Chapter 5: First mission with my parents(p2)

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  The gang began their journey in finding the Yeti-power sphere. In group A they searched the main area for clue but they couldn't find any. Ochobot also tell them more about the Yeti- power sphere, it seem getting this sphere might be tougher than the other time.

The weather just keep getting worse. Blizzard are blowing hard, the freeze weather keep attacking our fellow Tapops.

Gopal:*sigh* How are we going to find this Sphere?! This place is so huge for a small power sphere!

Fang: What make you think it's a "small" power sphere?

Gopal: I don't know! We don't know what it look like!

Ochobot: True. No one has never seen this mystery Sphere before.

Yaya: Come on, Gopal! We just only begin searching for a few minutes! You can't just complain about everything.

Gopal: But it's fell like hours! Face it, we will never found it... The weather is cold and my feet are sore...

Yaya&Fang: He's so lazy😑

Ochobot: I wonder how is Boboiboy group doing?
Meanwhile in the B group, Las Manak had taken them to search on the mountain. The weather here isn't as hard as below the A group, it stop blizzarding

Yaya: Las Manak, why are the blizzard stopped? I though on high mountain weather should be worse right?

Lak Manak: That is true! But here on Icecerila, the lower the temperature  is are the better weather will be.

Boboiboy: I see. Kinda weird, right?

Hayan: We're outside space, I think anything is possible~*stopped* We should stop for a bit, guys! Look at the view!!

Hayan walk toward the edge of the mountain, enjoying the breeze from the West. Although this place is under -1000c but somehow she could feel the warm heat from... behind her?

Boboiboy Fire:*Burn* Haha!! Burn, burn my fire!! Give us heat!!

Hayan: That's why...😑

Ying: So warm~~

Las Manak: Warm~🔥🔥

Hayan:*sweat drop* This isn't right... Hm?*saw a snowball* Hehe...!

Boboiboy Fire: This is so warm~~*got hit by snowball*Hey!*turn to Hayan*

Hayan* Hey Dad, wanna play?*grin**toss the ball at Boboiboy*

Boboiboy Fire avoid the snowball but it accidentally hit Ying instead. Ying got angry and roll lots of snowball and toss at them.


Hayan: No fair, ant Ying!! Stop!!*constantly avoid it*

Boboiboy Fire: You want to play, eh? Boboiboy Wind! WIND SPHERE!!

Boboiboy Wind use his power to send fly all Ying snowball away on various directions. He grinned playfully. Hayan sigh in relief.

Ying: You cheated!

Boboiboy Wind: No I did not~~ I just won a snowball fight! My turn! Get ready... Ying...*face pale*

Ying look behind her to find an angry Las Manak cover in snowball, his face turn red melting away all the snow. Boboiboy Wind sweat drop, step back a bit from his angry commander but he soon grab him and deal with Boboiboy Wind

Few second later, a "snowman" Wind Boboiboy appear. He was covered in snow from head to toe, two side had two tree stick and on top was a carrots nose, crying.

Boboiboy Wind: Las Manak, I'm sorry!! PLEASE LET ME OUT!! T T

Hayan: Hahahahaha!!!!*crawl to the ground, laughing*

Ying: It suit you, Boboiboy! Haha!!

Las Manak: Enough! Let us continue the search!

The 3 get moving leaving behind a crying "snowman", begging to be free.

Ying: It is okay to leave him there?

Hayan: Dad can easily get out, don't worry Ant Ying!

Ying: You don't need to call me "ant" though. It's sound old!

Hayan: But it really weird just calling you by your name, Ant Ying!

Ying: Oh... Well, how was your life in the future? Was it great before?

Hayan nod. She tell Ying about her future life before the invasion, she live happily with her parent. She had friend, playground, freedom and everything. Hayan told her almost everything in her life with joy and happiness, she could tell her endless story about her life, those adventure she had gone through, all the excitement she had. It was precious.

Hayan: Enough about me! Do you want to know anything else about the future?

Ying: Hm... My kid what is their name again? Ah right! Claw and Lin right? How was them?

Hayan: Claw is an older brother of Lin. He had black hair like you and red eye while Lin has black and blue eye.

Ying: Did you and Lin close?

Hayan: Oh you bet! She is my best of friend, I share everything with her. And since you and mom are close, we can hang out all the time. She was the best!

Ying: I see.

Ying smile. Hayan does have an awesome life, is a shame that the invasion happen. More importantly... why did she ask her anyway?

She still had a hard time believing that she and Fang would get marry in the future. It not like she "head over heels" for Fang. It's just that she find him cute... brave, smart... handsome... Always help his friend in need... Okay, she need to stop!! This is really a big problem now!

Ying: So... Claw? Are you two close?

Hayan: Claw? Sure, sure... we are so close that we fight each other everyday! He is so annoying and never take me seriously! I mean, in the battle he alway hold back at me, he won't take me serious at all!

Ying: Some how familiar...*giggles* You and Claw are close, I can tell~

Hayan: You think so?

Ying nodded. Suddenly they hear Boboiboy screaming. They turn around and terror at the view. A running "snowman" follow by hundreds of Yeti chasing him, all of them are holding a fork and knife!!?

Hayan: Is that... Yetis!!?

Ying: RUN!!*fast forward, drag Hayan and Wind as well* What did you do, Wind!? Why are they chasing us?

Wind: I don't know!! They start chasing me and I think that they want to EAT me!!

Hayan: LAS MANAK!!!*scream* HELP US!!

Las Manak: How come i haven't seen any Yetis yet? I though they like Snowman over here?*talk while wearing headphone*(he already at the top of the mountain, hand holding 3 snowman)

Snowman's: TOLONG!!! 😫😫

-Back to them-

Ying: We have to deal with this!! My power are losing energy!

Wind: Okay! Kuasa Element, Boboiboy Fire!*Holding a giant fire ball* Take this!!

Fire throw at them creating a dome of black smoke. The yeti fall back, try to get rid the fire on their back. Fire laugh hard at them. The Yetis grow angry, roar loud at Fire. He try stop it but he got blow away.

Fire: My head... You Yetis! FIRE BALL ATTACK!!*constantly throwing fireball"


Ying: Eh?*saw the crack on the ground* This is bad!! Fire stop!! The ground is cracking!!

The ground cracked, falling the two of them down below. Fire shocked, run as fast to them but he couldn't save them.

Fire: YING!! HAYAN!!! No... NO!!!*kneel to the ground, crying*

He lost them... His friends, his daughter... And it was all his fault. He killed them both!!

Fire: It's all my fault... I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you two...

               KUASA ELEMENTS!!

Fire: Huh? What is that?

                  WIND BURST!!!

A strong burst of wind flow up from below along with it was Ying and Hayan. Fire wide eye in shock, his tear felt out more as soon as he saw them. Behind him, stand Ying and... an Hayan Wind Kuasa.

Fire: Hayan?

Hayan: Are you okay, Dad? Sorry for scaring you...

Fire: It's that...?

Hayan: Yes... This is my power... The ability to manipulate every Element on Earth planet. For now... I'm Wind Hayan~ Nice to meet you, dad...

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