirming my question.

"We have been friends since childhood" he took the bowl from me and placed it on the stove. "I will cook this. Just go and check on Jihoon" I nodded walking upstairs. "Jihoon~ah, wake up" I gently patted his head. he opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily. "You should take medicine. Jungkook is making soup drink it and take medicine" he sat up straight in the bed. "What happened?" I asked him again hoping he will answer.

"I had a fight with neighbor kids about the game" I sighed. "Are they from our school?" he shook his head. "They go to other school. We might have the match this year with them" we have school tournaments every year in which lot of schools participate. This gives us chance to get selected in to our dream colleges as the people from the selection teams comes. "Don't worry I will be fine" he said when he saw my face.

"Like I am worried for you" I rolled my eyes making him chuckle. "Yup, I know you don't" I smiled at him. "Hey buddy" Jungkook came in to the room with the soup. "Thank you for helping. I know I might have died if I ate her food" Jihoon teased me while Jungkook laughed. "Hey" I hit him with the pillow but he dodged it. "be nice, I am still patient"

"You will end up in hospital again if you don't be nice" he scoffed ignoring me. he took the bowl from Jungkook and started eating. I gave him the medicine when he finished and took the bowl from him. "I will put it in the kitchen" I walked downstairs. I was about go up but stopped when I saw the phone ringing in the kitchen. It must be Jungkook phone. I saw the caller id and it was hyung. As far as I know Jungkook is the only child. He lives with Yoongi. So, it must be him.

I was about to answer it but it stopped. A message popped up. I looked at it and my eyes widened when I read the message.

You have one month to pay the debt or you know what will happen

"What are you doing with my phone?" busted. I dropped the phone in shock and looked at now angry Jungkook who was glaring at me.


Hello readers... Thanks for supporting my story. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Who do you think is the message from?

Let me know in the comments. Don't forget to vote while reading. 


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