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There are some moments in our lives where we felt like we achieved something. But at the same time the unknown future scares us. Like the expectation's others have on you will crumble your confidence. You get scared of disappointing them. It felt the same for me when she announced the winners. "First place is Jungkook and Y/n" my eyes snapped open at her words. I turned to see Jungkook grinning.

But he didn't look so happy and I was too occupied to care about it. If only I did then things would have been different for me. "Congratulations guys" Cade gave us both hug and I thanked him. "Previously we thought five teams can go to competition but rules have been changed so I want three of your teams to enroll in the competition" she said pointing to our, Cassie and Cade.

"Congrats" I looked at Jungkook who was congratulating Cassie and Sungwoon. She mentioned only five of us can participate in the competition which means Cassie, Sungwoon, Jungkook and Cade will be competing along with me. "One more thing guys, you can perform in groups or alone. It is up to you" Miss Kim told us before leaving the room as time for the class finished.

"We won" I jumped up and down when everyone left. Only Jungkook and I were left alone in the room. "Does it mean this much to you?" I smiled looking at him. "I can get the scholarship to my dream college if I win this competition. My grades are not the best so I have to make it up with the dance skills. If I win the final this year it will be a record for me" he titled his head in confusion. "How is that?"

"I have been winning this interschool competition since last two years. This will be my third year this year" I felt like I can share anything with him. So, I told him about my dream and he wasn't listening very intently. "Would you like to perform with me this year then?" I nodded my head without a doubt. "I would love to" he grinned. "Let's go"

"I will see you tomorrow then" he waved at me before walking towards the main gate. I walked back to our daily hangout place where I am sure others would be waiting. "Where the hell were you?" Yena yelled when she saw me. I told you so. "Who won?" Jimin asked ignoring Yena glare. "Well you know it was quite shocking"

"Just tell us" Taehyung hissed making me laugh. "We did" they all cheered jumping. "I knew it" Yena pulled me in hug. "This call for celebration" Taehyung cheered. "It's just a classroom project. You are acting like I won a grammy" I rolled my eyes. "You are stepping close to your dream and every little victory should be celebrated"

"Yes, so let's go to café" Jimin placed his hands on mine and Yena shoulder before dragging us. "Fine. Last one there will have to pay" I shouted before dashing through the gates. "That is not fair" I laughed when I heard them complain.

"Why should I pay when it is your success party?" Taehyung pouted sadly making me roll my eyes. "I am not the one who suggested the party" Yena scoffed at us. "Oh, come on, we do this every time" before anyone can respond our order number came so Taehyung and Jimin went to bring it. "So?"

"So?" I looked at Yena weirdly when she dragged the word. "Are you participating alone?" I shook my head. "Jungkook asked me to perform together" her eyes lit up when I said that. "So, you like him?" I frowned. "Why are you so persistent about him?" she shrugged her shoulders leaning away. "I just want you to be happy" I sighed. "Yena, I do like him but I need time to get in relation with him. So, when I am ready you will be first person to know that ok?"

"Ok" she nodded her head quite convinced. "Here is your food" Jimin and Taehyung placed the food down on the table. We all ate and laughed together it felt like nothing was worrying us at all. "Jimin?" we looked up and saw Cade standing near our table. "Hi" we all waved to him. "Mind if we join you guys?" Taehyung and I shook our heads moving aside making place for him to sit. Cade sat beside Taehyung.

"Is it the celebration for your vitory?" Cade asked us when he saw the pizza and stuff. "Yup" Yena answered him and explained how Taehyung ended up paying. It wasn't awkward at all since he knew how we were before he moved away. "You guys haven't changed at all" he chuckled when he heard her story. "We don't want to either" Jimin piped in making us smile. "I heard you are also participating" Taehyung asked Cade.

"Yeah, he won second place" I told them and they congratulated him. "We should hang out again" Jimin said addressing to Cade. "We should plan next time with all of us" after that they parted the ways. Jimin and Yena went together since he has some work. Taehyung asked Changkyun for lift since his home is on his way. That left me with Cade. "I will take you home" I declined his offer. "I can walk. It is just few minutes away"

"Are you sure? It won't take much long to drop you" I nodded smiling. "I am sure. I need a walk so I will be fine" I turned to walk away but he stopped me by holding my hand. "I wanted to ask would you like to participate together as team with me." I was surprised by his words. "I don't know. I have to ask Jungkook too"

"Oh..." he felt awkward. "I will ask him tomorrow. I am sure we can work it" his eyes lightened when I said that. "Really?" I smiled. "Yes. I will see you tomorrow then" I walked away towards my home quite happily.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Jungkook playing with dogs. But he wasn't alone. He was with someone I least expected to see. He was with Jake in the park. From the look of it, it seemed like they were close. Too close.

Didn'tJaketell me Jungkook doesn't like him?*******************

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