Chapter 1: My name is Hayan

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The future: 24 years later~

Voice 1: We can't stop him!!

Voice 2: I could never imagine he was this strong?! How can this be?!

Voice 3: We have to think of something or else the city will be destroyed!!

Enemy:*attack them*

Voice 2: SHADOWS DORM!!*create a shadow dorm* That's should keep them out for a while.

Hayan: But Claw, what should we do? Cyrus it's too strong!!

Claw: It is true but we still can get help from your dad!

Hayan: My dad? But he isn't here with us...*sad tone*

Claw: But you still can get back to the past and ask for his help! It's the only way! Lin open the time portal!

Lin: Yes, brother!*open a time portal* Hayan, quick!! Run inside before he capture you!

Hayan: Lin, don't follow Claw!! Goda say something!!*turn to him, eye started to cry*

Goda: He's right. You have to go get help from you father!

Hayan: But I can't leave you guy!! You are all my FRIEND!!*tear falling out*

Claw: There's no time! I have to use force then!*push Hayan inside the portal*

Hayan: No! Claw, everyone!!*try to reach back* No! Don't leave me alone, Claw, Lin, Goda!!*tear fall down*

Lin: Remember to save the future, okay Hayan?*grin, put the peace sign on her head*

Goda: Remember okay!!

The shadow dorm break, everything go blind in second. The only thing she could saw is Claw smile at the end.

Hayan: AHHHHH!!!!*faint*

The past: Galaxy time~

The gang is on Tapops ship after a tiring mission. Gopal and Fang are sitting at the table while Ying and Yaya are reading book.

Ying:*sigh* That mission was a trouble! We barely find any Power

Gopal: Yeah! My feet is a beat!! I can't walk anymore!

Fang: Quit mumbling! We still have to track Shadow Bot down or he will make darkness every where in the galaxy.

Boboiboy:Don't worry, Fang! We will surely find the power sphere!

Fang:*stand up* Easy for you to say! You let it escape!!

Boboiboy: Me?! I almost got it when you came out of nowhere and fall on me!! That's hurt like hell!


Boboiboy: @/#>%#

Ying: Would you two stop it?! Yaya, stop them!*turn to Yaya* Yaya?

(I really like ni-chan XD arts! It's so cute!)

Ying: Yaya!

Yaya: Huh? What is it, Ying?

Ying: What wrong with you lately? You keep being all weird around Boboiboy!

Yaya:*cover Ying mouth* Shh! Don't talk so loud, let's go to our room, okay?*walk to her room*

Ying:*follow her*

Fang: Where are they going?

Boboiboy: Yeah... Yaya didn't stop us like usual.

Fang: Is that why you start a fight with me first thing in the morning?*grin*

Boboiboy: What?! It's obviously that you want Ying attention that you start a fight with me!

Fang: I did not!

Boboiboy: You did too!

Fang: Did not!!

Boboiboy: Did too!!


Boboiboy:*run to their room* What happens?! Are you guy okay?!

Fang: What?! Who is she?!*saw a girl lie on the ground*

Ying: We don't know but she's unconscious!

Gopal: I will go call Las Manak!(am I writing it right?)

Yaya: Hey little girl! Wake up, wake up!!

Boboiboy: Hey?! Are you okay?! Wake up!! Hey!

Hayan:*mumble* Dad...

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