Our First Date

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"Taehyung, stop right there" I chased him. "No way, you will kill me" he shouted not looking behind him. "I won't stop until I catch you though" he screamed when he realized I am close to catch him. "Please don't kill me" I grabbed his collar and glared at him. "How could you sell your best friend?" I huffed panting from all the running.

"Yena, save me" I looked behind to see her and Taehyung took this time to escape me. "What is happening here?" I ignored Jimin and chased Taehyung again. "Kim Taehyung come here" he was running around bench trying to escape. "Y/n stop" Jimin grabbed my waist pulling me away from Taehyung. "What did you do to make her like this?" Yena asked Taehyung.

"I didn't do anything" I glared at him. "You sold me off for food coupons" he pouted. "Which coupons?" Yena nudged him. "Burger King" he whispered slowly. "I would do that too then. Don't worry" my eyes widened at Yena words. "Yena" she chuckled at my expression. "What they are from burger king" she answered like it was obvious thing. "What happened anyway?" Jimin asked me. "Jungkook asked me to bring her to him and I did. That's it" that's when I remembered Yena told him about me.

"I almost forgot. YOU" I yelled pointing my finger at Yena remembering she told him where I was. "Calm down y/n" she held her hands up surrendering. "You told him where I was" If looks could kill, she must have been dead by now. "Am I missing something?" Jimin scowled not liking to be left behind. "Jungkook asked her out and she ran away. So, we helped him and now she is mad at us" Yena explained to him. "He what?" I flinched and moved away a little from Jimin. "I am going to kill him"

"Stop Jimin, he really likes her" Yena rolled her eyes. "How can you be so sure?" she shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe he talks a lot about you and he smiles every time he is with you" I rolled my eyes at her repeated words. "He is a player and you know I am not looking for any relations now" not after being heart broke so many times. "You can't think like that. Not every time that happens"

I didn't say anything to her. I know she is right but I am scared. Nothing I loved has stayed in my life longer. Starting from my mom to Cade, every one left me when they were tired of me except for dad. That is why I don't get attached to others easily. I am scared they will leave me if they know me completely. "What did you tell him?" I looked at Jimin. "I told yes besides he didn't let me choose actually"

"That's great" Yena squealed making me laugh. Jungkook was bent on making me say yes so, I didn't have much of an option. He was staring me all the while like 'you better say yes' look and I couldn't help but say yes to him. "When is your date?" Taehyung asked me popping candy in his mouth. "It is tomorrow evening" Yena started jumping in excitement making Jimin and me groan. We shared a look and laughed when we saw her glaring at us. "I will help you get ready" she declared not giving me chance to reply.

"And I will be speaking with him when he comes to your home" Jimin said making Taehyung agree. I have really over protective friends.

Time went really fast and before I know I was getting ready for the date with Jungkook. Yena was looking for a cute dress for me to wear. She was making mess of my room when I told her he didn't tell me where we are going. "You should have asked him. You can't look bad for your first date" I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration. "It will be fine Yena. He did tell me to wear comfortable"

"But you can be comfortable in lot of clothes" I chuckled at her. "Now stop pouting and get out so I can get ready" she scowled at me for kicking her out while she was just trying to help me. I took a shower and changed in to blue denim jeans with a white sweatshirt. I let my hair loose and picked white converse. I took my phone walking downstairs. I know I still have time and I thought of spending it with them.

"Hey guys" Jimin and Taehyung looked at me when they heard me. "You look cute" Jimin commented making Yena roll her eyes. "I could have helped you in getting ready" she huffed and I poked her side. "You did enough" she rolled her eyes for umpteenth time today. Before she can answer we heard the doorbell ring.

"Your Romeo is here" she skipped to the front door to open it. "Hi guys" he greeted them when he walked inside. "Should we go?" he didn't compliment me like I thought he would. I felt disappointed but I shook it off. "I know we are friends but if you hurt her I will kill you for sure" Jimin told Jungkook seriously. "Don't worry guys. I will never do that"

"Bring her back before eleven" Taehyung smiled cheekily. "And no funny business guys" I stared at them shocked while Jungkook laughed. "Eat the dinner and lock the door if you leave" I told Jimin when I composed myself. "I will stay till your dad comes" I nodded waving to them.

Dad and Jihoon went to hospital for check-up. Initially, I wanted to go too but dad told me not to. He knows I hate hospitals and he forced me to stay home. I didn't tell him about my date with Jungkook either. It's not that I want to keep to it a secret I didn't get the time to tell him. I guess I will tell him based on how tonight turns out.

"I didn't tell you this in your home but you look pretty" Jungkook voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Thanks. You don't look bad either" he was wearing puma hoodie with black jeans. He was looking handsome even in that. Who am I kidding? He looks really hot if you ask me. I was wondering where we are going dressed this casually. But I didn't ask him.

"We are here" he stopped the car and got out. I looked at the abandoned alley and similar fear crept inside me. Wait is it the revenge he was talking about. There is no way we can enjoy our date on the deserted road at the night. So why are we here? If he really brought me to kill others would know he is behind it right?

"Y/n?" I turned to my right and saw Jungkook opened the car door for me. He tied his extra shirt around his waist and pulled his hood up. Though I wanted to scream and run away, I slowly got out of the car and looked around. "Why are we here?" he locked the car and took my hand in his guiding me somewhere. "You will see when we get there" I simply nodded following him. He walked in to the building which was so silent, it almost felt uncanny.

"We have to cross the fencing" his voice broke echoed in the empty roads. "Careful" he helped me get through the fencing and then he did the same. "Do you come here often?" he glanced at me before nodding his head. "Sometimes when I need break" I wonder where we are going. "We are here" his steps halted making me stop too. I looked up and my jaw dropped at the scene in front of me.

The street lights had been lit up making the whole street full of life. There were lots of people joking and having fun with each other. Even some stalls were kept in the sides of the road. It wasn't long road but was enough to enjoy some time. Some were doing the dance battles. "Wow" I am sure you can see light in my eyes. I loved this place. "You like it?" I shook my head and his smile fell. "I love it" he smiled happily this time. "Hey guys wanna join us?" some guy called us from far.

"Should we?" he gestured his hand asking me to take. "Let's get them" we both ran to the group and started dancing. We popped to the music not caring the moves. "Let's see what the boys got" all the girls moved aside and Jungkook along with other boys started dancing. I never observed but Jungkook is really good dancer. People shouted when he did a jump step. I smiled when I saw how happy he was while dancing there. "Time to woo them girls" two girls grabbed me making me stand in the center. I started dancing and they cheered immediately.

We danced for so long that we lost the track of time. I checked my phone when I hear it ring and saw it is already eleven in the night. Wow I have been here for almost three hours already. "We should leave" I pointed to my phone showing Jungkook time. "Let's go" we pushed through the people and made it outside. "I can't believe this place exists" I paused. "I mean we can't hear music either"

"It is located far from the road and you weren't paying attention when we walked in earlier" he is right. I was thinking so much I didn't observe it. "Thanks for showing me this place. I really enjoyed tonight" I told him when we reached the car. "I did too. Let's get you home before Jimin kills me" I laughed lightly getting inside the car.

I thanked him and was about to go out when Jungkook stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "I know it is so early but I can't wait anymore. Will you be my girlfriend?"


Hello readers... I have started a  new book BTS book. I will be uploading both the stories simultaneously. Hope you like it. 

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