Epilouge: Ten years later

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"Just breathe Marinette, " Alya said as she tied the wedding veil into her BFF's hair "I can't help it Alya, what if I forgot what I'm supposed to say or I fall when I reach the alter?" Marinette asked, as joyful as she was about getting married to the love of her life, she was so nervous about making afoul of herself due to her clumsiness "I highly doubt that will happen besides we practiced your vows a thousand times trust me you have them memorized." Alya said trying to ease her friend's anxiety "Alya we have to go," Alix called walking in with the other bridesmaids "see you in a bit Mrs. Agrsete," Alya said giving her friend a wink as she left the room. "Pull yourself together Marinette, it's not like a supervillain is going to show up," Marinette said to herself as she grabbed her bouquet and followed her friends. "Are you ready my darling?" her father asked taking her arm "yes," she said beaming up at him.


'Oh god, she's not here, what if she doesn't show up?' Adrien thought to himself sweating like someone wearing a wool sweater in the desert, "dude relax we haven't been standing here that long," Nino said "are you sure this seems to be taking an eternity," Adrien said nervously suddenly the doors in the back opened and everyone in the room stared in awe as Marinette entered.  "She's an angel," Adrien said as soon as he saw here "easy there Agreste save it for the honeymoon," Alya commented.  As Marinette walked down the alae she saw the faces of her friends, her family, Chole was even there, and then she saw her groom. Her anxiety from before seemed to disappear as she joined hands with him, "dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Marinette and Adrien, the strength of their commitment is clear, the power of their love undeniable yet it started from the most unlikely of circumstances. Do you Marinette takes this man to be your husband in sickness and in health until death do you part?" "I do," she said tearfully "and do you Adrien take this woman to be your wife in sickness and in health until death do you part?" the preacher asked however Adrien was so lost in his bride's eyes that he didn't hear "that's your cue," Alya whispered "huh oh I do I most definitely do," he said causing Marinette to giggle "in that case may I have the rings please?" the ring bearer brought up the rings and Marinette took Adrien's ring and placed it on his finger, and he did the same to her. 

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." Without a second thought, the two kissed and everyone in the room clapped, 


"Shall we milady," Adrien said as the prepared to leave for their honeymoon "oh I almost forgot," she said throwing her bouquet and Alya was the one to catch it "Alya you caught it that means your next down the alae how romantic," Rose said squealing "oh that reminds me Alya there's something I've been meaning to ask you," Nino said blushing "oh boy," was all she said.    

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