MDM Chapter 11

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Reiki's P.O.V

"What's going on here?!" I asked.

"Oh Reiki... What did you see?" Krissy asked me.

"You were beating up my friend!" I yelled.

"But Reiki she called me a slut." She whined grabbing on to my arm.

"She had the right to, I mean look how you dress, and hear how you talk, and see how you act." I said.

"How do you like her?!" She asked.

"Because she's a good person." I said.

"What the hell happened?" Storm asked.

"They were beating up Sylvia." I said.

"Let us handle this big brother." Rosemary said. I look to see that her and Luna had a dark aura around them and an evil glint in their eyes.

"G-Go ahead." I stuttered.

All they did was walk up to them and they ran. Wow I didn't realize how scary they were.

"Here, let us help Sylvia, you guys get to class." Rosemary said.

"Why can't we help?!" Storm asked.

"You really want to argue with us now." Rosemary glared sending shivers down our spine.

"N-No!" We stuttered out. We quickly ran not wanting to argue with them.

Luna's P.O.V

"Thanks... Again... Guys." Sylvia mumbled sitting in a chair in the nurse's office.

Did you get the wind knocked out of you? I wrote, by the way she was breathing it sound like she did.

"Yeah..." She mumbled.

"It's ok just take some deep breaths." Rosemary smiled.

"Alright... You guys can go to class, thanks again." Sylvia smiled. We left.

"I feel bad for Sylvia she did nothing wrong." Rosemary said.

"Y-" Oh no... I'm getting bad at being mute...

"You just talked!"

"N-No!" No I didn't! I quickly wrote.

"You just spoke!" Rosemary smiled.

I've done it before...

"Yeah when you were younger..." Rosemary said.

No, I've spoken to Storm. I wrote.

"That boy before your own cousin." She said with comical tears running down her face.

Please just forget this happened and go to class.


Just go to class and leave me talking a secret.

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