Art Challenge

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Hello my friend's! I come to you today to offer you a challange.

Once again, this is just one of those weird idea's that pop into my head. But i think this one should be fun.

Last time it was an art contest, now it's an art challenge that im like ... 90% sure i made it.

Here's the run down. I want you other artists (ill tag you 😈😈) to take your Oc, or even a self portrait, and draw them as ...

A God of Destruction.

So you'll need to design your own clothes as well as making up your own Angel.

Of course, i did one myself to give you an example.

Introducing Expert-sama and .... I don't have a name for my angel but whatevs.

Im going to be completely honest here, i accidentally made my angel look like my mom .... that was completely unintentional.

Alright, so, here are the ones i would like to give this challenge to. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. I can't force you.


I don't know many people. ;-;

Feel free to tag me with you do decide to do it, i would love to see your art.

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