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I felt my whole body numb and heavy. I tried to move my hand but groaned when I felt pain shot through my veins. "Easy there" I heard someone mumble holding me steady. "If you can hear me raise your hand" I did that but failed instantly releasing few more groans. "She will be fine in few hours" I didn't know who was talking as it was not familiar voice at all. "Give her some rest and don't stress her"

I tried to move again but gave up knowing my body is still in pain. I blinked my eyes slowly and opened them. I closed them right away when I felt light blinding me. Once I adjusted to the light I opened them. I frowned looking at my surroundings. This is not my room neither my house. I thought for a while and memories came back to me. Tears prickled at the corner of my eyes as I realized the truth.

"Y/n" I looked to my right and saw dad. He looked stressed and tired. He has wrinkles around his eyes showing he got old and the messy hair cleared that he has been running his hand through it. A nervous habit he has. "Thank god you are ok" he hugged me and I couldn't help but return the hug. I have known as my father for whole life. Mere words in a page can't change the fact what I feel for him. "Hey sis" I pulled away from hug and smiled at Jihoon.

Jihoon. Is he my own brother or is he a half brother to me? "I am glad you are ok" this maybe one of the rare moments where we didn't insult each other. But that was least of my worries. "You should rest. We will go and check with doctor when we can take you home" Dad said ushering me to sleep and they both left my room.

I took this time to look around the room. I realized I am in hospital seeing the white walls. Room was pretty decent with single bed and a couch at the corner. One door was attached to the right side which must be bathroom. They might have brought me to hospital when I fell unconscious. I looked around for my phone but couldn't find it. I laid down thinking about everything happened so far.

My life kept becoming messier. I didn't expect this to happen at all. I know there is more to the story. I need to ask dad what happened. "Doctor said we can leave by afternoon" dad announced coming inside the room. "What time is it?" he started packing things in a bag which I didn't observe earlier. "It is nine in the morning" he wasn't looking at me at all. I frowned knowing he is worried too. "Dad" I called him but he didn't look at me. "Please look at me" my voice was barely audible I was on the verge of crying. "Please don't cry baby"

"I am sorry" he apologized crying along with me. "It wasn't your fault" I told him though I don't what we were referring to. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him once I calmed down. "I never wanted you to find out. When your mom was alive we thought of telling when you are old enough but after what happened I didn't want to lose you"

"Can you tell me what exactly happened?" Jihoon was nowhere to see. He might have gone home or school since it is already morning now. "I met your mom in a diner. She used to work there as a waitress. It was a love at first sight for me. I used to visit her every day after my college" I could see smile grow on his face at the mention of mom. "One day I asked her out and she told me no"

"She said she doesn't have time for dates and petty stuff but I chased her. In the end she agreed for a date" he looked at me. "That day she told me she is pregnant. Her boyfriend dumped when she told him about pregnancy. She is working for her kid and she dropped out of college" she gave up on her dreams to raise me. "I told her I would support her and take care of her child. She didn't believe me first but agreed later. We got married before you were born and I helped her take care of you"

"Why didn't you tell me all this?" I asked him through tears. "The day I accepted your mom, you were part of her and I accepted you too. I have raised you as mine" I have no doubt in that. He has been the most amazing father. "Is Jihoon -" he nodded his head. "He is our son. I tried to convince your mom to attend college but she insisted on taking care of you while working. Soon we had Jihoon too"

"What exactly happened on the day of accident?" he looked paler than before at the mention of accident. "Let's not talk about this now. You need to rest" I shook my head grabbing his hand. "I need to know" he sighed before sitting on the bed leaving the bag which he was packing. "It is not a good day to be reminded of"

"She was supposed to pick you from school and joined me in restaurant for dinner where I was waiting with Jihoon for you both. I got a call from cops that she has been involved in an accident. From what I have seen you were out of your car seat and she turned the car so nothing could happen to you" he paused as if he is remembering that day. "Your mom was alive and we took her and other man involved in accident. She told us it was partly her fault. We tried everything to save them but -" he didn't need to tell me. I know what happened. "Do you know who the other man was?" he nodded his head. "I inquired about him. I offered his mom to help her and take care of her kid education" so what Jake said is true. "Do you know the kid is Jungkook?" he looked surprised about revelation. "I didn't know that. I never seen the kid and sent the money to his mom"

"I should tell you about your father too" he placed the same diary in my hand which was in the bag he was packing. "Your mom wrote about him in the diary. I never read it but you should" he left the room after that giving me some space.

Author Note:

Hello readers.... Hope this chapter was clear. there were lot of things I tried to make it clear and elaborated. Comment your thoughts and vote while reading.


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