Chapter 12: Break in

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Tapops station: 24 years later~

We decided to break into Cyrus prison. The plan was all well set, everything is ready. We went through the back door first.

Hayan: Okay, the place is clear. Move, move!!*ran to the back door* Okay, Goda break the door!

Lin: Wait, what?

Goda: Shapeshifter Manipulation!! The hand of...!!

Lin: Stop it!! We will get caught!!

Goda: Key~*his hand is in the shape of a key* It's open! You really think I break down a door? That will bring too much ruckus~

Lin: We should get going.*run inside* Hide!

We hide in a corner. There 5 guard ahead of us, not to mention a few camera too. Hayan give a signal to Claw, he nodded and disappear into an electric wire. I surprised.

Hayan: You're confuse?

Yaya: Can he really do that?

Hayan: Claw specialty is Procession, just like Lin. But his power focus on more of a physical object or other object you can see. While Lin power focus more on the mind- she can take down an entire army if she can hit the boss mind first.

Yaya: I see.

Goda: They are known as "The procession twin" throughout Tapops, it's really cool~

Claw hack into the camera and break them. He gave signal to Hayan as she turn to Lin, she nod. Lin run toward where a guy is standing, carful not to alert the other 4. She beat down that guy and process his mind. Lin walk toward the other 2.

Lin(as the guard 1): Hey!

Guard 2: Hey*turn his bead* *get knocked out*

Guard 3: Huh?*black out *

Guard 4+ 5: What is that!? *K. O*

Yaya: She beaten down all the 5 guard by herself...

Hayan: Impressive, right?✨✨

Goda: We should get moving! Next is main hallway, there too many guard. We should make a distraction.

Hayan: My turn~ Let me borrow your power for a sec, Goda *absorbs his power**turn into one of the guard* Hey!! We have 5 unconscious person laying here!! We need help!!

All the guard run down the basement to find the other 5. They were all trapped in Yaya Gravity ball and can't get out. The gang keep on going and finally they reach the prison door.

Yaya: Hayan how can you turn into one of the guard?

Hayan: That's my former power watch~ Absorbs!! It's allowed me to take any power as long as their power level are the same as mine or smaller, of course I can use them as well. But I could only do this to the limit of 3 or 4 power though.

Yaya: I see, Ochobot does give you guy good power. It's suit each and one of you~

They hack into the prison protect system and break free the bars. They hurry find the impression Tapops member and free them, they also rescue some citizens who are capture too. They quickly bring everyone out.

Lin : Wait... We got a problem. How are we supposed to bring them all out? There's too many of them!!

Claw: What do we do, Hayan!?

Hayan:... I got it!! You three*point at Lin, Claw and Goda* go disguise or process yourself as a guard. I have a great idea~

Yaya: Can this really work?*sweat drop*

They are hiding in the group of both Tapops member and citizens. Beside them are 3 guard disguise by the other three. They walk down the hall through the eye of many guard, one of them grab Claw shoulders, he joint.

Guard: Stop! Where are you taking these prisoners!?

Claw: (As guard 1): we have an order to transfer all this prison to a new sell. This is Cyrus order!

Guard: Really? I'm sorry for that!!

He pull back, make way for them to leave. They turn to a corner and turn back to there old-self.

Claw: Thank god, he didn't realize!

Lin: I can't believe that work... I didn't even ask for a proof!

Hayan: This is the exit! We're almost out of here!!*shout too big*

They froze. About hundreds guard turn to look at them. They heard everything as they raise there gun at them, fired.

Claw: RUN!!!

Hayan: I'm sorry!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!😫😫😫

Lin: Just Shut Up!! Run to the door!!

They run to the exit but it shut down. Everything covered in red light and voice alert the whole prison. A person appear, he walk toward them with a helmet on. The other 4 tense up, they can feel shiver through their back.

Claw: it's Him...

Lin: We have no choice... We have to defeat him quick and get out!

Goda: Could we? He will capture us again if we failed...!

Claw: We should-


Hayan attack him first. She use her fire to hurt him but he just doge it all and give her a direct attack from behind. She fall forward but quickly balanced.


Yaya: She can transform to her second level!? Boboiboy can't do that...

Hayan: RAGING FIRE!!*throw a big fire ball at him*


Yaya: It's can't be...

He break through the fire ball and grab Hayan neck. She try to escape but failed. He grab onto her neck harder, she's about to run out of air:

The other attack him but all failed. He just keep dodge and hit them with his power. They all lie on the ground, sore of the pain. He also tighten his fist on Hayan. She growl in pain.

Lin: Please... Stop it...!

Goda: No... Stop it!! Stop it!

Yaya: Hayan!!

Claw: STOP IT DAD!!!

He turn back to Claw, Hayan take the chance and use her Water power .


She attacked him make him fall to the ground due to surprise. Hayan fall down and Yaya caught her. The other ran toward her in defense.

The guy stand up on his feet. Yaya eye widen, her hand go up in shock. He have spiky deep purple hair and crimson red eye.

Yaya: It's really is you...



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