MDBCM---Shot 12(First Kiss)

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Hello guys!! I m back with next shot.
Let's begin:

My dangerous boss and crazy me
(SwaSan fs)
Shot 12: First Kiss
Recap: Sanskar got to know about abhinav's truth and shekar revealed about the contract.

Maheshwari house:
SwaSan Room:
Sanskar is getting ready to go to meet abhinav and swara is sitting on bed using her mobile.
Swara: Sanskar
Swara: I will not go to office now??
Sanskar: what you will do there? fun only and that you are doing at home also.
Swara stand on the bed keeping hand on her waist.
Swara: ohh u can't underestimate the talent of swara.
Sanskar: first of all come down.
Swara make faces and stand on the floor.
Sanskar: if you want to join u can come from tomorrow.
Swara: okay and sanskar you don't have any sense.
Sanskar(shouted): what??
Swara: I mean on that day I told you that bcoz of kavya you scolded me and I had to work at night but you didn't said her anything.
Sanskar came near her and said
Sanskar: for your kind information next day only I called her and give her warning that I will fire her if she will repeat such acts.
Swara:then who will tell me.
Sanskar: I didn't felt necessary to tell you.
Swara: how rude(pout)
Sanskar signed and went out.

Abhinav's house:
Sanskar with Aman shekar and lawyer came to abhinav's house. As the servant opened the door they went inside and settled in the hall.
Soon abhinav came and sit on the front sofa.
Abhinav: why you all are here???
Sanskar: we want to break the contract which you have signed with shekar uncle.
Abhinav started laughing and said
Abhinav: for that u need to give 2 crores
and I think he won't be having 2 lakhs also.
He said pointing towards shekar.
Sanskar place one suitcase in front of him which is filled with notes.
Sanskar: total 2 crores you can count.
Abhinav: how come this?
Sanskar(chuckles): I think you forgot that I m the richest businessman in India and when it comes to my wife 2 crore is also very less amount.
Abhinav closed his fist as his plan backfired.
Abhinav: u played your game at the last moment otherwise no one would have saved your wife or specifically hot wife.
Sanskar: mind your tongue bcoz this time I will make sure that u will land in hospital only
Abhinav gulped as he remembered when he got beaten up by Sanskar.
Lawyer: sign here Mr khanna.These papers state that contract is broken as they had payed you the money.
Abhinav unwillingly signed it as it was a legal procedure.
Sanskar: thanks we should leave.
Shekar: now u don't even dare to think about my daughter.
They left from there.
Abhinav: idiots for whom I waited for all these years and they think I will leave her that easily.
He smirks.

Aman's house:
After coming from Abhinav's house, sanskar came with aman only as he wants to talk to him.
Aman: sanskar what you want to talk?
Sanskar: Aman I m not understanding what is happening to me.
Aman: what u mean?
Sanskar: means whenever swara comes near me my heartbeat increases.  I keep on staring her and above all I always feel like kissing her. I just can't tell how I m controlling.
Aman: its a disease.
Sanskar(confused): what???
Aman: yupp u are suffering from Loveria.
Aman started laughing rolling on sofa.
Sanskar(beat him): idiot I m serious here.
Aman: okay I m happy that u r finally in love.
Sanskar: do I really love her but she is not of my ty...
Aman(cut): dare you to say that I will punch your mouth.
Sanskar: okay I accept that I love her but she will never fall for me.
Aman: yeah I also agree she is not girl who care for love and all.
Sanskar: then what should I do??
Aman: hmm you increase your closeness with her.
Sanskar: she hardly stays with me all the time with bappy and mom.
Aman: for that you should take her to some romantic place where only you both will be there and ofcouse she have heart which will fall.
Sanskar: this is good idea but where should I take her??
Aman: this is too much yrr that also I should tell u decide where u want to celebrate your honeymoon (winks)
Sanskar: stop it. Okay I should think about it.
Aman: okay all the best and don't forget to tell me.
Sanskar: sure.
Sanskar left from there.

Maheshwari Industries:
Sanskar's  Cabin:
Kavya enter inside after asking permission.
Sanskar: yes kavya?
Kavya: sir you have to go to Paris as there is meeting with one of our partner.
Sanskar: when I have to go??
Kavya:it's day after tomorrow so u can go at tomorrow night.
Then only sanskar thought that it's better to take Swara to Paris only. He can make excuse also that for business he is going.
Kavya: sir may I book your ticket??
Sanskar: yeah book two tickets for me and swara and for two weeks.
Kavya: okay Sir
Kavya went out and sanskar informed aman that he is taking swara to Paris.

Sanskar came home and saw all are sitting in the Hall. Swara is playing carom with bappy. He went near and said
Sanskar: swara come to room I want to talk to you.
Swara: I will come later now I m playing.
Sanskar felt like picking this little girl in his arms and then show her what are the consequences of denying to Sanskar maheshwari.
Sanskar: swara it's important.
Bappy: sweety you go we will continue later.
Swara: okay
SwaSan went to their room.

SwaSan room:
Swara: yes what you want to say??
Sanskar: we are going to Paris.
Swara: okay.
She said normally but then realized what he said
Swara: what you said??
Sanskar: we are going to Paris.
Swara: repeat it.
Sanskar(annoyed): I will not.
Swara: plzz once.
Sanskar (loudly): We Are Going To Paris.
Swara: what.
She fall on the bed as she was standing near it and fainted. Sanskar got shocked.
Sanskar: swara
He tried to wake her and then sprinkle little water on her face.
She opened her eyes and again asked
Swara: what you said???
Sanskar give her his all time famous dangerous glare.
Swara sit on bed while sanskar is standing in front.
Swara: actually my ears are not ready to believe what they listened. I always have a dream to go to Paris but never knew it will be fulfilled. U know once in my school there was a girl who went to Paris in vacation and was showing off that she saw this and there now I will also see and if I will meet her I will tell her that I also went to Paris........
She keep on blabbering and Sanskar has not listened even a word as his gaze was fixed on her lips which was getting beautifully moulded when she speaks. Not able to control anymore he lean and smash his lips against her. Due to his sudden action Swara lost balance and fall back on bed while Sanskar was above her. Sanskar's eyes are closed and he is kissing fastly and dominating not giving her chance to respond back. He broke after few mins and saw swara is crying. He cursed himself for losing control as he thought she is crying bcoz he kissed her.
Sanskar: swara i m..
Swara(sniffs): u r very bad. U stole my first kiss and even didn't let me respond back.
Sanskar looked at her astonished like seriously she is crying bcoz he didn't let her kiss back.
Sanskar (whisper): then we can kiss again.
Swara look at him and said
Swara: okay but this time we will kiss together.
Sanskar (chuckles): sure.
With that he again place his lips on her and both started kissing each other slowly and passionately. Swara's hands crawl in his hairs while he was busy in caressing her waist.
They broke the kiss when they were out of breathe.
Both are trying to stable their breathe. Sanskar is still lying on her.
Suddenly the door opened and tanya came inside.Her eyes widen seeing their position.
Sanskar got up and looked irritately at her that she spoiled their moment.
Sanskar: what Tanya?
Swara was still in dreamland of her first kiss.
Tanya: wo aunty ji is calling you to have dinner.
Sanskar: we will come u can go.
Tanya left from their fuming in anger.
Sanskar saw swara who is still lost somewhere.
Sanskar (jerk her): swara
Swara(got up): OMG I can't believe that I did my first kiss and that tooo with my dangerous boss.
Sanskar chuckes seeing her expressions.
Sanskar: let's go for dinner.
Swara: huh!! Okay
Swasan went downstairs.
To be continued.....

Precap: Swara(shouts): Bappy will also come with us to Paris otherwise I will not go.
Sanskar(shock): what???
Now his time to faint😇😇😛😛😛

So share your views about swasan first kiss🙈🙈. I hope you liked it.
Thank you
Take care

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