Part 5

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Plzz forgive mistakes...

A fine saturday. Neil is sleeping on his room. Suddently his phone rings and he woke up. He attend the call

Neil : hello abi

Abi : yaar are you still sleeping?  Are u not coming to movie?

Neil looked at the clock and saw the time..

Neil : it is only 9 o clock.

Abi : so what... We all are in downstairs.. Come fast..

Neil : okk ok idiot i am coming

He ended the call and went to freshen up.

After sometime neil come downstairs by rolling his shirt sleeves. He is wearing a brown shirt and blue ripped jeans. He saw his friends were busy in eating breakfast...

Swetha saw him coming..

Swetha : tillu come and have breakfast.

Zaan : aunty your tillu is looking so cute * he teases him earning a glare from neil*

Dd : aunty your breakfast was just awesome...

Swetha : tillu listen this.. I have fans also.. Dd beta eat this also

She give him more sandwhiches. Neil roll his eyes. Prakash bebe and his friends giggles.

After breakfast neil and friends went for outing..

They were standing outside acinema theatre.. Dd and neil were standing to take ticket. Ali, zaan and abi were standing near popcorn counter by oogling at girls with a wide grin on their face...

At the same time avni, riya, juhi and mitali came there. They came there to watch movie but when they saw the line and get shocked..

Mitali : uff guys what will we do.. We wont get tickets for sure.. Look at the line.. *she said with a disappoint face*

Suddently avni's mind clicked an idea

Avni : but mithali dont worry.. We can ask anyone in the line to brought tickets  for us too.

Riya : yeah avu you are right.. Come let's ask help from whome standing in first position.

They went and saw neil and dd standing. Riya looked at avni and smirked

Riya : ha..  woh..  avu look, is it neil and his friend?

Avni : yes riyu

Riya : then go and ask them

Avni : what..... No no way.. I am not going to ask to that angry bird. He is really annoying

Avni huffs

Riya : oh come on babes we dont have much time. Go... Go..

Avni : but...

Riya pushed her to them.. Avni went to them with least interest. Neil and dd saw her coming to them.. Avni came and ignored neil with a pout face which neil made shook his head😏.. Avni came to dd and smiled at him.

Avni : hii 😁😁

Dd : hii avni.. How are you and what are you doing here?

Before avni can say anything neil interrupted

Neil : she came here to play football

Dd : shut up stupid..

Avni : uff he is such a annoying idiot. 😐

Neil : shut up ms. Honeybun.

Avni : you shut up mr. Angry bird.. i remember that day, means our first day in college, you harshly pulled my hair. You know what i dont like anyone touching my hair.. If we were not in  college, Then i would surely punched your nose😣😣

She said all this by making faces. Neil mentally smiled seeing her. But he shrugged it.

Avni : it is waste if time by talking with you mr. Angry bird

Neil : same goes here ms. Honeybun.

Avni turned to dd and grins. Neil frown

Avni to dd : brother😃😃.... *sweetly*

Dd : yes sister tell me😁😁

Neil : sister?? 🤔

Avni : shut up angry bird

Neil gritted his teeth and controlled his anger.

Avni : can you plse bye four tickets for me, if i stand in line, we cant watch movie.. So plsee help your sister *she said with a cry face *😥😥

Neil : sorry ms. Honeybun... He will not do this. 😊😊

Avni looked at neil and glared him.. She turned to dd and again pouted sadly

Avni : you know what i thought my handsome dashing intelligent brother will understand my feelings and buy tickets for me coz you are looking like sharukh khan sir. How handsome, dashing and i thought kind minded too.i always wished a bro like you. But no.. Your friend spoiled you.. Ok i will ask any others help.. But brother your sister still loves you😭😭

She dramatically wipes her fake tears and started to walk.. Dd was in verge of crying.. Dd called her.. Avni smiled and turned.. Neil who was watching all this drama with open mouth..

Dd : no sister.. When your brother is alive i will not let anyother's to help you.. I will help you sister.. 😤😤

Avni mentally danced.. Neil shook his head watching this..

Avni : but brother your annoying friend..

Avni looked at him and smirked..Neil glared her and clenched his fist..Avni pocked her tongue😜😜

Dd : you are myy sister.. I will help you.. No one will stop me

Dd looked at neil. Neil glare him.. He grins..

Avni : thank you....?

Dd : i am dd

Avni : three d 🤔🤔

Dd : not three dd.. Dd

Avni : ohh😊😊

Neil was controlling his laugh.. He supress his lips to control it.. 😅😅

Counter opened and avni gave dd the money. He brought tickets for her and gave it to her..

They enjoyed the movie and came outside.. when they were existing from the theatre someone push neil.First he glared that person.But again he pushed neil coz of crowd..He get angry and punched his face..his friends drag him outside..

They scolded him for not controlling his anger..avni came outside she saw neil standing there. She ran to him.. Neil looked at her. he was in full anger mood

Neil : what you want?

Avni : you are an actor right?

Neil : what..?  Nooo

Avni : dont lie i saw you in movie.. it was you the 'nun ' character... Am i right?

She said while laughing.. Neil hold her arm and pulled her to himself.. Avni gasp and looked into her eyes..

Neil : shut up and go ms. Honeybun.. Othervise you will se my worst side.

Avni get little scared seeing him glaring her. But she composed himself and pushed him..

Neil : go from here avni..

Not looking at her.. Avni sensed something wrong.. But she have no courage to ask him.

She went from there silently...

How is it?

I hope you all liked this one..

Tommorrow update : My love is my obsession...

Lot's of love

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