•Chapter 2•

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Alphys giggled. "W-well, at least this first p-part will be easier for me n-now...!" She said, grabbing her equipment and getting to work.

By the end of the day, she had already fixed half of his jaw. She estimated that the rest would be done either tomorrow or the day after.

"I-I think a week was a bit of an exaggeration..." Alphys said, painting the last touches on the part she had already fixed.

"You think!?" You squealed. "The poor guy passed out!"

Alphys giggled. "H-hey! I just realized! This is your f-first time meeting him! What do you th-think?" She asked.

You shrugged. "He's cool" was all you said.

Alphys raised an eyebrow. "He's cool?" She repeated. "That's all?"

You shrugged again. "I mean, I haven't really gotten to know him all that well."

Alphys put the paintbrush down. "W-well, you should get to know him more! Y-you guys would make really g-good friends!" She pointed out, exitedly.

You raised and eyebrow at her and tilted your head. "Do we even have anything in common?" You asked. Though he was nice, you just couldn't see you being close to him in any way.

Alphys thought for a moment. "I mean...y-you like robots a-and computer stuff, a-and he's a robot..." she said.

You glanced over at Mettaton, who was still unconscious. Even with half of his face missing, he still looked stunning.

Alphys started putting her tools away. "Th-that's all we'll do today...It's g-getting late" she said.

You nodded and helped her lift the toaster once again. Part of it was removed, however, since she used some of it to fix Mettaton.

"D-do you think you can help me bring M-Mettaton to the couch?" Alphys asked you. "He's k-kinda heavy."

You nodded. You picked up his top half by his shoulders and she picked up his bottom half by his fabulous legs. You both brought him over to the couch and set him down, softly.

You yawned and took your phone out of your pocket. It was twelve o'clock in morning. You groaned. Alphys noticed.

"I-if you want, y-you can stay over for the night, s-since it's so late...!" She offered.

"Are you sure I won't be too much of a hassle?" You asked. "I could just get a hotel or something."

Your house was a few hours away from the lab.

Alphys shook her head. "I-I'm sure! It'll be better than you d-driving home so tired like this!"

You shrugged. "Alright, wouldn't hurt."

After that, Alphys set up the guest room and you slept there over night.

You woke up the next morning surprisingly peacefully. You'd half expected to wake up to Undyne yelling, or Mettaton yelling, or just yelling in general.

You slowly opened your eyes and yawned. You went to the bathroom, got dressed, brushed your teeth and hair, and used the restroom quickly.

You exited the bathroom quietly, trying not to wake anyone up. You then heard yelling from Alphys and Undyne's room.

Guess they're awake? You thought and chuckled quietly.

You saw the door open and Undyne ran out, yelling "I'M MAKE'N WAFFLES!"

You then saw Alphys running after her. "U-Undyne, no!" She squealed.

You followed them into the kitchen, where you saw Mettaton. He was still missing part of his jaw, however, but at least he was awake now.

He was setting a large plate of waffles on the dinning table.

He can cook??? You thought, surprised.

He turned to you, Alphys, and Undyne. "Hello, darlings!" He greeted you all happily. "Don't worry Alphys, dear, Undyne won't need to make any waffles, for I am one step ahead of her!"

You glanced at Alphys. She sighed relievingly, and looked at you, then shrugged.

You couldn't help but smile at the flamboyant robot.

With the half of a jaw Mettaton had, he was smiling, triumphantly. "Well, darlings, let's eat!"

•~•~•~•~•~•~•Le Time Skip•~•~•~•~~•~•~•~•

Once everyone had finished, Undyne thought it was a good idea to go to the park. At first, Mettaton refused, but Alphys managed to convince him to come along and wear a hit pink scarf to cover his missing jaw.

You had set up a picnic blanket on the floor for you and the others to lay on to sun-bathe or something, and you were now laying on it, reading fanficions on your phone while Undyne and Alphys played on the playground.

You weren't sure where Mettaton was. He said something about picking flowers, then left once you got to the park.

Huh....Mettaton doesn't seem that bad... you thought, tearing your mind away from the x reader you were reading. Maybe Alphys is right...maybe we could be friends...

You were pulled away from your thoughts when you saw a pair of long, hot-pink boots walk up to you.

You looked up to see Mettaton standing over you, smiling.

You sat up and smiled awkwardly at him. "H-hi, Mettaton." You greeted him, wondering why you stuttered. "Where've 'ya been?"

Mettaton then glamorously took a seat beside you. "Picking flowers, darling!" He said, happily. "Aren't they just beautiful?"

He held up a handful of pink flowers. They certainly were beautiful. But definitely not as beautiful as the robot, himself.

Without thinking, you picked one of the flowers from his hand and gently tucked it behind his robotic ear. Now, he looked even more beautiful.

He didn't seem to mind, for he too picked one of the flowers from his hand, and put it behind your ear.

"There we go, darling," he said in his deep, metallic, and hot voice. "Now we're both even more beautiful."

You felt your face get a little warm, but smiled awkwardly.

You wondered why you were so wonder-struck by him. Was it the fact he was a robot? Was it the fact he was a celebrity? Was it the fact that he was really fricken hot?

You may never know...

Alphys and Undyne had finished playing on the slide, and had shifted to the playground. Undyne was now pushing Alphys on the swing quite hard, but funly.

With Mettaton beside you, you watched them giggle and push each other, whilst you daydreamed.

You wondered what it'd be like to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. You'd never had one before, and you never cared, but seeing Alphys and Undyne together made you feel happy...and warm.

You were tore away from your thoughts when you once again heard Mettaton's voice.

"So, darling," he said, casually. "I haven't gotten a chance to get to know you."

You shrugged. "Eh, there's not much to know." You told him.

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asked, curiously.

You glanced at him for a moment, then turned your eyes to your hands. You hadn't notice you had been twittling your thumbs this whole time.

"I'm just not an interesting person to begin with." You told him and chuckled.

Mettaton seemed to have more questions, but avoided asking. "So, Alphy told me you work with her around the lab, darling." He pointed out.

That robot's got hella lot of questions. You thought. You nodded at his statement.

After that, he talked to you about various things; Robots, computers, technology, and at some point, the topic of anime came up.

Surprisingly, you had a great time talking to him. He was pretty nice, though full of himself, but pretty smart.

You felt happy knowing you get along with this fabulous Robot.


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