MDM Chapter 2

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Luna's P.O.V

Gale what the hell? I wrote.

"Just doing what Nash~Kun told me to do." She said and smiled. Nash hates me talking to some guys, especially the ones he fights with, or the bad boys.

I also know that Gale will do anything for him, since she loves him like he loves her.

You looove him, you suckup. I wrote and smirked.

"I-I DO NOT!" She yelled and blushed. Everyone was looking at us. She waved them off politely. "I hate you." She whispered.

You don't. I wrote and smirked, she huffed and we walked into Mr. Conbolt's class. His son is my Aunt Wendy's boyfriend.

I heard from Nash that's he's very strict, since his wife left him.

"Alright brats listen up! I am your teacher Mr. Conbolt! You may think this year will be all fun and games! It is not! I expect each and every one of your to try your best!" He yelled. So he's one of these teachers...

Storm's P.O.V

I'm in gym with Rosemary, Nova, and Rin. The teacher is Nova's uncle, he's how do I put this 'A real man'. Mr. Strauss, he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I can't show/say that or he'll kick my ass.

I feel bad for Luna though she has Mr. Conbolt, he is strict as hell. I just hope he isn't as strict with her, since she's shy and a mute...

"Storm be a real man, get your head out of the clouds and run! Run like a man!" I sweatdrop.

"Sorry Mr. Strauss!" I yelled and ran.

-Le Time Skip-

Luna's P.O.V

I walked home from school dead inside and tired. (Basically like me 😂)

"Hey Luna and Nash!" Mom said.

"Hi." Nash said, I just waved.

"How was school?" She asked.

"Fine." I shrugged.

"Oh ok..." Mom said. Mom never liked the idea of me being mute, I wonder why?

Lucy's P.O.V

Luna, I hope you break out of your shell sometime soon... I don't want you to be how I was...

An idea then came to my mind.

I know who can get her to talk! Then I won't have to worry.

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